Life. 5

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(Outside Kuoh Academy)
Issei and Asia were walking towards the school gate
entrance until the former one saw tow figures standing
at the main gate entrance. They were Rias and Akeno.
"Issei, good morning. Good morning to you too Asia."
Rias greeted them with smile.
"Good morning Issei-kun and Asia-san." Akeno followed
after Rias.
"Ah. Mornin' Rias-senpai and to you too Akeno-san." Issei
smiled back and waved at them at them.
"Good morning to you too Rias-senpai and Akeno-
senpai." Asia greeted with a bow while smiling.
"Kyaa~! It's Rias-oneesama!"
"Akeno-oneesama is here as well!"
"W- Why is Hyoudou talking with her!?"
"Nooo~! Not Hyoudou!"
"Are they dating each other!? I thought Hyoudou-san
already has Asia!?"
"What about the girl talking with Hyoudoou last
"Don't tell me Hyoudou is a playboy!? T- That has to
be it!"
Gossips started to spread around the school entrance.
The male Kuoh students started to make up their own
story in order to make them feel better.
Issei sweat dropped after hearing those nonsense
conclusions made up by the boys.
"So shall we head straight to the old schoolhouse?"
Issei asked them while ignoring the rest of the
"Yea. Just follow me." Rias answered. Issei nodded at
her and then added.
"Asia, you can go on ahead without me if you want."
Asia shooked her head and said, "I will follow Issei-san
no matter where you go."
"Alright then. Rias-senpai, Akeno-san please take the
lead." Issei told his seniors.
The four of them then walked towards the Occult
Research Club.
(In the Occult Research Club)
*Whistle~* Issei whistled as he enters into the old
schoolhouse and saw its interior.
The club room interior is a wood-panelled room with
Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls.
One side is set up to be able to be used as a bath, and
a large Gremory Family magic circle is also there to
allow teleportation to and from clients.
Both Kiba and Koneko were already in there, sitting on
the couch. They stood up when they saw Rias and
Akeno walked in and let their master and Akeno sit on
the couch while they stood behind Rias and Akeno.
"First of all. Issei, you knew that we're Devils right?"
Rias asked Issei and he nodded.
"So... let me start by reintroducing who I am." Issei
continued the conversation.
"I'm Hyoudou Issei. A Hybrid, half-human and half-
""""!?"""" All four devils widened their eyes.
'Man... this never gets old.' Issei thought after seeing
their reactions. 'It's a good thing I didn't ask Asia to
put the seal on me just yet...' Issei then decided to
went straight to his point.
"I'm also the holder of a Longinus, Boosted Gear."
Issei proved his point by bringing out the Boosted
{Boosted Gear}
The red Dragon-like gauntlet formed on Issei's left
hand for a moment before he disabled it again.
That statement shocked everyone further because the
current Red Dragon Emperor, One of the Heavenly
Dragons is sitting in front of them.
"T- Then if you're really the Red Dragon Emperor, what
is Asia-san's job?" Rias asked again.
Issei showed them the spiked chain tattoo on his right
hand as he rolled up his sleeve.
"This is actually a seal used to suppress both my
power and Ddraig's. I've asked Asia to place it on me.
You can say she'es sort of like my limiter."
"Why chose to suppress it? Is it because you can't
control it?" Rias asked again
Issei shook his head. "I tried to avoid any attentions,
but so far it's not going so well. As you can see, you
and Yuuma has already noticed my presence." Issei
rubbed the back of his head and gave a forced smile
to Rias.
Rias closed her eyes for a moment, took in a deep
breath. She then decided to ask Issei a question that
would change his life forever.
"I- Issei, w- would you like to join my peerage?" Rias
asked him nervously. She feared that Issei would
reject her.
Issei stayed quite for a moment and folded his arms to
"Sure." He replied it but with a serious expression this
"""""!?""""" Everyone was surprised by Issei's reply.
"R- Really!?" Rias shot forward, holding Issei's hand
and looked at him happily. Her eyes were glittering.
"Yea." Issei gave her a small smile and nodded.
"Yaaaaaa!" Rias jumped up and down while hugging
"Ahem..." Akeno coughed to remind Rias her current
Rias quickly let go of Issei.
