02. live

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"NO!" Tanjiro yelled, taking in his words and putting them into action. Giyu brung his sword down, piercing the girl right below her shoulder. Her yelling and growls turned into screams of pain as the boy got up yelling, "DONT YOU TOUCH HER!"

You saw the rocks that were gripped in his hands as he stood up, throwing it at Giyu with all his strength. You dashed in front of him, blocking the rock with the flat side of your blade. The snow blew viciously again as you both continued to watch him run past trees with the hatchet he picked up. As he passed behind a tree, he threw another, still aiming for Giyu. His aim was accurate, but you continued to deflect the incoming rocks.

He let out a scream before dashing directly at you. You clenched your jaw trying to contain your anger as you raised your blade in the air. "You damn idiot!!" You yelled at him before bringing the handle of your blade downward, hitting him just below the nape of his neck which caused him to fall on the ground.

He laid there, knocked out from the blow. Nezuko got quiet at the sight of her big brother unconscious. You quickly turned around to Giyu with a confused look on your face.

"What happened to the hatchet?!" You frantically asked.

You both looked up, hearing the hatchet whistle through the wind, coming right at Giyu. You quickly dived out of the way as the hatchet landed on the tree where he stood.

"GIYU?!" You yelled before realizing that the hatchet didn't hit him. He was able to move his head just enough for it to miss. You sighed in relief.

He stared at the kid, clearly lost in thought before Nezuko took the opportunity of him being distracted to break free from his grip. You quickly got up, getting in front of Giyu to swing your sword. You were quick, but she was somehow quicker. She kicked you in your stomach, knocking you back as you collided with Giyu and knocked him back as well. He caught you and held your arm to keep yourself from collapsing on the ground.

"Are you alright?" He asked, trying to get you to stand up.

You huffed, the kick knocking the breath out of you as you grasped your chest. "Im fine." You weezed before looking back up at the demon and the sleeping boy.

"Dammit!" You yelled, slowly straightening back up. "She'll kill him!" You watched Nezuko run towards the boy and held out her hands. "We gotta—" You stopped yourself mid sentence, shocked at what you were seeing. Giyu was also quiet, looking at the demon with his eyes wide.

She was protecting him. The girl had her hands held out while crouching in front of him. You have never seen anything like it before. Was this it? Was this the glimmer of hope you've been hoping to find? Was it possible to befriend demons? To stop all this unnecessary killings. To understand their point of view as well?

You snapped out of your thoughts to see Nezuko charge at you. You didn't hesitate to move towards her as Giyu watched. You moved your body, dodging all of her attempted swipes and kicks. She was strong but her movements were predictable.

Kill her.

She's not using her full power. She was using her energy to heal herself from being stabbed earlier by Giyu.

Kill her.

She growled as you ducked underneath an attempted punch. You swiftly took the palm of your hand and brought it to her chest, forcefully pushing her back away from you. Nezuko bared her fangs as her huge eyes gave you a death stare, you returned the stare. She charged back at you growling.

Y/n, kill her.

You watched her flip into the air and land on a tree. She growled before lunging off the tree and straight towards you. You drew your sword as she was still in mid air,

There's still hope. And the hope was right in front of you,

So let her live.

Nezuko held her palm out, ready to scratch you. You sheath your sword before taking the palm of your hand as her own was inches away from your face. You slammed your hand on her neck, knocking her unconscious as her body went limp and fell to the ground.

Your breath was shaky at the realization of what you just did. Hesitation almost got you killed. What made you sheath your sword?

"Why didn't you kill her?" Giyu walked towards you, looking at the knocked out demon below him.

"Spare me with that." You uttered to him. "You could have decapitated her while he was begging. You hesitated as well." You walked past him as he continued to look down at the demon.

"We'll get in trouble for this." You mumbled to him as he turned to you.

"I know where to send them. He'll know what to do once they show up." Giyu said before turning back to the boy.

"He?" You repeated

"Urokodaki. We'll wait for him to wake up first."

Giyu walked over to the boy and leaned on a tree behind him. You went ahead and dragged Nezuko to lay near him. After that, you walked away to a tall bamboo tree, drawing your sword.

"What are you doing?" He asked, watching you take a nice clean swing on the bamboo tree.

You caught the falling bamboo piece before walking back to the girl. "If we're gonna send them to him, we gotta make sure that she wont eat the boy first. If they even make it to him." You said, wrapping a piece of Bamboo around Nezukos mouth.

You sat on a thick tree branch, occasionally glancing down at the sleeping boy and demon that was below you. Giyu sat across from you, his eyes looking down the entire time.

Your icy and shaky breath was visible from sitting in the cold. You tighten your iron grey kimo around you, trying to obtain as much warmth as possible. You couldn't feel your fingertips from swinging your sword around in the numbing air. And Giyu was quick to notice.


You looked over at him.

"Are you cold?" He questioned.

"We've been sitting out here for almost an hour. So yea. I am." You let out a small laugh as you watched him get up and walk towards you.

He sat next to you before he threw his arm over your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. You felt a little better now that you could feel his body heat. You knugged your head in the crook of his neck with a small smile on your face.

"Your warm." You lowly said.

"I practiced in all sorts of weather, so i'm used to this kind of coldness." Giyu responded.

"You can get sick like that. Cant have the poor water pillar all sick because he wants to swing a sword in temperatures that are almost in the negatives." You joked with him.

"I could tell you the same. Keep practicing during the hottest seasons and you're gonna pass out from exhaustion." He told you as you chuckled.

"That's different." You started. "You know what they say, only idiots catch colds when it's hot."


what pillar do you think is y/n👀 ik having a dark grey kimo doesn't give off a lot of info, but take a lucky guess still😉.

hope u enjoyed this chapter,

have a gr8 day ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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