Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

16 years later

I woke up heard someone pounding on my door.

"Come on Lilyane get the hell up we're gunna be late for school!" Mya screamed from the other side of the door.

Mya is my best friend in the whole world. Well one of my three only best friends. Anyway i shot up out of bed and quickly got ready. I threw on a purple striped shirt, some gray shorts, my pretty floral scarf, a beanie, and my white converse sneakers getting ready for another hot summer day. I brushed out my hair and left it in its natural waves. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and a light pink lipgloss. As soon as i was done i rushed down into the kitchen seeing Mya sitting with Kelly and Mark (my adoptive parents) and Max (my half brother).

"Good morning everyone" I said smiling.

"Good morning sweetheart." Kelly and Mark said

"Mornin' trouble" Max said

I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same thing while Mya laughed.

"Anyways.." i started looking at the clock "HEY ITS ALREADY 9:00 WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP 2 HOURS LATE MYA!!! WE ARE WICKED LATE WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" " said starting to panic.

"Calm down hunny school ended yesterday you're on summer vacation now." Kelly said trying to calm me down.

"Wait what! Mya why did you pound on my door telling me i was late for school then." asked shoothing a glare at Mya.

"Oh about that....i knew you wouldn't have gotten up unless it was important so uh ya." she said half amuzed and half nervous. I hit her on the arm grabbed an apple and started eating it.

"OW! What was that for!? And hey that was my apple!" Mya said

"Well for one you almost gave me a heart attack, and second well i'm hungery and don't feel like going to the kitchen to get myself one." i said smiling

"Whatever, but we are sooo going to the mall today!" Myta said excitedly

"YAY! I've wanted to go for weeks now." i said jumping up and down.

"Alrighty then lets go." Mya said grabbing my arm dragging me to the door while i grabbed my phone from the table.

"Bye mom. dad, and Max. see ya later!" I yelled heading out the door.

"Bye sweetheart be back by 10:00pm!" Mark yelled

"Yes daddy. Bye love you guys." I said closing the door and hoping into Mya's red ferrari and we were off.

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