"S- Sorry..." Rias was blushing as she apologized. Issei
just chuckled and shook his head showing that he
doesn't mind.
"But if you reincarnated as a Devil, it would mean that
you will live as my servant." Rias reminded Issei.
"Yea. I know." Issei nodded.
"Issei-san? C-Can I have to become a Devil too?"
Asia's question causes Issei to look at her straight
"N- No you can't Asia." He told her while he put both
his hands on her shoulders.
"If you become a devil, you can no longer pray to
God." Issei told her seriously.
"B- But you're turning into a Devil... I promised I will
follow Issei-san forever..." Asia started to have teary
Issei flinched seeing Asia was about to cry. He gently
put his hand on her head and rubbed her head gently.
"I understand. But if you turn into a devil with me, you
can no longer pray to God. I can't take something that
is so important to you just because of my selfish
choice. I'll be very upset if that happened. You know
that I do things with reason. So if I choose to be a
Devil, I have my own reason. Besides, I want to stop
hiding. I want my freedom back. If anyone comes to
threaten you or my peaceful life, I'll blow them away.
Even if I turn into a Devil, I'm still me right? So please,
stop crying." Issei smiled as he told his feelings to
Asia rubbed of her tears and nodded her head.
Issei turned towards Rias with a serious expression.
"What are the options for me to become a Devil?"
Rias took out her chess pieces from her pocket, and in
her hand were crimson chess pieces, 1 rook, 1 bishop,
1 knight and 8 pawns.
"These are Evil Pieces. These can help you to be
reincarnated as a Devil. Choose your piece Issei."
Issei looked at Rias's hand for a moment.
"Pawn please. All of them."
"!?" Rias rose an eyebrow but complied, putting the
rest of her chess pieces back into her pocket and left
the 8 pawns on her hand.
"Please stand forward Issei." Rias spoke seriously.
Issei followed her order and stood forward.
A crimson demonic-power started to surrounds Rias's
body. She then started to chant, "I order, in my name
Rias Gremory. You, Hyoudou Issei. I, resurrect you
back to this soil as my servant, and have you reborn
as a Devil. You, my Pawn, be delighted with ypur new
The crimson chess pieces glows and flew into Issei's
Rias stops her demonic-power after confirming that all
8 pieces has entered into Issei's body. She then made
a sigh.
"Ara ara, Issei-kun must be very strong. Taking all 8 at
once. Ufufufu." Akeno praised Issei, while placing her
palm on her cheek and laughed.
"A- Amazing... You took in all 8 of them... Issei-kun"
Kiba spoke with an amazed expression on his face.
"Amazing..." Koneko said with her eyes widened
Issei looked at his own body, opened and closed his
hands, feeling a new surge of power in him. He has
gotten stronger. Now, he's half-devil and half-dragon.
"Issei-san?" Asia called out Issei's name, worried that
he's personalities might change as soon as he turned
into Devil.
"Humm?" Issei turned and looked at Asia with a smile.
"Don't worry Asia, I'm still me." He said that to her
while giving her his signature smile.
"Oh, Rias-senpai. Can Asia join the club too, even though
she's not a Devil but she sure knows magic." Issei
asked for Rias's permission.
"Humm... Okay. I'll allow it. Welcome to Occult
Research Club Asia-san. Can I call you Asia?" Rias
welcomed Asia with a warm smile.
"H- Hai. Thank you Rias-senpai." Asia bowed to show
her being grateful to Rias.
"Issei." Rias called out Isse's name as her servant
started to gather beside her.
"We, the Occult Reseach Club, welcome you as a
At that moment, bat-like wings sprouted behind
everyone's back even Issei's.
*Whistle~* Issei whistled as he looked at his own
wings, which causes Rias to giggled a bit. He tried to
flap them a few times and succeeded.
"Now Issei, allow me to give you a couple of advice as
a fellow Devil." Rias stared to speak with a serious
facial expression. Being Devils mean you can't get
involved with anything that has to do with the Biblical
God, as they can give headaches or other nasty side
effects. Devils are also vulnerable to holy objects such
as crucifixes, holy water and the Bible. Devils can be
killed easily by Holy Swords and Sacred Gears with
divine properties. Also, intense light, such as light-
based weapons used by Fallen Angels and Angels and
the light swords used by priests can deal severe
damages or even worse, kill Devils." Rias started to
talk like a machine gun.
