⊕ Jealousy

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so.. woke up around 5am this morning to THIS.

listen, i knew this book was gonna get views but i thought it would take MONTHS to reach one thousand reads.. and, wow.

i just wanna thank everyone for the overwhelmingly good amount of support-you guys are a blessing to me-and to celebrate this milestone, i present to thee.. a preference!

hope you enjoy and once again, thank you all.



- In terms of jealousy, Deimos does not tolerate this.
- He would definitely be the type of person who would give you kisses or hold you by the waist in public to get his point across that you're his.
- Everyone gets it. Everyone knows that you two are dating. Deimos makes it painfully obvious.
- Now, if a tough cookie somewhere in the crowd still decides to hit on you WHILE Deimos is by your side.. Oh, boy.
- Deimos would aggressively make it obvious to the grunt that you are taken.
- He will NOT stop. Deimos will only stop once the grunt has given up on trying to hit on you.
- If somebody ends up trying to flirt with you while he is (for some reason) away, then he'd definitely hear about it from you.
- "(Y/N), I need you to tell me how he looked."
- "Deimos. It was a grunt. MOST GRUNTS LOOK THE SAME!"
- He can definitely get insecure, but only from time to time. Sometimes he would compare himself to Sanford and that brings him down unknowingly.
- Lots of reassurance from you while he just clings on to you, happy to be reminded that you're his, and he's yours.


- Sanford is the type of guy who hides his jealousy and can do so pretty well.
- What can I say? He's been able to conceal his jealousy really well due to how much times he's gotten jealous.
- Despite his ability to conceal his jealousy, you're almost always able to tell when he's jealous.
- When confronting him about it, he denies it.
- "Now why would I be jealous over such a small encounter? I'm fine, (Y/N)!"
- ...
- "Okay.. I'll admit. I am jealous."
- Doesn't take much to finally make him admit to his jealousy.
- You reassure him that there's nothing wrong with being jealous.
- "San, it's perfectly fine to be jealous. I understand."
- You remind him that he shouldn't keep his feelings hidden, so you could reassure him if he needs the reassurance.
- He can feel insecure!
- You know those posters? Describing his appearance? The posters that describe him as "ugly"?
- Yeah, he once came to you for reassurance because of said poster.


- Even if Hank is a man of minimal usage of words, everyone somehow knows that you two are dating.
- How? Why, because he always has you by his side.
- He makes sure he's holding you if you two are in public. For some strange reason, this is enough for the grunts to know that you two are together.
- Even a grunt that comes to you for something they need help with (like directions to a certain place or something of the sort) would immediately put Hank on the edge.
- He stands behind you while also looking down at the grunt, an aura that is meant to make people fear him radiating off of his very figure.
- Needless to say, no one has ever really hit on you because YOU'RE STANDING BESIDE NEVADA'S MOST WANTED CRIMINAL WITH THE HIGHEST KILL COUNT.
- Despite his jealousy issues, he doesn't kill them.
- [He still ends up killing them eventually, though, due to a killing spree he'd gone on.]
- When Hank does get jealous, you don't find out until you get to a tent and he pulls you in immediately.
- Because I'm a minor, I force myself to say that everything that happened in said tent is SFW.


- Tricky is very friendly and less on the overprotective side when it comes to grunts approaching you.
- He is more lenient with grunts because he always wants to befriend them.
- Doesn't get that jealous if an innocent grunt comes up to you both and asks for help regarding something. Tricky would even be glad to help sometimes.
- However, this is not the case all the time.
- Because of Tricky being more comfortable with the idea of grunts interacting with you, there would definitely be grunts who would hit on you.
- Now, Tricky knows when this happens. The flirtatious remarks would sometimes fly over his head but the look the grunts would give you were always noticeable..
- He doesn't just get pissed. HE BECOMES HYSTERICAL.
- He tries not to kill said grunt. After all, he can't control the urges.
- Most of the time, he never really needs the reassurance. He knows you love him and that's enough for him.
- Sometimes, though, he could get affected by the encounter and would end up sulking for the whole day.
- Referring to his headcanon chapter, Tricky feels immediately better just by the smallest hint of physical contact from you.


- He never really shows his jealous through his emotions, neither does he have the freedom to just.. tell you.
- He's actually an avid worrier and overthinker that disregards his feelings, thinking he's sensitive or inconsiderate for feeling jealous.
- You're very close to him when you two are in public. He likes to hold your hand and keep you near him.
- Because most grunts fear him due to his composure and aura, not a lot of people come to talk to you. ESPECIALLY knowing that you two have something up because the quite merciless savior is holding your hand.
- Doesn't come off as jealous, appears overprotective instead.
- Due to his ability to keep his face straight and not speak one word about his jealousy, it surprises you when he does admit to his jealousy.
- He never explicitly states his feelings. His actions are enough to tell you what he meant.
- When he's jealous, all he really wants is to hold you. That in itself is good enough for him, almost as if it is (and, believe me, for him, it truly is) a reminder that you are his.
- Does not know anything about reassurance. Heck, he never even knew reassurance existed.
- In the end, you two just hug it out and cuddle to make him feel better. And, believe me, the attention was overwhelming for him.
- Jeb never really feels insecure. Most of the time he'd compare himself to you, thinking you were a heavensent angel brought down to Earth with the mission to make him happy.
- He appreciates all the effort you put into making him feel better, and that alone makes him feel much better.

