Life. 2

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(In the 2nd Year Classroom)
"Hey, have you heard? We're getting two new students
"Really? Who are they?"
"I've heard that it's a guy and a girl. I wonder what
they look like"
Gossips can be heard around the classrooms. The
noises settled down as students returned to their sits
when they saw their teacher walking into their
"Good morning everyone, I have a good news for you
guys. Today, there will be two new students joining
this class." The home teacher said that to the whole
class with a smile.
"WooHoo~!" "Yaaaa!" *Whistle~~* Cheers and whistles
can be heard throughout the class. (But they're mostly
from the guys)
"Alright, alright. Calm down boys. Oh, you two can
come in now. You don't have to be shy." The teacher
said that as he looked towards the front door.
The students then all glued their eyes at the two new
students as they entered into the classroom. The one
leading the way is none other than a brown haired
student while a beautiful blonde haired girl follow
behind him nervously.
"Go on, introduce yourself to everyone." The teacher
told them with a smile.
"Ahem... Hi everyone, my name is Hyoudou Issei. I'm
17 years old and I love to eat a lot. I hope that we can
all get along." Issei smiled as he introduced himself to
the whole class without any shyness.
Some of the students, including the teacher chuckled
on how Issei introduced himself. Issei then saw some
of the girls were whispering to one another while
looking at him. But thanks to him being a half-dragon
and having a dragon sealed within him, he can easily
hear what they're whispering about with his enhanced
hearing. He was glad when he found out the girls were
actually saying he looks cute and was complementing
his muscular body and I inwardly thanked them for
complementing them. Issei's right eye twitched slightly
when he heard some of the boys were cursing him for
getting attentions from the girls and having the girls
complementing for both his facial and body figure.
"Asia, it's your turn." Issei said to the girl standing
next to him while trying choosing to ignore some death
"Ano... H- Hi everyone, m- my name is Asia Agento. I'm
still new h- here... S- So please take care of me!" Asia
introduced herself nervously.
The boys in the class blushed when they saw how
cute Asia was when she introduced herself. The girls in
the class felt disgusted when seeing some of the boys'
facial expression were a bit perverted. But they smile
warmly at Asia while feeling the needs to protect Asia
from the boys later.
The teacher then nodded his head and said, "Alright.
Issei you can sit at the empty seat beside the window.
Asia can sit beside Issei."
"Alright." "H- Hai" both Issei and Asia reply their home
teacher then walked towards their seats.
The class then begins...
(During the Break Time, in 2nd Classroom)
Questions were being bombarded to Asia as she was
being surrounded by her new friends.
"Asia-san you're so cute!" one male classmate said.
"Asia-san where are you from?" one of the female
classmate asked her.
"Asia-san I like your blonde hair! Is it originally blonde
or did you dyed it?" another female classmate
complemented Asia's hair.
Issei smiled and chuckled as he saw Asia who is
currently sitting beside him to be swarmed by the
classmates. Until someone asked one question he
shouldn't ask.
"Asia-san where do you currently leave?" one male
student asked.
'Crap...' That's all what Issei thought when he heard
that question being asked. He started to sweat as he
can already predict what will happen next...
"Eto... T- Thank you for your c- complements. I'm
came from Europe and t- this is an original colour. I- I
umm... I'm currently living with Issei-san" Asia
answered all the questions innocently while blushing
'Yep... she did it... she just pushed the red button...'
Issei thought as he was trying to sneak out of the
A silence occurs as the students in the class were
trying to absorb the last information.
""""EHHHHHHHHHH!?"""" the students were shocked as
they finished absorbing the info.
"HYOUDOU!" the male students turned their heads
angrily only to find an empty seat next to Asia.
"... ..." "Where is HE!?" a shout came out after a short
"Find HIM before the class starts!" another male
student shouted out as all the male students in 2nd
rush out of their classroom to hunt down the new
A question mark just popped out from Asia's head as
she asked, "Did Issei-san do something wrong? Why do
they looked so angry?"
"Just ignore them Asia-san, they're just jealous of
Hyoudou-kun being close to you." One of the female
student answer her.
(School Gate Entrance)
School has ended and Issei was just waiting for Asia.
He felt exhausted from all the running and hiding from
his classmates.
"Give me a break... I'm a new student here, why can't
they just get along?" He groaned tiredly as he then
leaned against the wall of the school entrance.
Issei widened his eyes as he picked up a foreign smell
that is belongs to... well... not human, but a Fallen
Angel. He turned his head just to see someone hiding
behind a tree. He narrowed his eyes and call out
whoever it is hiding behind that tree with his usual
tone not wanting to scare.
"You can come out if you want, but I know you're
"!?" the figure hiding behind the tree was surprised on
how the brown-haired boy was able sense her.
'Impossible!? How in the world did he know I was
hiding here!? I thought that he's just a human!?'
The figure cautiously walked out from the tree while
doing her best not to blow up her cover. She was a
young attractive woman around the same age as Issei
with long black hair down to her hips. Her eyes were
violet in colour. She was wearing a school uniform,
which consisted of dark red jacket with letter "P"
embroidered in gold, white underskirt, a red bow and a
green skirt with a thin white strip around lower end of
'Huh... So she is a Fallen Angel. I wonder what she's
doing here. I already had Asia to perform a seal on me
to surpress Ddraig's power. She shouldn't be able to
sense it...' Issei thought
He then rose an eye brow and asked her, "Can I help
you with anything?"
