1|| Asmodeus X gn! reader || Fluff

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Nail Art;

3rd person's view

" c'mon y/n! you promised me i'd be able to do your nails!" Asmo whined as you were making your way back to your room " Asmo i have homework to do.." you say as you're getting tired of this demon's continuos whineing. " but its the weekend! you can do it tomorrow" he states in a matter - of - factelly tone, i mean i guess he's right.. " sigh fine " and just as you finished saying that one word, Asmo was already dragging you to his room.

As you entered the room, you could see on Asmo's bed a tray full of all different kinds of colors of nail polish and various kinds of top coats, from matte ones, to glittery ones, to slightly opaque ones and transparent ones, little gems, and cutout patterns, Also various brushes, thick and thin ones. " For how long had you been planning this? " you ask as you observe how neatly the nail polish bottles were placed. " hehe.. that's a secret. " he says as he winks at you and goes to sit down. You follow after him after as he gestures for you to sit down besides him.

"Give me your hand dear" he says as he puts his hand out for you to give him yours, and you do just that "hmm.. Your nails are actually a pretty good lenght! And they're also quite well rounded off, i'll just need to do some tweaking and they'll be perfect!" The avatar of Lust exclaims with an excited tone "what colour would you want?" he asks while bringing the tray closer to you two "hmm, how about you surprise me? Choose a colour that you think will suit me, you're the fashion expert no~?" you ask with a sly tone near the end of your sentence " giggle true~ alright then, im going to make your nails absolutely stunning! Just you wait!" he says while grabbing a couple different colours and putting them aside " knock yourself out Asmo" you as as a smile starts creeping up your face.

After some time ( a couple hours)

"Im done! Awe~ look at how pretty they look!" He suddenly said, waking you up in a jolt since you were starting to doze off "hmm..?" you lift your head up to then look down at your hands

?" you lift your head up to then look down at your hands

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(you can choose a nail style, or imagine one yourself, i just put some ideas here for anyone who would absolutely have no clue what kind of nails to come up with)

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(you can choose a nail style, or imagine one yourself, i just put some ideas here for anyone who would absolutely have no clue what kind of nails to come up with)

You were sitting there baffled, when you agreed for him to do your nails you never thought they would turn out this good! "Do you like them?" Asks the avatar of lust sitting right infront of you "Do i like them?! i love them! they're beautiful! thanks so much Asmo!" You respond practically beaming with joy while bringing your hand closer to your face to observe your coloured nails. "Im glad! Oh! also when they start chipping off, just come to me and i'll fix them up! even do another design if you want!" He says with a smile on his face " I will! i might just make you my personal nail designer!" now it was your turn to smile. " I'll be careful to not mess them up, they're surely still damp right?" " you better! it took me a lot of effort to make them pretty! they're almost as pretty as mine!" 

 AN: And that was it! i hoped you liked this first oneshot of our favorite pink haired boy! see you in the next one!

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