ch 2 First day

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Y/n is putting his uniform on, and he grabs his helmet. He puts it on and presses the side of it, which retracts the mask and the face plate. He walks to the living room and Yu stops him. "Y/n, aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh yeah! Can't forget my backpack." He grabs his backpack from beside the couch and turns to leave.

"Not what I meant." Yu walks over and gives him a hug. "First day hug."

"Need air." Yu eventually let's him go and kisses him on the forehead. "Go kick some butt for me while you're patrolling today." Y/n tells Yu as he shrinks down and rides Ant-on to school. On the way they strafe out of the way of a hungry looking bird, and then just barely get out of the way of a car. They eventually get to school, where they land on a window sill and Y/n peals back the weather stripping. Him and Ant-on walk in and walk across the hall and under the door. He walks all the way to his seat and climbs up into it before growing to normal size, scaring everyone in the class.

"Where the hell did you come from!?" A blond boy yells.

"Uh, I walked in." Y/n says, pointing to the door.

"When? And you just suddenly, appeared out of thin air. How?" A green haired boy says.

"My quirk let's me shrink down to the size of an ant."

"Tell me more!" The green haired boy beggs.

"If you're here to make friends, you can go ahead and leave. Everyone else, put these on." A homeless insomniac says, holding up some jumpsuits.

At the training field, we see everyone in their gym uniforms. Y/n has his helmet on as well and is currently "playing" with ants. That's what everyone else thinks. Really, he's studying a colony of fire ants. He hears someone approaching and he says, nonchalantly, "Solenopsis invicta Buren. Also known as the red imported fire ant, it is aggresive and has a painful sting that is described as felling like fire. They're also famous for swarming and being able to link together to create rafts or bridges to help the colony survive. It's an invasive species here." The approaching steps stop.

"If they're so aggressive, why aren't they attacking you?"

"Because they think I'm just a giant fire ant from their colony. My helmet allows me to communicate with them."

"Your up for the dash." Aizawa tells him. Y/n stands up and walks over to the starting line. He runs across in 18 seconds.

Next was grip strength, which he cheeses by shrinking down and diving onto the handle, giving him a "grip" strength of 50,000 psi. So he places first.

Third was the wall jump. Y/n shrinks down and becomes lighter. He keeps his strength, so legs that normally have to carry 54.43 kg through 3 side to sides, now only have to carry 20mg. So now he can go all the way to the of them.

Fourth is the long jump, wich he aces.

Fifth, is the ball throw. He can't think of anything that he can do to increase his odds. But he knows who can. He presses the side of his helmet and for comedic effect he yells, "Here convenants!" After 15 minutes, some leaf cutter ants start to crawl up his legs and across his arm. "Ant fact, leaf cutter ants are the strongest ant species. They're also the toughest." He grabs the ball, winds up and throws. The ants work like artificial muscles and increase his strength.

"500 meters." Not the best, but not the worst. He tells his ants to go back to their terrarium and he gets ready for the next test.

At the end of the day, he's at 11th. After class, he walks with Iida, blue hair, Uraraka, the brunette, and Midoria, the curious green haired kid. "So how does your quirk function?" Midoria asks.

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