Chapter Ten

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Victoria pov:

I woke up in a white room with machines around me. I remember everything and sit straight. Tears flow from my eyes. I didn't even realise I start sobbing loudly. A nurse entered the room. She look at me with sad eyes and said softly: "is anything hurting miss?"

I shake my head in no and said sobbing loudly: "I want papa. Please call papa. I wanna go to home. I don't wanna stay here"

She quickly rush outside. I keep on sobbing loudly. After some time, Armando and others came inside. I pull blanket to myself and said softly: "please let me go back to Papa. I don't wanna stay here. Please"

Vincenzo look at me with pain in his eyes but when I look back it's gone. Maybe I'm Imaging things because of the tiredness and dizzy feeling. Others have a blank expression. Armando is going to come towards me making me cry out.

I said sobbing: "please just let me go"

Armando came towards me and wrap his arms around me making me flinch. He said gently stroking my hairs: "shh calm down Victoria. You wanna see your father. I will call him to come and meet you okay now relax"

I look up at him with wide eyes and mumble softly: "really"

He nodded simply. Marcello growled making me whimper: "what the heck are you talking Armando?"

Armando put his hand up making him shut instantly. He said blankly: "how are you feeling now?"

I mumble against his chest: "fine but my head hurts"

He nodded and Vincenzo came towards me and said simply: "can you tell us how did you get all those scars?"

Everything started to run in front of my eyes. His words, his touch and every little thing he did to me. I pull myself away and curl myself into a ball while breathing heavily.

Vincenzo try to touch me but I screamed making them look at me: "no, leave me. Please just leave me alone. I hate him. I hate him. Please just leave"

Armando said gently: "Victoria relax, there is no one. Calm down"

I keep on sobbing while screaming for them leaving me. Dario said looking at me: "what the fuck is happening to her? Do something. She gonna hurt herself"

Marcello said blankly: "what should we do now? Hug her and say good things to her. I saw in a movie. It will help her in relaxing"

I felt Armando wrap his arms around me. I try to push him away but he held me tightly. He keep on saying good things to me. His voice really gentle. He is reminding of papa. I slowly started to relax while hearing his voice. My eyes started to drift to sleep. He said gently: "sleep child, we'll always be there for you"


Woking up in a white and baby pink room. I slowly rub my eyes and yawn. I look here and there and saw a big whole fluffy and cute looking room, just like I always wanted. Am I dreaming? I pinch myself but no. I grin while thinking about papa came back. I run outside and saw it's Armando house. I slowly padded downstairs and look Armando, Alfredo and Marcello sitting in living room.

I slowly walk towards them while limping a little. Marcello said smirking: "do you like your room?"

I said softly: "thank you"

He said simply: "your father call us and tell us about your dream room. Oh yeah he wanna talk you. Do you wanna talk to your father?"

I nodded quickly. He chuckle and give me a sign to come towards him. I walk towards him and he pull me next to him. I sat next to him and he call and said something in other language. He pass the phone to me and put it on speaker.

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