NRC teachers X Fem! reader

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Requested by: AnimeAngel176

🇦  /  🇳 : Its almost halloween🕸🕷🎃🧡!! Im already excited lmao anyways im gonna probably delete all the A/N's on my book and finally here's the story enjoyy..! And sorry for the really late reply on the story since as I said in the last A/N I deleted, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TSUNDERE WOLFYY BOY JACK HOWL!!! should i do a story for him..?🤔

(Could i plz have a platonic oneshot with the NRC staff where the suprisingly young (13-15) fem reader is getting bullied and harassed by other upperclassman pls? ❤️)

Y/N was walking through the halls of nrc when she suddenly bumped on one of her upperclassmen.

"Hey..! Watch where you are going..!" The man shouted.

Y/N: "Oh... so-sorry.."

The man then grabbed y/n in the collar of her uniform and started harassing her until the teachers came.

Crowley : Oh... what's happening here..?

Divus : Are you dumb or what..?! Hey you bad puppy stop what you're doing or you'll get detention.! (i felt kinda weird writing this)

Trein just dont care at all he is a ( kinda or not )strict teacher so he glared at the man and told him to stop his actions just like divus did.
While vargas is not there because he's in the gym but if he's their he'll teach the man to behave well and properly infront of the girls and Sam will comfort you (also Crowley cause he is gracious)

So it ended up with those men getting strict teaching aka. Detention from Mr. Divus Crewel, you felt fine since the teachers saved you and Sam comforted you , you thanked Divus , Vargas , train and Sam also Crowley for saving you and you get back at doing your school work.


Bonus : you cuddled to divus cause his clothes are fluffy and comfy🤧

( So the story was kinda a weird oneshot since i did this after my science quiz that i felt crazy and lazy at the same time. )

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