09 - Unsure

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"Mom?" You whispered to yourself.

The class was too focused on getting to safety so they didn't hear You say that. Except for Shota who looked at me in shock but soon got his focus back and looked back at the villains.

'That can't be here, right? She went missing years ago and most people assume she died. Maybe It's just a woman who looks like her and has a kagune to, yeah that must be it.' You tried to reassure yourself.

thoughts kept clouding your mind until you felt someone pulling on your arm. You removed your gaze from the person that was your mother or someone who looked like your mother to the person who was pulling your arm, it was Kirishima.

"Don't worry L/n-chan, these villains are probably not trained and have trash quirks." He told you as he gave you a small smile.

You gave him a confused look because you didn't understand why he was telling you this.

"Oh sorry, you looked really scared so I thought that would calm you down." he said while scratching his head."

"No it's fine, thank you." You said giving him one last warm smile and then returning your gaze on the villains.

You tried to ignore the person that looked like your mother and observed the other villains.

There was this person- mist thingy you guessed its quirk was teleportation since it just appeared out of nowhere.

then there was this weird-looking hand guy again and next to him was a creature that looked like a bird.

then there were hundreds of people who were really weird and evil-looking, they were slowly walking towards where you and your classmates were standing.

"thirteen, strat the evacuation," Aizawa said while putting his goggles on as he began walking towards the villains.

"What about you sir, Will you fight by yourself?!" Midoriya asked.

Aizawa stopped talking as he listened to Midoriyas protests.

"You can't just be a hero with just one trick up your sleeve." The whole class watched worried as Aizawa continued to move further into the area with the villains, unable to do anything.

"I'm leaving it to you then thirteen." He said before running off.

The whole class watched Aizawa fighting until thirteen called out to them.

You all ran towards the entrance of the building but were stopped when suddenly the purple fog teleported in front of you and your class.

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us but we have invited ourselves into the home of U.A Highschool in order to have all might the symbol of peace, take his last breath, and to retrieve a student to our base, I believe her name was Y/n L/n." It said.

You were frozen in place while the whole class looked at you with shocked expressions.

this only confirmed your suspicions of the woman who was standing next to the hand guy to be your mother.

You began to shake and your breathing became heavier, but you were quickly pulled out of that state as the purple mist spoke again.

"I believe all might should have been here, has there been some kind of change?" It said while looking around the students but its eyes landed on you.

"Well, I assume it isn't really a problem since we still have one of the people here which we came for." He said while referring to your shocked state.

Thirteen raised their fingers and prepared to attack the purple villain with here quirk but they were quickly interrupted by two screaming students who attacked the fog, Bakugou, and Kirishima to be more clear.

'Idiots' You thought.

"Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did?!"Kirishima asked confidently.

This seemed to have made the purple man mad.

The smoke of Bakugous explosions slowly disappeared only to be replaced by the once of the villain.

"Move away you two!" Thirteen screamed at Bakugou and Kirishima.

"My job is to scatter and torture you all to death!" The villains while he spread mist all around you and your classmates.

"What the hell?" You whisper yelled while trying to not fall over as the wind was too strong.

Some of your classmates managed to jump out of the mist before it was too late but you didn't.

You felt yourself being sucked into the mist. It felt weird but actually quite calming.

You hear Iida scream one last time and then you were falling.

𝙂𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡 - Bnha x Fem reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now