A Disturbance

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Heaven was lit with its usual light. A light so warm and inviting. No traffic noise, no mindless chatter, no sadness...just peace.

Amenadiel in his white robes is staring off in a void but yet he is seeing what others cannot. His jaw clinches and the muscles twitch. He looks so majestic in his white robe but also oddly stressed. He squeezes his eyes slightly so they are only partially opened and his lips are pursed.

"Brother?" Gabriel in her long flowing blue robe asks. "Saraphiel has not checked back in from the mudslide event in Peru. She has just decided to go off grid again."

Amenadiel closes his eyes and makes a call that no one hears. The light that envelops him is warm and Gabriel waits until it dims.

"I can send Enjobadiel to find her. He is just finishing his last mission and could easily go..."

Gabriel stopped when her brother did not move or open his eyes. Something didn't feel right and she couldn't put her finger on it until there was a jolt in her that made her tremble and made her brother open his eyes.

"Gabriel, something is very wrong. I can't see everything any longer. It is like my power is glitching."

"Like Dad?"

"I am not sure but it is like the time loops are in reverse and then forward and then paused."

"Which ones?"

"Lucifer's. Chloe's. Rory's.

"And mine."

"Wait. You don't have a time loop any longer, Amenadiel."

Amenadiel turned and stared at his sister and she looked at him with alarm. God exists outside of time. If he can see a time loop of his after he became God, that is bad. If that time loop is messing up before he became God, that is bad. Something or someone is trying to make a change.

"I need all angels back here immediately, Gabriel. All of them."

Gabriel hurried off with her bag of messages to deliver but Amenadiel stopped her.

"I will talk with Lucifer, Gabriel."

Meanwhile in hell...

"So what you are saying is that you were misled but you willingly went into the cult with him. You have to accept responsibility for your choices."

Lucifer sat in front of Rose with a notepad in his hand. He wore his purple shirt and gray suit with a purple pocket square. Chloe sat the desk behind him concentrating on the computer screen and making notes. Her hair was slicked back in a ponytail and with a sensible gray shirt and black jeans on.

"But he is the one who made all the decisions! I just followed him because I loved him!"

"It appears you still need some time, Rose. And that is okay. It takes a bit to work through things sometimes."

"I have been here for thousands of years! Do you know how many times my boyfriend has stabbed me in the chest?"

Lucifer smiled in understanding at the girl as she stormed out of his session. He let out a sigh and gave his head a little shake.

"Who do we have next, Chloe?" as walked to stand behind love and give her a kiss on the neck. Chloe smiled up at him before looking at her laptop and scrolling through some names.

"Well we have a couple of choices. Brent who betrayed his wife and children all to gain fame on the acting stage or Tara the stripper."

"Ohh a stripper!"

Chloe rolled her eyes and shook her head at her love. Some things would never change and she had already pulled all the info for Tara because she knew what his choice would be. Both of them were too busy reviewing Chloe's investigation on Tara to hear the door open but looked up when they heard the visitor speak.


"Brother! How nice to see you but Chloe and I were coming up for a vacation tomorrow and Rory was supposed to come up for a few. No need to make a special trip down."

Amenadiel smiled at his little brother. He had already helped hundreds of people in his time as hell's therapist over the last fifty years or so. People like Dan who were full of so much guilt and pain that they needed to work through but were good people.

"Luci, you and Chloe need to come back now. We have a situation and Rory is on her way up, as well."

"Amenadiel, what is it?" Chloe asked as she took Lucifer's hand as they both rounded the desk to stand in front of Amenadiel.

Amenadiel started to speak and then winced in pain grabbing his head at the same time Lucifer and Chloe did. As quickly as it had come on, it left them.

"What was that?" Chloe asked still rubbing her temples.

"That was an interference in time. Someone is trying to destroy the time loop as we know it."

"Someone, Brother?" Lucifer said with a tilt of his head. "Aren't you the all knowing God of the universe?"

"Lucifer? What was that?"

All of them turned to see Michael standing in the doorway. He had been brought to hell by his siblings to serve until he could find his own form of redemption but in a place where he could not harm humans. Lucifer had given Michael opportunities to make changes but he was not ready to do so and held so much anger inside him and seemingly no remorse for the lives he took. His eyes were devoid of light and shadowed. His shoulder was much more pronounced now as the burden of anger weighed him down more in Hell than even on Earth. He was salways near them and when they would leave the therapy sessions, he would frequently be right outside the door. When they were in their home in Hell, Michael could often be seen lurking about and talking to himself.

"Are you trying a new punishment on me?"

Lucifer shook his head. Michael always thinking his brother was against him. "No, Michael. We felt it, too. Go back to what you were doing."

"Always bossing me around!" Michael yelled as he turned to leave holding his head and shaking it.

Lucifer and Chloe looked at one another and just shook their heads. Michael was their biggest challenge and they had many planning sessions going over what to do with and for him but so far, nothing had worked.

Amenadiel stared at his brother in deep thought. The muscles in his jaw were working overtime as he was working through the events.


"We need to leave. Now."

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