03 - entrance exam

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A/n: This is a filler chapter and it's a flashback from when you took the entrance exam so it isn't really important but I still wanted to post it.

Proofread: Not
Edited: Not

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I was standing in front of a big gate with other examinees.

'Battle center F' I read looking at the little card in my hand. I recalled what the pro-hero present mic had explained to us just a few moments ago.

Flashback to the explanation of present mic:

Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten‐minute mock battles in super‐hip urban settings. Gird your loins, my friends. After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center, sound good?

"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid‐song guitar solo. But, check it! Make sure you're keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no‐no, ya dig?"

Flash back end

"So if I'm right there are 4 types of villains. I guess the higher the points you get for one the harder it is to defeat that villain." You mutter to yourself.

You looked back up again at the big wooden door. "We Have 10 minutes, I guess I will have to go for the villains with higher points then." You conclude.

Suddenly there was a loud ringing sound and the big door opened, meaning the exams had now started.

You were a bit surprised but quickly pulled yourself together and started running through the wooden door into the battlefield. When you looked back you saw that the other examinees had started to catch up as well but there was still a big distance between you and them because you were so fast.

the reason as to why you were so fast was because you had been training for 2 years long.

After all, that running, you finally saw 6 villains. Three 3 pointers, one 2 pointers, and two 1 pointer. You grew your kagune and your eyes started glowing red and black.

First, you jumped up at the two 1 pointers. stabbing them both directly in the eye, causing them to immediately shut down.

After you were done you ran to the 2 points. he tried to attack you but you were faster and managed to dodge the attack. after that you combined swept the robot under his feet and when he landed on the ground you stabbed it in the eye.

After that, you immediately got attacked by one of the 3 pointers. You barely dodge and the robot hit the wall and got stuck. You ran up his arm that was stuck in the wall and with your kagune, you chopped its head off.

You did the same with the other 2 robots.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

This went on for a while. You got weird stares, probably because of your kagune but you ignored it. After 7 Minutes you had more than 65 points.

But suddenly you heard a loud boom sound.

You looked to your right and you saw a huge robot completely destroying the city. People were screaming and running away.

'The one pointer' You thought shocked at its size.

You were about to run away from it but you stopped when you saw a pink-skinned girl laying on the ground right before the robot.

She looked like she was in pain but still trying to stand up. You looked at her legs and saw that they were covered with the remaining of the destroyed building.

Her hand was outstretched towards you, calling for your help.

It reminded you of something...

Something twitched inside you and you looked back up at the robot. You were furious.

You pushed yourself up with your kagune, giving yourself a boost so that you were high in the air. Then you hit its face with all of your tentacles. The robot fell backward from the force and you landed on its head. After it landed and you made sure you didn't fell to your dead you jumped off its head and ran to the pink-skinned girl who was still laying under the pieces of the destroyed house.

"The 10 minutes and the exam is over!" You hear Present mic scream through a speaker but you paid no mind, you were too focused on getting the girl to safety.

You removed the pieces with the help of your quirk. After she was free she immediately stood up and gave you the biggest hug ever.

You were shocked but after a few moments, you relaxed a bit. She then broke the hug and grabbed you by the shoulders. "

"You just saved my life thank you so much!" She half screamed with a sweet smile. You smiled back at her. "Your quirk is so cool, you're a Ghoul, right?" your smile immediately disappeared and you got nervous again.

"yeah..." You say not knowing how to respond.

"That's so cool!" she says. You look back up at her. "Do you really think so?" you ask still in disbelieve.

"Yeah, as long as you don't eat me," She said jokingly.

"Everyone who is injured, go to the UA infirmary!" The speaker spoke.

"Welp, that's my cue, hopefully, I see you at UA." She smiled at you one last time and then she disappeared into the crowd.

'Someone thought my quirk was cool?' You asked while looking at your hands in disbelieve.

After that, you went home not thinking about the exam result but only about the girl who you didn't even know what her name was.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

A/n: Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote. I swear like only 3/5 more chaps and then It will get less boring!!!

Have a nice day/night, goodbye<3 :)

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