CG!Eren Jaeger x non-binary!little!reader

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Hello! This is my first one shot, I hope it is good

Requested by ItachinMadarasslut

No ones P.O.V
The scouts were in the field training as they do every morning, they had been sent out on many scouting missions this week and they had another one tomorrow. Y/N hasn't had time to relax and barely any time to sleep, they are leader of their own squad so they have been having to make sure they planned every mission out perfectly for their squad. They need time to regress with their boyfriend and caregiver, Eren Jaeger, he was in my squad cause I begged Erwin for him to be. Y/n sighed as they felt the stress on their neck and shoulders, they had a major headache on top of it all, which made it so much worse. Eren was watching them as they did push ups, he had the feel something was off with his partner as he watched them rub their neck and head. Y/n groaned to themselves, then yawned softly before calling out "everyone up and line up here!" They pointed in front of them, as soon as everyone was lined up, they stood up straight in front of everyone "alright everyone, that's all for morning training, the rest of today is a free day since we have a mission tomorrow" and with that, they dismissed everyone as they walked away. Eren ran after Y/n and gently interlocked their fingers, they walked in silence until Y/n couldn't take the silence, they cleared their throat then softly said "you ready for tomorrow?" Eren just nodded "you ready? I know you have been working really hard to make sure everything goes right" Y/n sighed softly and nodded slowly, they needed to regress and were holding it back at this point and being next to their caregiver isn't helping, it's actually making it harder. Eren could tell they were stressed, they had bags under their eyes as well as seeing it in the way they walk and stood so he started walking faster and gently pulled Y/n to their room. He sat them on their bed and bent down, looking them in the eyes making Y/n looked away and tried to keep themselves from regressing and crying from the stress they were keeping in but Eren turned their head to look at him "sweetie" he whispered softly and that was the last straw, they teared up as they fully regressed. Eren hugged you tight and Y/n buried their face into the crook of his neck and cried hard, cling to Eren tight, their cries making them shake "shhhhhh its okay honey" he whispered softly to them as he rocked Y/n till they calm down a bit before laying down with them on his chest, Y/n fell asleep slowly and finally got the nap they needed

Sorry the ending is so bad, Idk how to end it so yeah, I hope you like it

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