ch 4 Attack of the Ants

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"So, you swarm the villains down in the center, and you try and take out the portal guy so Iida can get us help?" Jiro asks.

"No, I get Bakugo and Todoroki to do it. They're the only ones who have a chance of taking the villain out long enough for Iida to run for it. I only have short ranged attacks, they have attacks that can reach out and hit someone."

"How do we find Bakugo and Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"That's up to you. Use that big brain of yours." Y/n says. "I'm not the genius, you are. I'm only sc- never mind." 'Probably shouldn't bring up the fact I'm Scientist Supreme.'

"I found Bakugo!" Jiro yells, pointing to the smoke.

"Well, that's useful." Y/n says. "I'll get him, you find Todoroki!" Y/n slides down the side of the mountain and jumps forward and shrinks down, landing on Ant-on. They fly over the fight, and Y/n watches Aizawa fight of the League. Y/n dives down to the city area and sees Bakugo knock out a villain. Y/n lands and grows to normal. "I have a plan! Bakugo, if you and Todoroki fight the portal villain, Iida could run and get us help. I'll make sure that the other villains don't try and help the portal guy."

"Don't tell me what to do you insect!" Bakugo yells at Y/n.

"Yeah, Yeah. You want to use my plan and have a chance of surviving, or you want to die?" Y/n asks.

"Fine! Just get me over there." Y/n smiles and grabs Bakugo's shoulder.

"Kirishima, you ok over here?"

"I'll be fine, go ahead!" Kirishima slams his elbow down on top of a villain's skull. Y/n shrinks down, shrinking Bakugo with him. He hops onto Ant-on and they fly to the entrance.

"Sense when can you do this?!" Bakugo yells.

"How do you think my costume and helmet shrink down with me?" Y/n asks. They stop and him and Bakugo regrow, and Yaoyorozu and Todoroki run up. "We all ready for plan 'Attack of the Ants?'" Y/n asks. Everyone nods, and Y/n runs to the middle area, while Bakugo blasts the Void Villain.

"Hey Four arms! Why don't you pick on someone of your own strength?" The villains all stop their assault on Eraser Head and the four armed villain looks at Y/n.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the Antman." The villains all start to laugh, while Y/n smiles.

"I'm going to crush you like an ant!" The villain yells, running at him.

"Special Move: Ant Mirror!" Y/n yells, bringing his fist up, and a fist of golds, reds, black, white, greens, and browns slam into the villain. The puddle gets smaller as it takes the shape of a bipedal, buff, ant. It punches the villain in the gut, grabs his head, and slams it into its knee. It pushes away the unconscious villain and marches toward the villains. Y/n, is currently on two pillars of ants, as he walks, the ants shift so he stays in place. The buff ant grabs a villain with gun hands, who shoots it. The ants move out of the way of the bullets, and throw the villain at the villain covered with hands. It reaches for a flying villain, its arm extending and it grads the villain, before slamming it into the ground.

"Nomu, kill that thing!" The Hand Villain yells, and the black monster runs at the ant pial. Nomu grabs it, and headbutts Ant pial, but his head passes through.

"Iida, get help!" Yaoyorozu yells, and Y/n smiles. The ants disperse and Y/n stands up.

"The teachers are coming. You're screwed!" Y/n yells.

"Kill him." Nomu runs at Y/n, who shrinks down and runs to the side, but the Nomu's eyes follow him.

"That's mildly disturbing." Y/n says, just as a punch hits him into the ceiling, and past that. He coughs up blood as he soars higher and higher. He looks to the side and sees All Might coming towards him. "I'm going to go splat against All Might's chest. Yu, I'm sorry for being a jerk." Y/n closes his eyes, and everything goes dark.

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