Chapter 3

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We arrived Mya litteraly dragged me out of the car and into the mall. We went to so many stores. We went to Forever 21, Holister, Aero postale, Victoria secret, American eagle, a ton of shoe stores, and a lot more. But anyway Mya and I finally got to tired to shop anymore. we went over to th food court and got a french frie and slushies. We went to go sit at a table when this guy around my age was walking by and i tripped right over his foot onto my stomach.

"Ow" i said growning on the ground.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry miss." the boy said as mya walked away to go get us a table.

''Oh don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault anyways." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Are you ok?" he asked helping me up. Thank god Mya was carring the bags.

"Ya i'm fine." I said

"Hay my names Andrew by the way." he said sticking out his hand.

"Lilyane." i said shaking his hand.

"Well Lilyane i was a pleasure but i gotta run." he said

"But heres my number. You seem like a nice girl we should hang out sometime." he said flashing me a smile.

"Alright. here's mine." i said writing it on his hand because i had nothing else.

"Oh and my buddy Scott's number is on the bottom for your friend." he said starting to walk off.

"Alright well i'll see ya around." I said waving and walking back over to Mya.

"Soooo who was that guy?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"That's Andrew, and i got his number." I said holding out the piece of paper.

"Who's is the second number?" she asked confused.

"That is Scott's, Adrews friend. He said to give it to you." i said ripping the peice of paper with the number on it.

"Oh my goodness, Thanks so much."she said smiling

"Well i don't know about you but i am tired form all this shopping." Mya said yawning.

"Me too lets go back to my place and see what Nick (my other best friend) is up to." i said grabbing some bags and standing up.

"Alright sounds good to me." Mya said doing the same and, once again dragging me to the car.

\We were on are way back to my house. We were listening to music, talking and haveing a good time when something happened that neither of us were expecting...

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