2 || Levi X Artist! Reader Pt.1 || fluff

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↤⁛You never told me you could draw?!⁛↦

You were in your room peacefully sketching when suddenly your door burst open with Mammon coming in and hiding behind you. " Y/n! ya gotta help me, Levi's chasing me demandin' money from me that i dont have!" He says as Levi too, comes in your room "Eek!" "Let go of y/n and give me my money!" "I said i dont have ya money!" oh gosh.. "Hey everyone how about we calm down?" you try to calm down the situation as you put your pencil down, " Then tell him to give me back my money!" Levi suddenly looks at you " I've already waited 500 years, and theres a new limited edition Ruri-Chan figurine coming in a couple of hours! i need to be one of the first people to get it!" He says as he grabs your pencil and throws it at Mammon " Alright jeez! fine! lemme get my wallet! i dont wanna get murdered " Mammon says reluctantly "Yes! finally! after 500 years!" " Just gotta get it from my room.. ill be back!" mammon then dashes out of the room faster than you have ever seen before. 

"Heres your pencil y/n, sorry for throwing it.." Levi says as he picks it up and hands it to you " It's fine! just glad that your finally getting your money back after so long!" you smile at him and take your pencil. Levi then glances at your desk and sees what you were working on. " OH MY GOD, you never told me you could draw?! this is awesome!" He practically shouts as he picks up your sketchbook and examines the unfinished sketch "i-its not finished! and thank you.. you can go through it if you'd like.." you say as you swivel your chair in his direction "really?! thanks!" he then goes to sit on your bed and flips through your previous drawings and sketches, smiling while looking at them. 

"There are a couple unfinished ones so dont mind them" you say as you rub the back of your neck, slightly regretting giving him permission to go through your sketchbook. "Even if they aren't finished they look amazing!" He looks up at you with a smile on his face and stars in his eyes cute.. you thought "Thanks Levi.. but that reminds me, shouldn't Mammon be back by now?" You say looking at your wall clock, noticing that its already been more than five minutes " You're right! That scumbag!" He suddenly says and bolts out of the room, you hear in the distance "I'll come back another time to look at your drawing y/n!" well then, good thing that wasnt your nsfw sketchbook

AN: Hey there! second oneshots, and i decided to put this one into multiple parts otherwise it would be way too long! and now its kinda short ahahah- but anyway, i hope you enjoyed it! see you in the next one!

- Jayden

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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