Little! Denki x caregiver! Izuku

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Trigger warning- negative thoughts and negative talk about self

Denki P.O.V
'It is way too late for this' I thought as I looked at the clock that read 4:00 AM. I can not sleep, no matter what I do. I looked down at my boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya, who was sleeping peacefully behind me. I gently lift his arm and replace myself with a pillow. I walk to the bathroom in my dorm and quickly shut and lock the door. I sat on the toilet and took a deep breath as tears filled my eyes. I finally let it out, I start softly sobbing into my hands. I feel so useless like people say at school. My tears run dry after like 5-10 minutes. I stood up and took a deep breath and went to the sink to wash the tears off my face. Just as I splashed water on my face, I heard a soft knock on the door followed by a soft groggy voice of my boyfriend say "baby? Are you okay in there?" I took a small deep breath and as calm as I could, I said "I'm fine Izu, just going to the bathroom". I hope it was convincing enough for Izuku to go back to sleep. I got my answer when I heard him say, sounding more awake "then please let me in" I panicked, quickly looking in the mirror before drying my face. I opened the door and put on the best smile I could. Izu walks in and gently reached up to touch my face, I flinched back a little bit before letting him gently cup my cheek. He smiled softly as I leaned into his hand, I could tell that he knew something was up. Izuku gently moved his hand back and slowly moved and picked me up, placing me on his hip. I blushed and buried my face into his shoulder "you don't have to carry me, i'm not little" I whispered against his shoulder. I felt Izu chuckle as he gently rubbed my back and started making his way to our bed. He sat down and moved me to his lap. I kept my face hidden in his shoulder so I could try and avoid him seeing me right now. I was embarrassed he figured out something was wrong. Izu didn't say anything, he just kept rubbing gentle circles on my back while whispering comforting words in my ear. I teared up again, his words of comfort was making it harder to keep myself calm. Before I knew it, I start gently crying into Izu's shoulder. I gripped his shirt tight as I started feeling myself slipping into little space. I tried to fight it cause I felt so needy and annoying when I was little. I feel like I need too much attention and I'm too much work. I try not to think that way but it keeps coming to mind every time I slightly slip. These thoughts caused me to cry harder. I pulled myself closer to Izu as I tried to fight off my bad thoughts but they kept coming back no matter how hard I tried to push them away. I could tell that Izu knew, I feel so pathetic crying. My issues are so small and so stupid but just as that thought crossed my mind I hear Izu whisper "shhhh, just relax baby boy, take a deep breath" i breath out shakily and relized I was breathing kind of fast, I buried my face farther into his shoulder and squeezed my eyes tighter shut as i took a long deep breath. I felt it was all too much, I don't know what to do. I felt Izu slowly stand up and start walking out onto the balcony, making me hold onto him tighter and curl up in his arms more. "Relax sweetie, we are just going for some fresh air" Izuku whispered gently rubbing my back. I felt the chilly night air hit me and I relaxed a little bit. For the first time since the bathroom, I peeked out of Izu's shoulder, my face tear stained and red. Izu turned to me and gently placed his hand on my cheek, wiping away remaining tears. I leaned into his hand as a chilly wind hit us causing me to shiver and move closer to Izu. He walked back into my dorm and grabbed a blanket. He wrapped it around us as he walked back out onto the balcony. I had mostly calmed down causing me to start getting sleepy, I couldn't hold back slipping now. I was slowly slipping very little cause of all the crying. I rubbed my eyes with my fists gently. Izu gently rubbed my back as he gently rocked me as he looked up at the stars. I laid on his shoulder and looked up with him. I started sucking my thumb gently as I yawned softly, caughting Dada's attention. He looked down at me with a gentle smile causing me to smile. Izu rocked me more as he kissed my forehead and started walking back to my dorm as I tried to keep my eyes open. I was really struggling to keep my eyes open and as my eyes closed, Dada pulled my thumb out of my mouth causing me to open my eyes again and whine. He gently shushed me as he grabbed one of my paci's and gently slipped it into my mouth. I curled up closer to Dada as he started bouncing me a little bit and walking around a little bit. I closed my eyes as I nuzzled my face into his shoulder and tried to get to sleep but I couldn't fall asleep. I whined in annoyance, I am so exhausted. I curled up closer to Izu and buried my face into the crook of his neck. I didn't know what was wrong, I should be asleep by now after all that crying. The frustration made me slip in and out of little space, giving me a really bad headache. I gripped Izu's shirt really tight. "Shhhh baby, it's okay, just relax, you will fall asleep eventually honey" he whispered softly and kissed my head. I leaned more into Izu as he started singing "You are my Sunshine" softly. I smiled softly as I slowly closed my eyes and started dozing off as he finished. The last thing I hear is Izu whispering "sleep well baby boy"

Sorry for the bad ending, I wasn't sure how to end it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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