"Y- Yea. Got it Rias-senpai" Issei said it as he tries to
take in all that information.
"Wrong. You must call me Buchou from now onwards."
"Got it, Buchou." Issei smiled.
"H- Hai Buchou!" Asia followed
"Oh, it's almost time for class." Rias said that as she
saw the time.
"Issei, please come back here after class. There's still
something we have to discuss. I'll send someone to
get you. You can come if you want Asia." Rias told
both Issei and Asia as they're exiting the clubroom.
"Got it Buchou~"
"Hai Buchou-san"
(In the 2nd Year Classroom)
While the student were waiting for the teacher to
come, the male students were gathering at Issei's
"Hyoudou! I heard that you were invited to the Occult
Research Club! Is that true!?"
"How did you join!? Tell me your secret!?"
"Damn! Why do you get to be with both Kuoh's
Academy's Two Great Ladies!?"
Two male student shouted at Issei out loud. One has a
bald head while the other is wearing big square
Issei narrowed his eyes when he saw those two
classmates of his.
"I feel offended when being shouted by the two of you,
Perverted Duo. Matsuda, Motohama." Issei spoke
harshly to those two.
"I also know that you two were the one who spread
those stupid rumours about me. I can still tolerate
what you did for now. But don't you dare push your
luck any further. I'll crush both of you if I want to."
Issei sent them a glare after finishing what he has to
All the students backed away from Issei a bit, feeling
frightened on what Issei had just said. Both Matsuda
and Motohama were sweating and shaking heavily.
They're uniform got a bit wet from the sweats as if
they've just peed on their pants.
"I- Issei-san..."
{Calm down partner, calm down...}
Hearing both Asia's and Ddraig's voice, Issei's anger
dispersed right away.
Taking in a deep breath and releasing it.
"Sorry about that." Issei apologized to everyone for
scaring them.
The whole class was silence until the teacher arrived.
(Break Time)
Issei was looking the window while waiting for
whoever it was that Buchou will send. He's saving his
lunch meal for later.
"Kyaaa~! It's Kiba-kun!"
"Why is he here!?"
"It's the Kuoh's prince!"
The girls screamed as they saw Kiba walked into their
classroom. Kiba smiled at the, charmingly and walked
towards Issei when he saw him.
"Yo Kiba. So Buchou sent you huh." Issei grinned and
gave Kiba a wave.
"Yes, Buchou had asked me to come get you." Kiba
The girls however started to fantasize something else.
"Hyoudou-kun x Kiba-kun pair!? Noooo!"
"Nooooo! I can't imagine them being together!"
"M- Maybe its Kiba-kun x Hyoudou-kun!?"
Both Issei and Kiba sweat dropped on his head when
he heard that.
"Asia, I'm going. You wanna come?" Issei asked as he
turn his head to Asia's direction.
"Hai." Asia stood up and brought her school bag with
As they leave the classroom.
"What's is wrong with the people in this school!? Just
how wild is their imaginations?" Issei spoke very softly
so only he, Asia and Kiba can hear it.
"Hahaha..." Kiba laughed understanding what Issei
meant, while Asia tilted her head not understanding.
"I don't understood what Issei-san meant..." Asia spoke
'She's so innocent...' both Issei and Kiba thought the
same thing as they stare at Asia for a while.
Issei put his hand on her head and said, "I'll explain to
you next time."
"Promise?" Asia asked with a hope in her face.
"I~ promise." Issei grinned.
(At the Occult Research Club)
"Oh, you're here." Rias greeted when she saw Kiba
entered the clubroom with both Issei and Asia. Both
Akeno and Koneko were already in the room. The
former one was sitting on a couch while the later was
sitting on the opposite side with a pile of food in front
of her."
"I sorry to call you during the break time. But I still
have some questions I need to ask." Rias spoke.
"It's okay- " Issei started to speak but something
interrupted his talk.
Silence took over, for a couple of minutes.
