Prologue - Meeting Again One Day

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Flashback - A few years ago...

Your POV

Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I would like to think that I have a pretty decent life here in Japan. I was raised here my whole life, I have two close friends named Imai Lisa and Minato Yukina, and my parents are proud of me for being one of the few smartest students in my school. I felt like nothing could go wrong for me, or so I thought...

A few weeks ago, as I just started first few weeks of junior high, I was told by my parents that I needed to go to a different middle school in a different town, as the education system over there is much better than my current school. And since I have no saying in the matter, the decision was final. We started packing, and got ready to go to the new town and my new school.

While the movers were moving some stuff into their truck, I get a surprise visit from Yukina and Lisa. They heard about me moving away, and were sad to see me go.

"(Y/N)-kun, this has to be a joke, right?" Lisa confronted me with Yukina by her side. "Are you really moving away?"

"Yeah, I am afraid so." I said.

"But... I don't want you to go." Lisa said as tears began to roll out of her eyes.

"Are we going to see each other again someday?" Yukina asked.

"Of course we'll see each other again." I replied. "You two are the best friends I have ever met, and no matter what, I would always find a way to be with you."

Yukina gave me a small smile as I said that. Lisa, however, got even more emotional, and hugged me tight. I hugged her back, and we stayed in each others' arms just when my parents are finished with packing.

"(Y/N), dear, it's time to get going. You better get in the car, or else your father is going to get mad." My mother called out.

Hearing that from my mom has made me sad. Truth be told, I feel happy having Lisa in my arms. I don't want this to end. But sadly, it did end, and Lisa looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I guess it's time for you to get going, huh?" She said to me.

"Yeah, and before I go, I want to give you both something to remember by." I said and began to dig through my bag.

"Here, for you, Yukina." I said and gave her a cat plush. She blushed and hugged it tight.

"Thanks, (Y/N)-kun. I promise to take good care of it." She said with a smile.

"Good to know." I replied. "And as for you Lisa, I have a special gift for you."

"Special gift? You don't have to." She said. "Our friendship is the only special gift I will ever need."

"I know, but... this is something I really want you to have." I said and took it out.

I pulled out a blue necklace that used to belong to my grandma before she passed away. She said if I wanted to, I could give it to someone special. To me, that special someone was Lisa, which is why I want to give this her.

"Isn't that your grandma's necklace?" She asked.

"Yes, and now, I want you to have it." I said.

"Are you sure I can, though? I thought it is valuable to you." Lisa said.

"It is, and she would think I am doing the right thing by giving you this."

I took Lisa's hand and placed the necklace on it. She started to blush, but then she held onto it really tight before looking at me, and giving me a smile.

"Thanks, (Y/N)-kun." Lisa said. "I'll make sure to have it on me everyday, and I promise to take good care of it."

I gave the two girls one last hug before going into my parents' car. As it pulled away along with the moving truck, I began to feel a little sad.

"Don't worry, son." My father said. "I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends at your new school."

"Have a little faith, okay?" My mother added.

"I guess I could." I said and looked out towards the window.

One of these days, I promise I will come back here and reunite with Yukina, and the one person I adore the most, Imai Lisa.

To be continued

A/N: And here we are with the next revived book. I'm sure this is one of the few books people are begging for a comeback. The start of this might be short, but once more chapters are added, they will be longer, I promise. See you guys in the next chapter. :)

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