Little!hinata x caregiver!Kageyama

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No ones P.O.V
Hinata was currently sitting in class trying to keep himself together and keep himself from regressing, he had been so stressed out and down on himself. He hadn't regressed in 2 months, he has a caregiver now and he has been his boyfriend and caregiver for almost a year now but he started feeling like he was bothering and annoying him so he held back his regression. It wasn't good for him but he couldn't bring himself to regress no matter what he tried, he started overthinking every time he started to regress a little bit, kicking him out of it. As Hinata was lost in thought about this, the teacher called on him, he was currently in math and the teacher asked the answer to the problem on the board. He looked at it and guessed the answer and he got it wrong but as he said it, the class laughed. He laughed along with them with tears in his eyes but no one noticed except for his boyfriend and caregiver, Kageyama. Kageyama watched Hinata with a worried look and as he was going to look away, Hinata asked to go to the bathroom and the laughter calmed down, the teacher let him go cause she could tell he was embarrassed. Hinata went to the bathroom and sat on the stall floor with his knees up to his chest, hugging them as tears started falling down his face quickly. He slipped fast and very small, that was the last straw, it broke him. Back in class, Kageyama asked to go to the bathroom too cause he was extremely worried about his little, he was worried before now cause Hinata hasn't regressed in the last 2 months but after seeing Hinata's face as he practically ran out of the classroom made him more worried. Kageyama walked into the bathroom and heard soft crying coming from the stall farthest from the door, he went over to that stall and knocked softly. He heard a small voice whisper "go 'way" he smiled softly and sadly "it's me baby boy'' Kageyama whispered through the door and then he heard the door unlock. Kageyama walked in to see Hinata sitting on the floor with his legs pulled up to his chest with tears streaming down his face, his cheeks red. He frowned and quickly walked over to him, he kneeled down in front of him and gently wiped Hinata's tears, Hinata jumped on his daddy and hugged him tight, wrapping his arms around Kageyama's neck. Kageyama gently pulled Hinata into his lap "shhh, it's okay baby boy" he whispered and gently rocked Hinata while pulling a blue paci out of his pocket. Hinata felt his daddy softly slip his paci into his mouth, he latched onto it gently and started sucking on it fast but gently. Hinata was trying to find comfort in it as Kageyama picked Hinata up, setting him on his hip and walked out of the bathroom causing Hinata to bury his face in Kageyama's shoulder, his tears calmer now but still falling. Class was over at this point so he just walked in and grabbed their bags then started walking to his place. Once he got there, he took a now sleeping Hinata up to his room and laid him down gently on his bed, Kageyama tried not to wake Hinata up cause he had such a hard day. Kageyama went to his closet where he had a section for Hinata's little clothes so he picked a onesie that had little volleyballs all over it as Hinata rolled over and was crawling around on the bed, Kageyama turned around and smiled but Hinata was crawled too close to the edge closest to Kageyama, then his hand slipped. Hinata started falling off the bed, Kageyama ran over and caught his baby just in time. Hinata looked up at his daddy as he moved him so Hinata was being cradled. Hinata just looked at him for a second before tears filled his eyes and he started to sob hard while grabbing onto Kags shirt tight. Kageyama quickly brought Hinata closer to his chest as he stood up and sat on the bed, after getting them comfortable on the bed, Kageyama started rocking his baby gently. "Shhhhh, I know, that was scary wasnt it?" Kags whispered gently to Hinata and kissed his forehead gently. Hinata calmed down a bit as he heard his daddy talking to him, he had dropped his paci when he fell so he started sucking his thumb but his daddy quickly pulled it out, making him whine softly. Kags quickly grabbed a paci from the bedside table and gently placed it into Hinata's mouth making him calm back down. Kageyama picked up Hinata, making him whine gently "shhhh we are just going to get you a baba" Kags whispered to his baby while kissing his forehead and gently laid Hinata's head on his shoulder. Hinata relaxed a little into Kageyama as he walked to the kitchen to make his baby a bottle, in hopes it will help but when he tried to set Hinata down on the counter, he started tearing up and reached out for me, making him fall forward but Kags was close enough that his head fell onto his daddy's shoulder. Hinata clung to Kageyama as he picked him back up, Kags realized he would have to make it one handed but that didn't bother him, he quickly made it as he rocked Hinata gently. Hinata started dozing off gently as he watched his daddy make his baba, as soon as Kags finished his bottle, he took Hinata to their bedroom and sat with his back against the wall and started cradling his baby in his lap. Hinata was half asleep, he looked up at his Kags with half lidded eyes as his daddy took his paci and gently placed the bottle to his baby's lips. Hinata gently took the bottle into his mouth and started drinking, Kags smiled softly as Hinata started to doze off in my arms as he gently drank the bottle. The bottle was only half way gone when Hinata fully fell asleep, Kags put the bottle on the nightstand and laid down with Hinata on top of him with his head on his chest. Kageyama laid there holding Hinata tight and petting his hair as he closed his eyes, he drifted to sleep with a soft smile on his face and his baby held protectively in his arms.

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