chapter 4

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 All of the sudden we heard tires screeching and Mya screamed as our car was smashed into. The next thing I know my side of the car was bent in and my leg got caught between the door and the seat. The cars impact was so hard we were sent rolling off road and into the ditch. I heard Mya yelling my name as she struggled out of the car, but I was feeling very light headed and my vision began to blur. And the last thing I remembered was hearing sirens in the distance before everything went black.

               Mya's P.O.V

       I walked around the waiting room worried about Lilyane. Was she ok? Is she still unconscious? Oh god if anything happens to her i'm gunna die. My thoughts were interrupted by Kelly, Mark, Max, Tori and Nick barging through the hospital doors.

"Oh my god Mya are you ok?" Kelly asked engulfing my in a bone crushing hug which I returned.

"Ya I'm fine just a broken arm and some scratches here and there." I said releasing Kelly just to be brought into another hug from Nick. I looked him in the eyes and he seamed to be taking this the worst out of anyone else. He had tears threatening to pour out of his eyes at any minute and he was shaking a little. So I just hugged him tighter. You see Nick has liked Lilyane for a while now and he's to afraid to tell because he thinks she won't like him back. You see its kind of obvious he likes her but she doesn't realize it.

"Hey why don't you and I sit down and we can talk." I offered to Nick which he accepted and went and sat down as I followed.

"Is she gunna be ok? I don't known what I would do without her. I mean I known we aren't dating or anything but she's still one of the people I hold closest to me and I just can't let anything happen to her because I would-"

"whoa whoa whoa. just calm down Nick" I said holding his hand reassuringly. "Lil is a strong girl and she will be fine. I mean the doctors told me she would live and all I just don't know if she's conscious yet and what damage she has because they wouldn't tell me until her parents got here." I said smiling at him. "But now they are here the should be telling us soon." I smile and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and stood up.

"You're right thanks Mya you're a great friend." he said smiling. I stood up and ruffled his hair. Which earned me getting my hand slapped and him glaring at me while saying "No one and I mean no one touches my hair missy." causing me to laugh and we walked back over to the others. As the doctor came over to all of us.

"How is she?" Kelly asked on the verge of tears and Mark wrapped his arm around her comfortingly.

"Well she will be fine but she has a broken arm, a bruised leg, and minor head injuries but she is awake and resting in her room." the doctor said reassuring us that she would be fine.

"Can we go see her?" Max asked eager to see his sister.

"Yes but only one person at a time."

And with that being said we all started going in one by one to see Lily.

Lilyane's P.O.V

        I woke up to a beeping sound and a throbbing in my head.

"Glad to see You're awake Miss Paris." the nurse smiled sweetly. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I have a massive throbbing in my head." I said groaning.

"Here take this it will help with the pain." she said handing me some medicine that I gladly excepted. I was talking to the nurse about my condition and when I can get out of here when there was a small knock on the door. And Kelly entered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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