Issei blushed heavily and said, "...While we're having
the conversations... y- you don't mind if I eat at here
Rias was covering her mouth, trying to suppress her
"Ara ara. Ufufufufu." Akeno laughed.
"Heh..." Koneko laughed a bit.
Both Asia and Kiba were turning to the other side
trying to hide their faces.
{Pff! Hahahahahahaha!} Ddraig was laughing heavily in
Issei's head.
"Yes. You can eat while we're talking, Issei." Rias
finally spoke while wiping the tears on her eyes.
"T- Thank you Buchou..." Issei thanked Rias, still
blushing heavily from what just happened.
Issei sat next to Koneko and took out his lunch box
from his school bag. Koneko's eyes glued at Issei at
that moment... or... his lunch box to be more precise.
Everyone's eyes widened except Asia's as they saw
Issei's Extra Extra Large Lunch Box.
'It's big! Wait... how did that fit into his school bag!?'
Rias thought.
Issei looked at Rias and spoke, "What do you wanna
talk about?"
"Oh. Umm, since you already told me that Asia uses
magic. So I've been wondering whether you too know
how to use magic? Rias asked as she saw Issei was
gulping his lunch box vigorously.
"Haaaaa~" Issei's showed a pleasant expression as he
wolfed down half of his meal within a minute he
covered up his lunchbox and spoke.
"I do use magic. But mainly elemental type. I use
mostly Fire magic and Lightning magic."
"You meant the basic ones?" Rias asked again.
"I won't say basic. I can use different types of fire and
""""?"""" All four Devils tilted their head not
understanding what Issei meant.
Issei then decided to show them and put down his
lunch box.
He then brought out his left hand with his palm facing
"This is the black flame of Shinto God, Amaterasu." A
black flame started to came out from his palm.
"This is the Hell-fire from the Greek God, Hades" the
black flame then changed in to a blue flame which
flickers on his hand.
"This is the flame of a Fire Dragon." The flame
changed again into a yellow-orange flame which gave
out more heat than the previous ones.
Issei then lifted up his right hand and did the same
"This is the lightning from Shinto God, Susanoo." Black
lighting started to spark on his right hand.
"This is the lightning from Greek God, Zeus." The
black lightning turned into blue lightning right away.
"This is the lightning from a Lightning Dragon." A
yellow lightning sparked on his hand.
Issei closed both his palm after displaying his abilities.
Issei was caught off guard once again when he was
tackled by Rias.
"You're amazing Issei! I'm so happy you're in my
peerage!" Rias said it happily while hugging Issei even
Issei however... got his head stuck in Rias's breast.
'B- B- Breast... C- Can't breathe...' One side of Issei
started to panic as he was suffocated by Rias while
the other side of him was feeling comforted as he was
lying on something soft.
"B- Buchou! Please let go of Issei-san!" Asia plead
Rias while trying her best to separate Issei from the
latter one. But failed.
"Ara ara. Maybe I should join in as well." Akeno stood
behind Issei and hugged his back.
Now Issei is trapped between two pair of large
"Akeno let go of Issei.' Rias narrowed her eyes as she
stare at Akeno.
"Ara ara. Why should I Buchou. I'm just giving Issei-
kun a reward for being so amazing." Akeno smiled
while talking back to Rias.
"My reward is enough already." Rias shot back right
away. "Right Issei?" Rias looked down to see the
brown-haired boy. But...
"B- Breast..." Issei fainted within the grasp of Rias and
Akeno. His eyes were swirling and and there's blood
coming out from his nose.
"Issei!" "Issei-kun!" "Issei-san!" Rias, Akeno and Asia
were shocked seeing Issei lying on the floor.
Kiba just laughed sheepishly seeing what just
happened while Koneko sneakily ate the remaining
food in Issei's lunchbox.
(Evening at Occult Research Club)
After Issei woke up, both Rias and Akeno apologized to
him for making him fainted but he said that he won't
mind it at all.
"Issei, how did you learn those kind of magic? I mean,
I can understand learning magic from Dragons but the
God and Goddess from Shinto Divisions? The Greek
Gods? How?" Rias was puzzled by the fact that Issei
was able to wield those magic.
