(Y/N) having an amnesia PART. 2 (LAST PART)

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Happy birthday to jamil!!! <3 it's already 1am and SEPTEMBER 12!!!
Anyways here you go the part 2 of the story sorry for the slow updates cause I got a lot of projects and hws to do😭 btw Im gonna update some of the chapter Tom.



" Ahhh! How did you find me?! "

" Of course you ran away already from your tasks many times and I still remember the places you were hiding last time..!! " deuce said.

" Tch I won't do that task or whatever job is that-! "

" Then I have no choice but to do this-..! Come forth Cauldron! " deuce exclaimed.

The cauldron crashed into grim's head.

Grim : Aghhh-! It hurts.

Ace: Next time don't run away— so we won't have to do this GRIM-!.


Grim: Aghh-!! , fine.... I'll go.

GOOD then let's go now-! Ace sighed

(SKIP lazy today✌️)
(Y/n) sighed as she lay on the clinic bed.

"Who am I really...? "She/he questioned herself

"Of course your Y/N! " A random voice suddenly popped out.

Y/N : Uhh-?? Who are you?

A short female no it's a man (sorry epel😞🤚) with a lavender short hair and blue eyes approaching (Y/n) with another man this time this man is tall... dark skin and silvery-white hair with golden-brown eyes and has wolf ears and a tail.

" Ah! That's right you forgot us- I'm Epel... and this is Jack ,remember? " the short male asked.

"Uh no... " Y/N responded.

Epel sighed " well... we will help you remember " he said shyly.

then all of a sudden... 3 people bursted inside the clinic
Yep it was those people ace , deuce , and that weird talking raccoon grim.

(Skip time again)

They tried telling you all the students , about the great seven again and about the school so you could at least remember even a little bit of your memory but no nothing YOU DONT KNOW THOSE PEOPLE NEITHER KNOW THIS IS A SCHOOL AND ABOUT THE GREAT SEVEN THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.

The last thing they could think of is TO SHOW YOU AROUND THE WHOLE SCHOOL like giving you a tour and INTRODUCING THOSE STUDENTS UNTIL... you remember one person.

First thing is you go to The Dorm of Heartslabyul.

Deuce : Ok Y/n so this is the dorm of heartslabyul where me and ace resides.

Y/n : Oh... it's so red and it's really based of the queen of hearts...

Ace : ok let me show you around... AND I hope you remember them.

This is our dorm leader : prefect riddle Rosehearts.

The vice dorm leader : Trey Clover

And this is : Ca-

" Cater diamond~!! Ohhh Y/N chan~ did u forget me-? " the man spoke.

" Ahh-? Yes? "

" Ahh-... what a shame.. I hope you recover soon y/n Chan~! " cater winked.

"Oh tha- thank you" you replied ,while in your thoughts you said "That's weird-"

Cater then left.

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