Chapter One : That Man

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(some informations may be incorrect in this book. I don't really know that much about attack on titan but I tried my best to do some research and here's the best results I could find :) do correct me if I'm wrong tho)

I let out a quiet grunt as I feel my body hit the hard ground. I look up and see my brother standing far ahead from me with blood dripping from his arm.

"Erwin?" I called out as I cleared my vision. A shocked gasp falls out of my lips as his bleeding arm falls off.


"Di... What are you?" not even flinching at his loss of arm, Erwin stared at me with pure terror.

"Huh? Wha--" I furrowed my brows in confusion. But as I dropped my gaze to my body, I was shocked to find blue waves radiating from my body, unable to stop it.

"Oi, Diana..." I glanced to the side as an unfamiliar voice calls out to me. It was a man, about my height, with a raven hair walking limply towards me.

"Wh-Who the hell are you?" I asked, but was shocked to find his flesh melt to the ground. I find it was my energy waves that is causing this.

"D-Diana..." Hange's voice flew into my ears, and I shift my head to the side to see them, too, walking limply towards me, the same thing happening to them as it did to the unfamiliar man.

"Stop!" I shout in fear, "I'm hurting you! I don't know how and I-I don't know h-how to control this. Why are you still walking towards me?"

I looked around to see the unknown man again, the waves being too strong as it kept on melting into his flesh to his bone, before that, too drops to the ground.

I let out a horrified scream, and I turn to search for my brother's eyes who was standing in front of me.

"You could've saved me," Erwin said as blood starts to spill from his eyeballs, "You could've saved us."

It was the last thing he said before he fell to the ground, just like Hange and the other man.

Traumatised, I screamed and I screamed as numbers and numbers of melting corpses piles up around me, all repeating the same words.

"You could've saved us."

"By the walls, Diana, if you don't wake up now I'd have no choice but to punish you!"

I let out a shocked gasp as I rose up from my sleep, sweat covering my body from head to toe.

A nightmare again...?

I threw my gaze towards the wooden door as my brother's voice rang into the air. My sleepy mind digs into my memory box to find out why he's so insistent to waking me up.

"Diana Smith, get up now! Everyone is already waiting for the pursuing mission," Erwin's knocking grows rapid as his tone gets more irritated.

Pursuing... mission?

Oh, shit!

I quickly hop off my bed, frantically changing into my uniform.

"Shit! I'm up, I'm up, I'll be down in a minute!" I shout to stop the rapid knocking as I fumble with my pants. Why didn't Hange wake me up?

"Thank god," Erwin sighed from the other side of the door. "Five minutes. That's it."

"Yes, sir!" I shout back as his footsteps fade away.

Damn it... damn it! It's all because of that damn nightmare. It's been bothering me and my sleep ever since I turned 18, which was like, 10 years ago. I tried telling Erwin about it, but he kept brushing it off, saying that it's only my head messing with me.

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