"Well... You can say I asked them nicely so that they
are willing to teach me..." Issei said that while
scratching his cheek with his index finger and smiled
"But as for the Hell-fire... I ate it... The Greek God,
Hades isn't a nice god at all. He challenged me right
at the moment when I asked him to teach me Hell-
fire." Issei frowned as he recalled what had happened.
""""!?""" All four Devils were shocked again. Issei never
cease to amaze them.
"You at his flame!? How!?" Rias asked shockingly.
"Well... Back then, I used all my stamina to claw my
way out of the Hell-fire... But I failed. It was then I
started to eat his flame... I was hungry." Issei
shrugged as he explained the whole thing.
"For someone to survive entering Hell... You really are
amazing Issei." Rias muttered.
He was about to continue eating his lunchbox... but
there's nothing left in it.
*GaKhong!* Issei's jaw dropped to the floor.
"M- My lunch!?" Issei hold his lunchbox while shaking.
He then turned to look at the culprit.
Koneko was using her handkerchief to clean her
mouth. She then put her thumbs up and said, "It was
"... ..." Issei currently lost his words.
Suddenly, Akeno spoke to Rias in a serious tone.
"Buchou, we've received a message from the Arch
"Arch Duke?" Rias questioned.
Akeno showed a serious expression. "Apparently, a
Strayed Devil is on the loose in this town."
Rias frowned upon hearing that.
"Buchou. When you said Strayed Devil, did you mean
that they're left their masters?" Issei asked Rias.
Rias nodded her head. "Not just leaving their masters.
It also includes those who turned into a Servant Devil
of a Devil, but they betrayed or killed its master. They
chose to use that power for their own self-interest and
cause destruction at different location. They also
attack and kill humans. When one is found, the master
or other Devils are ordered to eliminate the Stray
Devils. That's the law of the Devils."
Issei stood up from his seat, cracked his knuckles and
said. "Then let's go hunt some Strayed Devil."
(Outside an Unused Building)
They were teleported from the clubroom. Issei had
asked Asia to head back home without him as it was
too dangerous for her. He knows that she can use
defensive magic, but still... he worries that something
might happen to her.
'Huh... So being a devil helps you improve your
eyesight during night time huh.' Issei thought to
himself as he can see in the dark much clearer than
His nose twitched for a while as he smelled
""...Smell of blood."" ""!?""
Both Issei and Koneko said it at the same time. They
looked at each other. Koneko was covering her nose
with her uniform
"Jinx." Issei said it to Koneko.
Koneko narrowed her eyes and walked away.
'Man, she's serious...' Issei thought.
{Partner, do you need me at here?} Ddraig asked Issei in
his head.
"Nah, just a Strayed Devil. It'll be overkill if I use you."
{Then I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow~} Ddraig spoke
to him telepathically before he cut off the link.
Issei chuckled as he saw one of the Heavenly Dragon
being so lay back.
As they entered into the unused building, Rias spoke
to Issei.
"Issei, it's a good opportunity for you to see what a
Devils' battle is like. Just for today, concentrate and
watch how we fight okay? I'll also explain the traits
the servants have."
Issei stood beside Rias and nodded.
"As you wish Buchou."
Something then approached them...
"I smelled something disgusting. But also sweet. Is it
sweet? Is it sour?" A low voice which was coming from
below the ground.
Rias then said, "Stray Devil Vaizor. We are here to
eliminate you."
The inhuman abnormal laughter echoes around the
Suddenly, a topless woman appear from the shadow...
but her body was floating.
"Woa~!" Issei quickly covered his eyes thinking that
it's rude to stare at a naked lady.
A heavy footstep was heard followed by a gigantic
beast body.
The Strayed Devil looked horrible. While the upper
body was woman, the lower body was a monster. That
monster's size was at least more than 6 metres tall.
'So this is what it's like to be a Strayed Devil...' Issei
narrowed his eyes as he looked at the monster
standing in front of them.
"Leaving your master and rampaged around as you
please definitely lead you to be eliminated. In the
name of Duke Gremory, I will gladly eliminate you!"
Rias spoke loud and clear to the Strayed Devil.
"Cunning little girrrrrrl! I shall rip your body apart and
colour it in red like your hairrrrrrr!" The monster
Rias just smiled and started to command her servants.
