Chapter 2.

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He was watching her from a tree. The branch, he was cowering on, scrunched in protest as he leaned forward to get a better look.
Finally she was going to die after the unsuccessful attempt last night. And then his job was finally done. He leaned back again, resting his head against the trunk and closed his eyes.
The Ford was so close that I could see the eyes of the driver when he made the decision. His hands clenched the wheel as he turned it to the side as far as it would go. The car responded immediately. I heard the crunch when the cowling met the metal plank that separated the road. The mans head hit the edge of the wheel before the airbag could respond and still all I was able to do was stand and stare. Something inside me clicked when I saw the blood coming out of the big wound, gaping on the head of the something that was once a human being. I got my phone out of my pocket, dialled the number of the ambulance and explained the incident before my feet collapsed under the weight of my body and I slumped down.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The next time he opened his eyes the blue Ford was a wreck and she was still alive, crouching on the highway. Cursing and muttering he jumped off the tree and started to walk off. It was his own fault, getting distracted during such an important situation. Whatever happened, happened, he would just have to fix this later.
The ambulance had driven me home but not without asking a bunch of questions I couldn't answer. The tiredness came when they finally left me alone and I unlocked the door to our house. When I was inside and sure that no one was able to see me , I started shivering. I also couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Water was streaming down my cheeks like waterfalls and nebulized my sight, while I tried to find the way to my bed. I tripped a few times, taking everything down with me. As soon as I touched the bed linen I closed my eyes. They told me that it wasn't my fault that the man in the ford had died but why did I have the imperturbable feeling that this was exactly the case?
Picture: The Death

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