(Goodness, I love Jeb. I've spent 5 months analyzing him and he's such an amazing character. I'd even call myself a simp, for hell's sake - I've been crushing on that guy since April.)


- Oh goodness. He does not know how to deal with jealousy.
- Because you are the Sheriff's significant other, a lot of people come up to you. Some just asking questions about the Sheriff and his view on certain laws and others leaving flirtatious comments.
- He has no idea how to stop this from happening.
- He raises his two hands and goes, "woah - hey there fellah, *nervous chuckle* c-could you back off maybe? T-They're taken.."
- They end up laughing at him for stuttering so much.
- Now, it is up to you whether you want to act on it or not.
- When Sheriff does feel insecure about himself, he's more quiet about it than vocally expressive.
- He'd end up sitting somewhere and seeming out of it.
- It takes a whole ted talk to make him feel better.
- By the end of it, he's smiling like a goof and you two leave for some drinks. (This makes Sheriff feel much better, he doesn't get drunk though.)
- You give him a lot of forehead kisses.


- You're dating somebody who owns an agency. The agency that is known for its burning desire to finally rid the world of Hank J. Wimbleton.
- Because Auditor fears someone would hurt the both of you if you two were to go out, he instead lets you stay inside.
- That doesn't stop some of the agents from flirting with you, though.
- When some agents are tasked with delivering Auditor food, they meet you at the door and smirk at you. Sometimes some agents would even have the audacity to say something flirtatious.
- While the Auditor is literally working on something.
- Able to hear what the agent said.
- Now, despite most agents looking the same, Auditor knows who is who.
- He ends up firing the agent and leaving him outside the agency, making him an easy target for Wimbleton's hard-to-satiate appetite.
- Auditor never gets jealous. He knows you love him, and he's even willing to show you through domination.
- He's not afraid of marking you just to show the other agents that you're his and his only.


- Torture. The MAG agent.
- He is always willing to carry you in public with you in his hand, holding you as gently as possible.
- Grunts are terrified of Torture.
- Because of this, no one has ever really flirted with you in fear that Torture would crush them in his hand/with his hand.
- He feels insecure from time to time.
- He thinks that you're embarrassed to be with him, especially in public, because of how "inhumane" he looks.
- He tells you this as serious as he can.
- A headcanon I'll leave in here is that it's hard for him to talk: he knows ASL because of that reason but he is willing to talk just for you.
- He actually appreciates reassurance.
- "You know I wouldn't replace you with anyone else, Torture."
- (Despite him not being able to talk much, he is a MAG agent so his voice can cause the ground to shake for a bit.
- "Yes, Torture." And you just put your forehead against his (while he's holding you) and give him a forehead kiss.


- Like the Auditor, being the significant other of someone highly respected has its downfalls.
- Phobos is someone who is very proper, his demeanor always serious whilst his focus remains, only thinking of his work.
- Despite being busy, he takes time out of his day to check on you and see how you are and what you're doing.
- Sometimes you two'd be walking around Nexus, and workers would come up to him with results to experiments done prior.
- Now, it'd be a running joke between the workers to flirt with you because you were the significant other of the highly respectable Phobos himself.
- Some would do it.
- March right up to you, tell you something flirtatious, and then leave. Sometimes they'd whisper, other times they'd say it out loud.
- Now Phobos would seem to not care at that very moment (and in all honesty, he truly comes off this way).
- Let's say, when discarding the body of said flirtatious worker, he'd not care as well.
- He is never really insecure. Like the Auditor, he is dominant, and willing to show everyone that you are somewhat his property.


- Like the Sheriff, he has no idea how to handle insecurity and jealousy.
- Sometimes, he would try his best and be tough, but his insecurity gets in the way and he hates that.
- He doesn't really get that jealous.
- More of an insecure fella.
- When he does feel insecure after comparing himself with the people who flirt with you, he ends up falling into anxiety attacks caused by his overwhelming thoughts.
- Sometimes you'd just find him crying in bed, worried for his life.
- Most of the time you end up getting him to calm down, reassuring him and hugging him closely to you as yet another reminder that you belong to him.
- You two could spend hours in that position.
- Him just crying while you rub his back and comfort him.
- When he does calm down from said panic attack, you two go for cuddling on the bed until you eventually fall asleep.
- It's not just the comparisons that cause him to freak out, but it is also the thought that, one day, you'd leave him.
- With enough reassurance, he confidently believes in your love for him.


two thousand words. wow.

anyways, thanks once again for reading this book. i'm glad to have hit 1 thousand reads. it's truly a milestone for me.

i hope you too enjoyed this book.

stay safe and have a good day/night ahead.

[regarding the sheriff chapter, yes it'll come out soon. maybe tomorrow.]

P.S. look at how messy my notes are for this specific chapter. i like to be organized and plan out the chapter before i write it, so i create some sort of outline. it's hella messy and in the end i was so confused.

 it's hella messy and in the end i was so confused

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