In that instant Kiba vanished from his position. He
sprinted towards the monster. But Issei can see him
clearly. 'He's fast... but... not fast enough.' Issei
Rias started to speak, "Yuuto is a Knight. Its trait is
speed. Those that become a Knight have their speed
increased. Yuuto's ultimate weapon is swords."
Kiba was moving here and there dodging the monster's
attack. He then stopped suddenly, holding onto a
European sword. Taking it out from the scabbard.
He then vanished again, and the next thing you know.
The monster was screaming from the pain. Both its
arms were cut off from its torso. Blood were gushing
out from the wound.
Koneko then started to walk towards the wounded
"Next is Koneko. She is a Rook. The trait of a Rook is
that- "
"Damnnnnn Youuuuuuuuuuuu!"
The lower section of the monster started to open
forming a big mouth with big sharp teeth.
The monster ate Koneko. But Rias remained calm, so
did Issei.
"The trait of a Rook is that it provides absolute
strength and high defence. It's impossible to hurt
Koneko at that calibre of bite."
The lower mouth of the monster started to open. It
was forced opened! Inside that mouth was Koneko
with her uniforms a bit ripped off.
Koneko spoke as she truned around and deliver a
punch towards the Strayed Devil's lower section.
The monster flew backwards with the lower section of
its mouth and teeth destroyed.
*Whistle~* Issei whistled as he saw the monster was
sent flying.
"Lastly, Akeno."
"Hai Buchou. Ara ara. What should I do? Ufufufu."
Akeno was smilling as she walked towads the monster
that was lying on the ground.
Suddenly, one of the Strayed Devil's hand close to
Rias and Issei started to move. It was slowly crawling
towards Rias without her noticing.
As the hand pounced, Issei noticed it right away.
""""!?""" Everyone turned around when they heard Issei
shouting at their King.
Issei stood forward guarding Rias. He brought out his
left hand just in time to grab the wrist of severed
The severed arm was close in grabbing Rias if it was
not prevented by Issei.
Issei narrowed his eyes as he looked at the severed
Orange-yellow flame burst out from Issei's hand and
started to burn the severed hand until only ashes
remain. The room temperature spiked up for a while
when Issei released his flame of Fire Dragon.
"T- Thank you, Issei." Rias thanked him while giving a
disappointed expression. She was mad at herself. How
could she let her guard down!?
"Ara ara. It's not nice of you to target our king Devil-
chan. You need to be punish." Akeno started to show a
S face.
Pale yellow magic circle started as she pointed her
hands towards the sky.
The next instant, the sky sparkled and lightning bolts
strike down the monster.
The monster was being electrified... violently.
'So she uses lightning-based attack like me huh.' Issei
"Akeno is a Queen. She is the one who is the
strongest after me. She is the unbeatable Vice-
President of our club who has all the traits of Pawn,
Rook, Bishop and Knight."
"Ara ara. You're still very energetic." Akeno licked her
lips while still showing S face.
Another lightning bolt came down and hit the monster.
Issei shivered slightly as he saw Akeno kept on striking
the monster. He even felt a bit sorry for the Strayed
Devil... just a bit.
Rias continued, "Akeno excels at attack using
demonic-powers. She could use natural elements of
lightning, ice and fire. And most of all... She's the
Ultimate Sadist."
Issei sweat dropped on his head when he heard that
statement from Rias.
"Well, usually she;s very kind, but once the battle
starts, she won't stop until she's calmed down."
That statement causes Issei to shiver again. 'Scary...
"Akeno, that's enough." Rias ordered Akeno and
walked towards the monster.
"Ara ara. Is it over already? I'm still not satisfied yet."
Akeno smiled and place her hand on her cheek.
Rias then put her hand towards the monster and
asked, "Any last words?"
The Strayed Devil just spoke weakly, "J... Just kill
"Very well. Checkmate."
With that reply, a gigantic crimson-black mass of
demonic-power is shot out from Rias's palm.
It's so big that it entirely covered the monster's body
leaving it without any trace.
'I- Is that the Power of Destruction!?' Issei widened his
eyes as he saw that magic.
Rias sighed after confirming that the monster is dead.
"Good work everyone."
And so, for Issei's life as a Devil begins.

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