Chapter 2 - The Devoted Band, Roselia

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A month later...

Location - Shopping District

Your POV

It feels like it has been forever since I have been in town, even though it hasn't been that long. The high school I am attending to has me cutting through the shopping district. It's not a bad school, but it feels weird being a new student and all. Hopefully I can get used to it before the year ends. And as for the shopping district, walking through it again brings back so many memories. I spotted Yamabuki Bakery, Hazawa Coffee and Kitazawa Meats. I wonder if there is anything new here.

One day after school, as I was cutting through the shopping district to get home, I ran into Lisa once again, but she was coming from the opposite direction. My heart started beating fast the moment I saw her, and this is also the first time I've seen her with an instrument. Is she in a band or something?

"Ah, hi there, (Y/N)." Lisa said as she waved at me with a smile. "Fancy running into you here."

"Oh, Lisa. Hello." I said as a faint blush appears on my face.

"What's that you're holding?" I asked, pointing to the guitar-like case.

"Oh, this? This is actually my bass." Lisa replied. Wow, I'm so missing out.

"Bass? Are you in a band or something?" I asked.

"That's right! I am in a band, which is being led by Yukina." Lisa answered.

"Wow, so you and Yukina are in a band together, huh? Are you on your way to go see her?" I asked. I am full of questions today.

"That's right!" She replied. "Say, you should join us, (Y/N)."

She wants me to come with her? I feel like I might be a distraction if I were to do that.

"Are you sure I can?" I asked.

"Yes, of course!" Lisa replied. "Yukina would be happy to see you again, and you can meet the others, too."

I thought about it for a brief moment. I guess it couldn't hurt to tag along. After all, I am equally close to both Lisa and Yukina.

"Sure, I'd be happy to tag along." I said.

"Awesome! Come with me, so you don't get lost." Lisa said as she held my hand as we walked away. I was secretly blushing while holding her hand. I never knew it was so... nice.

Location - Live House CiRCLE

We arrived at the place Lisa wanted to go to, Live House CiRCLE. I had no idea this place existed at all. They probably added this after I moved away. As we got closer, we spotted Yukina and a few other girls I don't recognize. This has to be her bandmates, what an interesting bunch, though. 

"Here we are." She said to me, then she looked towards her bandmates.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting." Lisa said to them. "I ran into an old friend on the way here."

Yukina widened her eyes as she saw me.

"Is that... (Y/N)-kun?" She asked.

"Yes, it's me." I replied. "Hi Yukina."

"Minato-san, do you know him or something?" The teal-haired girl asked.

"Yes. This is (Y/N) (L/N), an old friend of me and Lisa." Yukina answered.

"And (Y/N), this is Hikawa Sayo, Udagawa Ako and Shirokane Rinko." Lisa added as she pointed to them one by one.

"Greetings." Sayo said.

"Hi there!" Ako said.

"Nice to... meet you." Rinko said shyly.

"Nice to meet all of you, I hope we can really be good friends." I said as I bowed to them.

"Hey, you're older than me, right?" Ako asked. "Is it okay if I call you senpai?"

"Sure, I don't mind." I said as Ako's excitement went off the charts.

"Yay! Did you hear that Rin-rin?"

"Yeah... Good for you, Ako-chan."

"By the way, what's the name of your guys' band?" I asked. "I'm curious to find out."

"Our band is called Roselia, and our goal is to reach the top with our music." Yukina explained.

"Roselia? You mean like the Pokemon?" I asked, dense.

"No, nothing like the Pokemon!" Yukina said with a glare heading towards my direction. How would she know what that is?

"I was only joking, Yukina." I quickly replied.

"But in all seriousness, I really do like the name. And I'll pray for you guys to achieve your goals."

"Aww, thanks (Y/N). We promise we won't let you down." Lisa said as she softly kissed me on the cheek. This made my face turned red, and I fainted to the ground.

An hour later...

After recovering from fainting, the members of Roselia was kind enough to let me stick around and watch them do their rehearsals. And I must say, their music was breathtaking. Everyone was so in-sync with each other, and they looked like veterans.

But what stood out to me the most was Lisa, of course. I couldn't take my eyes of her while she played the bass. Sure, she made a few mistakes while playing the bass, but she was able to learn from those mistakes rather quickly, and I was proud of her for it.

But now, it was starting to become late and I was walking Lisa and Yukina to their houses, just like I did years ago.

"So (Y/N), what did you think of Roselia?" Lisa asked.

"I think you guys are awesome." I said. "Hearing Yukina's singing and watching everyone playing their instruments is truly a sight to behold."

"I am happy that you think that, but I need to know something..." Yukina started.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can you devote yourself to Roselia?" She asked.

Devote myself to Roselia? I guess if it means I get to help Lisa and everyone else, then I guess I can do that.

"Sure, I can devote myself to you guys. And I would do anything to help achieve your dreams." I said as Yukina formed a smile.

"I am happy to hear that." She replied.

"Aww, that means I get to be around you more often." Lisa said as she hugged my arm, and cuddled a little bit. I began to blush from all of this.

A few minutes later...

Location - Imai Residence, Lisa's Room

Lisa's POV

Things have been going great for me so far. Not only (Y/N) came back to town, but he going to be around Roselia more. Maybe I can convince Marina to get him a job working at CiRCLE, then he could really be there for us. And maybe, if I can get lucky enough, (Y/N) and I can have some alone time.

"Alright, that's what I will do. I just hope that he is okay with it." I said to myself.

But I will admit, I was a little too affectionate towards (Y/N) today. And it was cute to see him blush and getting all embarrassed. I wonder... if I have fallen in love with him? I didn't feel anything during my junior high years, so it must be it.

"Being in love, huh? I wonder if (Y/N) feels the same way about me." I said to myself.

To be continued

A/N: Here is the end of the next chapter, and I hope you guys like it. What will happen next? Keep reading to find out. :)

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