She looked at Issei and asked him nervously, "H- How
did you know I was hiding behind that tree?"
Issei just smiled and answer her with the best lie he
can come up with. "Oh, I used to be bullied at school...
maybe you can call this instinct or experience?"
"I see..." 'Humm, maybe I was over-thinking' She then
decided to proceed with her plans.
"Umm... Y- You're Hyoudou Issei right?" Blushes
starting formed on her cheeks, but Issei can tell right
away that she was forcing her blush. "P- Please g- go
on a d- date with me!" The Fallen Angel said it out
loud which surprises some of the Kuoh students as
they were reaching or leaving the school gate
"Look, look, someone is proposing to the new kid!"
"Damn him Hyoudou for being asked by such a
beautiful girl!"
"Why does she has to pick him!? I'm sure I'm better
than him!"
"I wonder what his answer is."
"""No Issei-san is going to be taken!"""
'Hmm... So that's her game... but does she has to say
it out loud? Look at all the attentions she caught!' Issei
then answered her immediately with a grin without any
second thought. "Sure."
*GA KONGGGGG* The Kuoh students around them just
dropped their jaws.
"H- H- He said YES!?" Suddenly one of the male
student snaps and shouted at him while pointing at
The male student has a tall stature and has spiked up
red hair. He also has his ears pierced. He is taller than
Issei by a head. From what Issei can tell is that he's a
delinquent and not someone you wanna mess with...
well... if you're just a normal student.
One of the student called out the delinquent's name,
"Araya, don't do this!" But the delinquent chose to
ignore and charged towards Issei while trying to lend a
punch on Issei. The students around them even the
disguised Fallen Angel started to panic not wanting
Hyoudou Issei to get hurt.
Issei however remained calm and stood there waiting
for Araya to charge at him with his eyes closed, and
put his right hand into his pocket. This action caused
Araya to be angry even further and fail to notice that
Issei was twisting his left hand.
Araya threw a straight left puch on to Issei's face only
to find out that Issei dodged it with an ease just by
tilting his head a bit. Issei stepped forward and
positioned himself like he was standing beside Araya.
Using his back leg to do a swift swipe at Araya's foot
causing the delinquent to lose his balance and thus
falling backwards. By following Araya's momentum,
Issei face palmed Araya and pushed Araya's head to
the ground. *THUD*
Everything happened and ended so quickly with just a
sound of something hitting the ground. Everyone,
including the Fallen Angel's eyes were wide open
because they couldn't believe that the new student
just defeated Kuoh's Most Problematic Student!
Issei then said something coolly as he let go of
Araya's face, "It is not nice to call a lady a thing,
please show some respect Araya-san." Araya snapped
out from his rage and unconsciously, his body started
to shiver after experiencing the most shocking things
happened in his life. He quickly got up and shouted, "I-
I- I'm SORRY!" and started to run away.
"""S- So Cool!""" The Kuoh students praised Issei.
Though... some of the girls fainted after seeing what
their new prince of Kuoh did.
Issei chose to ignore the cheers and walked toward
the Fallen Angel who seemed to be stunted from what
just happened.
"Hey." *Poke* Issei called her while gently poking her
forehead with his index finger.
"Huh?" The Fallen Angel snapped out from her shock
and started to shake her head.
"Are you okay? I hope you're not scared from that
gorilla. I'm sorry that you have to listen to the rude
word he just said to you." Issei gave her a sad smile.
The Fallen Angel blushed and shook her head and
spoke. "It's alright. I'm fine."
Issei then looked at her and said teasingly, "By the
way, you haven't gave me your name yet. I can't go
out with someone without knowing their name."
The Fallen Angel blushed further. "M- My name is
Amano Yuuma, please to meet you Issei-kun." She said
it with a smile.
Issei then smiled bashfully and said, "Nice to meet you
too Yuuma. If it's okay for you, maybe we can have
our first date on Sunday"
Yuuma's facial expression brightens as she heard what
Issei said and she reply him by nodding her head.
"Then I'll see you on Sunday Yuuma."
"Okay! I'll see you soon Issei-kun!" Yuuma waved at
him happily as the distance between them started to
(On the way back Home)
'Now... it's either she is a very good actress or she is
really happy when I said we'll meet on Sunday.
Though, her second and third blushes were natural and
she didn't forced it...' Issei thought about what just
happened back there as he was walking back to his
{I believe that she was really excited and her opinion on
you may have changed after seeing what you just did.}
" Ddraig. You think so too?" Issei asked the dragon
mentally and got his reply as the dragon nodded his
head. 'But still... I can't let my guards down'
Issei suddenly stopped walking as he trying to
remember something... He felt that he had forgot
something very important.
{By the way partner, I've been wanting to ask you
something} "Hm? What is it?"
{Where is Asia?} Ddraig asked "... ..."
"Crap! I forgot about Asia!" Issei started to run back to
Kuoh Academy as fast as he can while having a
dragon laughing at him inside his head.
(At Kuoh Academy)
A long blonde-haired girl was standing at the gate
entrance alone with a teary eyes and a pout on her
face. The girl then said with a shaky and slightly angry
tone "Issei-san..."

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