Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

16 years ago

July 1st

"Here is your new baby girl Mrs. Paris." Dr. Martinez said.

"Thank you b-bu-but i can't afford to keep h-he-her." Mrs.Paris stuttered letting a few tears slip from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Mrs....Would you like me to get you the paper work so we can send her to the adoption center?" Dr.Martinez asked with a sad smile upon her face.

"Um, yes please" Mrs.Paris whispered.

The doctor left the room and left Mrs.Paris with her newborn child. She looked down upon her tiny body and smiled. So many things wonder through her haed. Would she ever see her child again? Who was going to adopt her? Was she doing the right thing? With all that was going on right now Marissa (Mrs.Paris) just didn't know what to do. She let out a heavy sigh, and Dr.Martinez walked back in.

"Ok Marissa we are going to need thhe baby's name for the form. What do you want to call her?" Dr.Martinez asked.

Marissa looked down at the small little girl and thought for a minute.

"I'll named her...Lilyane..Lilyane Marie Paris." Marissa said smiling.

"Ok i will go call Claire, the lady from the adoption center to come get Lilyane." Dr.Martinez stated leaving the room.

Marissa sighed and looked down at Lilyane one more time before Dr.Martinez came back in, 25 minutes later with Claire, and took Lilyane out of her arms and out the door. That was the last time she was ever going to see her baby girl, Marissa thought.

Marissa was releast from the hospital later. She went home and layed in bed just thinking about her life. First off when she found out she was going to have Lilyane it was the greatest thing in the world. Marissa and her husband John were having the best time of their lives for the fist 6 months, but thats when everything changed. John was called in  for the service because he worked in the military. After John left Marissa got a letter 2 months later that he had been shot during battle and didn't make it. That was the hardest month for her. Then this month he had Lilyane. She also lied to the doctor about Lilyane. It was true that she could hardly afford having Lilyane, but also the fact that she looked so much like John was just to painful for Marissa, and she gave her away. But now sitting here thinking she started regreting more and more what she had done earlier today.

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