A Secure Location

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It had been several days since the attack and everyone was rested. Almond stood in front of the group with his hands in his pockets. He sighed and finally spoke.
"I'm moving you all to a secure location. Pack only what you need as quickly as you can, and meet me at my house." He said quickly and began to leave.
"Hold on there Almond. Where are we going?" Roquefort asked.
"A secure location."
"Which is where?"
"You'll find out. Its better to keep it secret. I don't want my brother finding out where we moved you."
Espresso scoffed and folded his arms.
"You act like we can't handle ourselves." He said, annoyance in his tone.
"Because you can't, not against my brother anyway." Almond said simply.
"You're really not gonna tell us." Roquefort jumped in once again.
"Tell you what?"
"About your wife. Don't even try to deny it Almond. That case has something to do with this."
Almond sighed and turned away.
"It doesn't have anything to do with it, but... maybe it's time for you all to know." Almond said reluctantly.
"But not here. I'll see you all soon." He said and left without another word.
"I still don't think this is a good idea..." Latte said quietly and left.

Almond stood in front of a medium sized house. Fields surrounded it on both sides and the distinct smell of farm wafted through the air.
"You know... for awhile there I thought we were lost." Madeleine said as Almond knocked on the door.
"Because we are. No one knows where this is except for family." Almond said.
"Walnut was here for a little bit one time." He said and knocked once again when no one answered.
"That's why this place looked familiar." Walnut said, standing next to Latte. Almond nodded.
"What is taking him so long?" He whispered to himself and was about to knock again when the door opened.
"My apologies. Our brother is being quite the idiot." A woman said. She wore a chefs uniform and her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. They heard a crash from the inside of the house.
"Let me guess... its Pineapple Tea isn't it?" He said and the cookie laughed.
"You are correct." She said and winced at the sound of plates crashing on the floor.
"Uh Pecan... I uh..." a voice said from inside the house.
"Oh no what did you light on fire this time!?" The cookie said and ran inside the house. Almond followed and invited the group inside. The group marveled at the inside of what seemed to be a small house. Elegant chandeliers of vines hung from the ceiling as fireflies seemed to be attracted to it. They lit up the room easily because of how many there were. books upon books floated around the room. They constantly moved, some dispatching from the bookshelves some settling on the shelves. Smoke came from a room that connected to the one they were in.
A cookie came down the stairs and the smell of lavender came with her. She wore a dark green robe and her purple hair was pinned back. She addressed the floating books, taking one, flipping through it, then going to the next.
"Now where on earthbread?" She said and continued to looked through the floating books.
"Still continuing your studies Lavender Tea?" Almond asked and walked up beside her.
"Why yes I... UNCLE ALMOND!" The cookie yelled and hugged Almond tightly. Almond chuckled.
"Look at you! A level 5 already! Where has the time gone?" He said and the cookie laughed.
"I don't know but Papa is saying that I'm ahead of my time." Lavender Tea said and stood proudly.
Almond smiled and patted her on the back as she continued to look for her book.
The group stood there awkwardly waiting for the next step.
"Tsk tsk, how inappropriate of my brother to leave guests stranded in the house." A cookie said and descended from the staircase. He wore a dark blue cloak with a suit and tie underneath.
"Ah, Lemon Tea, I was wondering when you'd turn up." Almond said, his smile turning into a frown.
"Yes, sorry, had some business that needed tending to." Lemon Tea said and addressed the group.
"I am of course Lemon Tea, the most powerful magician of the family..."
Lavender Tea coughed as she searched.
"Except for my daughter Lavender Tea, of course. You all will be separated into groups and be sent to different houses."
"Houses?" Roquefort asked.
Lemon Tea sighed. A smug smile came across Almonds face.
"One thing you should know around here, is to never answer a question with another question." He said.
"Right, anyway, yes, houses. As in multiple locations." Lemon Tea said sarcastically.
"Now our siblings should be arriving any second."
"Yes well I'm already here, and so is Pineapple." Pecan called from the smoking kitchen.
"This is what I get for trying to do something nice!" They heard her yell.
"Yes now all we're waiting for is Peppermint Tea and Hazelnut." Lemon Tea said and checked his rather nice watch.
"Take a seat. They'll probably be late."
They all sat at the oak table and Roquefort gladly brought up the serious question.
"So... ya gonna tell us?" He asked and Lemon Tea looked at his brother questioningly.
"You agreed to tell them then?" He asked Almond and Almond nodded.
"I thought it was time."
"May very well be."
"Almond if you don't want to share anything about it, that's ok." Latte said politely.
"It's time." Almond said and paused.
"Well? Tell us." Espresso said impatiently. Lemon Tea scowled at his rudeness.
"I think you have the time to give him a chance to find the strength for such a story." He said.
Almond opened his mouth and spoke...

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