(Y/N HAVING AN AMNESIA) x twisted wonderland pt.1

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Requested by : @Claurine_w

Tysm for requesting! And I hope this fitted to your request, Also sorry if it took a lot of time to do this request since I was so busy and my classes are starting and I got a lot of homework's to do.

Authors Note:

There are misspellings here in this story so I'm sorry if there are , ill try to correct it as soon as possible, + sorry if this is pt.1 only I'll post the pt.2 later since I'm so busy...

Please do not comment any rude things as it will be deleted automatically.

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     Y/N x Twisted wonderland
      ( Y/N having a amnesia)
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✎︶꒷꒦Where Y/N is having a amnesia ;After having a bad headache. ꒷꒦︶

( 3rd Persons POV )
Y/N was having a bad headache in the past few days ;He/She started to notice it but Y/N just ignored the pain he/she felt , then all of a sudden making his/her way at her class.

He/She collapsed.

And his/her friends (The first year students) were worried and immediately bought her/him to the infirmary.

Several hours later...

( Y/N's POV )

" Ughh-... my head hurts so much , wait where am I? "

I heard a faint " Oi! Y/N are you awake. " that starts to become loud every seconds pass by.

" Hey are you fine? " a guy with navy hair and green peacock eyes with a spade marking on the corner of his right eye asks me.

" Uh-? I guess so my head hurts a little... "

What-? Why are you speaking formally all of a sudden Y/N??? "A guy with an auburn hair and red eyes asks me this time.

" What do you mean ?, who is Y/N?.. "

" Huh?! Are you stupid! Of course you are Y/N " a raccoon like cat talked to me.

" Ahhh?!! How can you speak!? "

I was scared ;I didn't know who I was , where I was , and what even i am doing here ;with these guys and a talking raccoon.

( Inside DEUCE's HEAD )

Y/N screamed suddenly asking grim why he was talking like that I knew something was off...

First Y/N ;didn't even knew who she/he was ,  and where is she/he , next she/he doesn't even knows us.

Does she/he have an amnesia-..?!
I have to call the nurse.


" Hello..? "

" Oh yes , how can I help you? " A nurse greeted me.

" Uhm... my friend here is currently in this infirmary and she/he doesn't remember anything can you help us? "

" Of course I can. " the nurse replied.

( 3rd Persons POV )

" You human-?! I told you to not call me a raccoon! " grim shouted.

" what..? I don't even remember that I knew you , yet how can I talk to you..?! " Y/N replied.

" What do you mean you don't remember don't act stupid, human?!! ;I know you remember that i clearly told you I'm not a raccoon when we first met at the ceremony  " grim shouted once again.

" Ok... fine I won't call you a raccoon!? "

Suddenly the curtains that led to Y/N's bed was opened revealing Deuce and the nurse.

" You both stop fighting! " deuce shouted.

" Ok FINE! "Grim shouted.

Nurse : Ok... so you must be Y/N so , how are you feeling?

Y/N replied " I'm fine... but my head still hurts a little bit but may I ask who is Y/N and why are you calling me that? "

So you really don't remember anything... anyways your her/his friends right?

" Yes. " The three of them replied.

So.. please Inform her/his teachers that she/he is not gonna be taking classes today , and I'll inform the headmaster and Mr.Crewel about this.

" Uhh what...? Why do we have to do that? "Grim complained.

You are her/his friends you must take care of her/him for now.

" WHAT-?! "The three of them both exclaimed in unison.

So you just need to inform and attend classes for now and later afternoon can you please tell her/him about who she/he is , and her/him friends and about the school so it could help her/him easily remember even the slightest bit of her/his memory.

Ok... fineee

The three exited the infirmary and head towards their classes one by one they inform their teachers about your state just as the nurse's demanded them to do.

But while they are gonna help Y/N remember her memories.

Grim being Grim escaped while ace and deuce are both distracted.

Ace : Aghh?!! , Where is grim?

Deuce: Wait..., don't tell me he wants to escape again from the task.

Ace : UGHH...! That raccoon come on deuce we need to find grim!

" Fine.. " deuce sighed.

( GRIM's POV )

Like I would help a stupid human after she said that I'm a raccoon the great grim sama will just sit here and eat this canned tuna's while ace and deuce are both there helping her...! Fufufu what a nice day with no one there to scold you...!

" Hey you raccoon...! " ace shouted that made grim jump away from his seat.

" Ahhh! How did you find me?! "

" Of course you ran away already from your tasks many times and I still remember the places you were hiding last time..!! " deuce said.

" Tch I won't do that task or whatever job is that-! "

" Then I have no choice but to do this-..! Come forth Cauldron! " deuce exclaimed.

The cauldron crashed into grim's head.

Grim : Aghhh-! It hurts.

Ace: Next time don't run away— so we won't have to do this GRIM-!.

Sorry I have to spilt parts here since I'm so busy!
I'll post part 2 later.

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