Chapter Four : The Female Titan

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Minutes had passed when we finally entered a forest of tall trees. This makes me feel safer, as if we encounter a titan, we could easily escape and take it down by using the trees.

"Captain!" Eren called out. "Captain Levi!"


"What? This is a forest, sir!" he yelled, "We have no way of detecting the approaching titans this far in with only the center rank! Something seems to be on our right too. How are we supposed to avoid the titans or protect the wagons now?"

"Quit whining about the obvious. We can't do any of those things anymore."

"But why?"

"Take a good look around, Eren," Levi replied. "See all these absurdly huge trees? This is the perfect environment for using omnidirectional mobility gear."

To be completely honest, I don't exactly know what's going on. Why are we suddenly going through the forest? What's more, the abnormal seems to still being on our tails, judging by the black flares in the air.

As if on cue, a 14-meter female titan comes into view, crushing the reinforcement to a pulp.

What the hell is that thing?

"Move!" Levi yells in command.

"You're quite the celebrity, Eren!" I humoured, seeing how Eren was inches away from the female titan's grasp. "Even the titans are showing interest of capturing you!"

"It's fast!" Gunther yelled. "There's no way to avoid it inside this forest!"

"Captain! Let's switch to omnidirectional mobility!" Petra shouts.

"What, Levi?" I called out. "This isn't the time to be obnoxious. What is going on?!"

"You're not going anywhere!" A voice shouts from behind.

"Reinforcements from the rear!"

I watch in fear as the female titan easily grabs the soldier's wire, throwing his limp body out of her way. Letting out a whimper, I turn my gaze back to the road.

That is not just an abnormal.

"Captain! Give your orders!" Petra shouts desperately, uncomfortable with the titan's capabilities.

"Let's take it out! It's dangerous! We should take care of it!" Oruo pleads, face contorted with fear.

"Captain Levi!"


The squad keeps on pleading the captain for an order, getting desperate with the female titan still on our tails. Levi doesn't say a word, and we all continue to blindly follow after him through this forest. I grit my teeth, the shoutings and the tension slowly getting on my nerve.

At last, Levi finally shouts an order, "Everyone, cover your ears."

Confused, I bring my two hands up to my ears as ordered.

Ah, I see.

Levi had used the acoustic shell that causes this long-term ringing in your ears. It's horrible, really, but it's useful for us, as it would alert the commander that we were close.

"An acoustic shell?" Eren asked, still covering his ears.

"Fuck!" I cursed as the ringing was still there.

"Tell me. What is your job again?" Levi asked. "Is it simply to surrender to your fleeting emotions? No, it's not. This squad's mission is to do everything possible to keep this brat unharmed. Down to our last breath."

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