Why bojack was not at fault for her death

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Her last words were "I wanna be an Architect" a dream that was shattered when she overdosed on a brand of hairon called bojack. BoJack was also responsible for the first time she got drunk, at the age of ten, due to leaving his vodka in a water bottle sitting in his dressing room where she was getting her hair cut, he had sex with her when they were both drunk, and when she was sober for almost nine months he took advantage of the fact she was very ready to go off the wagon and went on a bender with her, that led to her death. One day, in between takes, BoJack tells Sarah Lynn she is nothing without her fans, and if she is good to them they'll be good to her. He also tells her no one else will ever understand her or love her as much as them. She has to give the people what they want, even if it kills her. While this quote may have been BoJack describing his own worldview, it seems to have affected Sarah Lynn and how she acted later in life. One day, a ten-year-old Sarah Lynn had Sharona, the hairdresser and makeup lady, cut her hair in BoJack's dressing room, to his annoyance, because her stepdad was "being weird." He takes out his frustrations over the Herb situation on her, and Sharona calls him out in it as the two leave the dressing room, leaving a teary-eyed Sarah Lynn alone. BoJack left a water bottle filled with alcohol (which he got from Sharona) on the vanity, and Sarah Lynn winds up drinking it and getting sick. Danny tells BoJack when she is not on set, and that someone has to be held accountable as her mother might sue. BoJack lets Sharona take the blame and she gets fired.

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