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Silans POV
I was shook slightly awake, my eyes slowly peaked open to gaze into beautiful green ones. "We're here," Wanda said as she walked out of the jet into a ship yard.

I Followed her and pietro and ultron, but before I could reach the entrance ultron geastured for the twins to go one way while me and him go another.

I now currently stand on a small water pipe that seems dangerously rusty, I twirled my knife in my hands, the avengers were going to be here, well at least ultron thinks so.

"Ahh junior your gonna break your old mans heart," I heart that sarcastic voice of Tony stark but mostly smelt him, considering how he decides to marinate in his cologne, even through the iron man suit I can smell him.

Now that the avengers were here I put my headphones in, ready for some action. I saw people's lips moving but couldn't hear anything as 'diet mountain dew' played, I know it's not really the pumped up song but it's still good.

I walked along the pipe, I could see some avengers scattered away and Hawkeye tucked away with his bow across the ship.

"Oh we will," Wanda said tilting her head, I know I wasn't paying attention but that was really hot. I walked further along the pipe until I was right in between the avengers and ultron,

Ultron and Tony took off fighting in the air and mini ultrons came through the walls blasting everyone, cap went to throw his shield at Wanda but I dropped down and caught it, the same way Soldat told me to when he trained me, the anger I had towards soldat came foward and I threw the shield back to captain America and he looked confused for a second before regaining his composure and fighting more robots as pietro took off somewhere and so did Wanda.

Since everyone was fighting someone I decided to walk around a bit, I came across black widow. She noticed me before I noticed her and went to attack me but I had seen all these moves before.

She threw her leg into the air and I missed by mere Inches but I wrapped my foot around her less dominant one and pulled, I know she wouldn't fall but she would think she has the upper hand causing her to hesitate for a split second meaning I could punch her in the throat then cut her knee with my dagger then choke hold long enough for Wanda to get here.

I did exactly as I said and wrapped my arm around her throat in a headlock but since I was taller and stronger she couldn't get out. "You did good, Madame B trained you well, just not well enough, Natalia." I said and I could see her eyes widen.

I saw Wanda come over to me and prepare her mind magic, "Natalia I am truly sorry," I whispered into her ear as Wanda used her magic.

I saw pietro collapsed on the ground, I offered him my hand and he took it, "that hammer is heavier than it looks," he mumbled "it's because your not worthy," I said shaking my head as we walked to where Hawkeye was, pietro looked upset about my words but I just pat him on the back.

Since pietro wanted to go back to Klaues office quickly to get another sweet and one for me too, I got to Clint quicker and when I did I was just in time to see him stick an arrow to wandas forehead and it send shocks through her head,

I quickly ran to her and caught her, I grabbed my dagger and sliced his bow in half as a warning, he obliged but once pietro got here pietro kicked him and he went falling down a level.

Pietro sped us all out of there and I ripped the arrow off wandas head, and she looked like she was in a lot of pain,

"I'm fine," she repeated as pietro checked her for any wounds, "I want to continue with the plan, I want the big one," she said rubbing her forehead but geasturing to Doctor Banner in the jet, "that's what she said," I mumbled and Wanda let out a simple scoff before rubbing her head again,

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