ch 1. Exam

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"Good morning fire ants." Y/n says, dropping a dead mouse into a terrarium labeled with a picture of fire. He walks to the other side of his room and drops a dead roach into the bullet ant farm. He goes to his leaf cutter ants and feeds them, and finally moves to his crazy ants.

"Y/n! You have to get ready for the entrance exam!" Yu yells from across the house. Y/n walks out in his casual wear with a suitcase in his hands.

"I'm ready Yu!" He walks with his sister down some stairs to the street, where they begin walking to UA. Along the way, a guy starts flirting with Yu, and suddenly he yelps in pain and brushes his arm off. Yu looks at Y/n whose got his hands in his pocket and is whistling a tune.


"Yes, my older sister?" Y/n asks, with an innocent voice.

"Never mind." Yu shakes her head and they continue to walk down the street, when Y/n suddenly stops.

"I found a carpenter ant. Didn't think I would find one in the middle of the sidewalk of all places." He picks it up and carries it to its colony, which happens to be in the grassy area outside UA. "There you go little girl."

"How do you know it's a girl?" Yu asks.

"All worker ants are girls. Same for bees actually."

"Why do you know that?"

"Because I'm Antman." Y/n says, walking onto the campus. Y/n passes a green haired fellow floating a few inches off the ground as a brunette helps him up. He passes a man with blue hair and exhaust pipes out of his legs. He walks into the building and walks to the auditorium. He puts on his headset and takes out a few small things like pennies and sugar cubes and has some ants pick them up. He checks their species, Fire ants, carpenter ants, and army ants. "Sweet!" Present Mic yells causing Y/n to loose his concentration. The fire ant bites him and he curses underneath his breath. He regains concentration and has them leave.

"And you, with the headset, whatever you're doing, stop and focus on the current instruction." Blue hair says.

"No need to get all butt hurt dude." Y/n says.

After the written exam, which Y/n is confident he aced, its time for the practical. Y/n starts to put on his suit and everyone looks at him funny. He puts on his helmet and nods to everyone.

He sits down and disappears, startling everyone

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He sits down and disappears, startling everyone. "Here crazy ants!" He calls a group of them to him, where he begins fitting them with some shock helmets. He finishes and has them stand to the side, and he grows to normal size. He stands and waits, and when Present Mic yells "Go!" He gets on a carpenter ant that flies him to the battlefield.

"For Yu!" He yells, as they fly past everyone. The ant lands on a three pointer, that doesn't even notice him. He gets off and walks to the camera of it, waves to it to make sure it sees him, and punches through the camera. He grabs a ride on a passing fly and jumps down onto a 1 pointer. As he falls, he yells, "Above you!" It looks up to see him, brings its hand up to stop him, and he slips between the fingers and shoots through the head. He lands on the concrete, shattering the pavement. He gets up and returns to normal size. He runs forward and points at a 3 pointer. He presses the side of his helmet and says, "Take it down." The crazy ants attack and shock it till it shuts down. He runs after a two pointer and shrinks down and jumps through it. He lands and the robot falls to the ground. Y/n runs at another three pointer and smashes it. He takes down another one and another one, and another one. Y/n sits down to catch a breather and he feels the ground shake. He looks up to see a Zero pointer gaining on a red head girl. He jumps up and gets on a carpenter ant. "Army ants, take out the robot." He flies to the girl and grows to normal to push her out of the way of falling debris. It falls down on where he was, and she gasps. It moves and is thrown to the side, and Y/n stands up. "Let's get out of here." The girl nods and they start running away. "I'm Y/n Takeyama by the way."

"Itsuka Kendo."

With that, they split up.

Y/n heads home and sits down on the couch. "Hey Little guy. How was the Entrance exam?"

"Please stop calling me that. Just, please."

"Ok. But how was the entrance exam?"

"I think I got 35 or so points. I should be fine."

The next month has been great for Y/n. He set up a carpenter ant terrarium and has been practicing flying on them.

Yu runs into his bedroom and doesn't find Y/n. She checks the living room, and no Y/n. She looks at her phone and pushes a button. Y/n flies through the window minutes later and he regrows. "Back to the terrarium with you Ant-on."

"Your letter is here."

Y/n opens the letter carefully, making sure not to damage the wax seal. He takes a lead peg and carves the seal into it. He takes out the hologram projector and Midnight appears. "Hello Y/n. The judges have observed the footage carefully, and we have examined the blueprints of the device you sent in. As well as the ants around the are you fought. All of the robots that we originally thought had faulty wiring, was actually you and your ants. You have gotten 42 points."

"42!" Y/n yells.

"And that's not all. We are a hero academy after all. You saved a girl from falling debris and distracted a 0 point robot, allowing your fellow students to retreat. You have earned 30 rescue points, bringing your total to 72 points. You have passed, welcome to your hero academia!"

"I did it Yu!" Y/n yells, giving his sister a hug.

"Congratulations little bro."

Antman, the smallest guy at UA volume 1Where stories live. Discover now