"Thats too much man"

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The most minabel episode of bojack horseman to date is probably the epouse "that's too much man" In That's Too Much, Man!, on January 16, 2016, a happier and calmer Sarah Lynn is about to celebrate her ninth month of sobriety. She then gets a call from BoJack asking her if she wants to party. This was after BoJack had not been nominated for an Oscar and had a falling out with everyone he knew. She immediately accepts and downs a bottle of vodka. BoJack comes over and they proceed to drink, do drugs, reminisce, and watch old episodes of Horsin' Around. However, BoJack begins to blackout. After a few blackouts, during which Sarah Lynn asks to go to the planetarium twice only for BoJack to reject her as he thinks "dome-shaped buildings are dumb," they are thirty-one hours into their bender. They end up at an AA meeting because Sarah Lynn wants to get her nine-month sobriety chip. BoJack gets fed up with all the boring stories so he goes up to the podium. He tells them a story about how he visited his friend Charlotte and how he tried to sleep with both her and her daughter Penny in Tesuque, New Mexico, and that he has no idea what happened to the family or the daughter afterward. He has another blackout and comes to while recklessly driving a car. Sarah Lynn tells him that he shut down the AA meeting because he "bummed everyone out" and that she looked Penny up on Facebook. It appears that Penny is doing fine and she is now attending college in Oberlin. Sarah Lynn also tells him to try the 12-step program and to make amends to make himself feel better and get a clean slate. However, these attempts fail due to both of them being high and drunk. They break into Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's house and dress up like them after BoJack eats all their food while Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane watch. BoJack tries to apologize to Todd but ends up apologizing to a little boy who is dressed similarly to Todd.

BoJack also tries to apologize to Ana for two weeks, but blacks out every time before he can hear her tell why she does not want to be around him anymore. He also tries to apologize to Princess Carolyn by standing outside her apartment building on the roof of his car and screaming that "[he's] sorry." Princess Carolyn just sighs and goes back inside with her boyfriend Ralph, who turns to glare at BoJack. After finally hearing Ana's story about the incident that happened to her as a young adult, BoJack has another blackout and wakes up in a car with Sarah Lynn. They are on the way to Ohio for BoJack to make amends with Penny and to see if he "messed her up." He demands that they turn the car around, but the two still end up at Oberlin's library. They spot Penny using the computer, and BoJack says that they should stop following her, but he blacks out again and wakes up later at night outside of a party that Penny is attending. BoJack says that she seems fine and that maybe he did not ruin her. He agrees to drive them home after he pees but ends up bumping into a group of guys, knocking them over. This catches Penny's attention and she notices BoJack and begins to freak out, telling him that "he can't be here." Realizing BoJack came there to find her, she says "I was seventeen, I didn't know any better!" The people around them start to recognize Sarah Lynn and BoJack and begin to take pictures of them. They leave as a frightened Penny disappears into the crowd.Back in the car, Sarah Lynn tells BoJack that Penny was probably doing great before they showed up and that they should've just left her alone, as seeing BoJack probably opened old wounds, a comment that annoys BoJack. Sarah Lynn asks for a bottle opener and finds one in the glove compartment next to a pack of heroin nicknamed BoJack, which had been discovered by BoJack and Diane back in BoJack Kills.She tells BoJack that they have to try it, as having a drug named after you is a big deal. He says he does not want to shoot heroin. Later, after the two have returned to Sarah Lynn's house in L.A., BoJack says that instead, "[they] can snort heroin like sophisticated adults."After he snorts some heroin, BoJack blacks out again. During his blackout, he has a flashback to Thanksgiving 2007, when he and Cuddlywhiskers had a conversation about The BoJack Horseman Show's failing ratings and getting Sarah Lynn to guest star. BoJack's surroundings shake similarly to a subway car while he flashes back, getting more violent as it progresses, especially when Cuddlywhiskers tells BoJack he was "like a father to [Sarah Lynn]." BoJack then wakes up but falls over.BoJack's next series of blackouts transition him and Sarah Lynn to different locations. While this happens, he reminisces about their time together on Horsin' Around. He tells Sarah Lynn he feels like she's the only one who understands him. He also tells her they can be friends because they're the only two people who knew each other before they were famous, and they like each other for who they really are as people.BoJack continues this speech while the scene transitions to the two of them laying on a hotel bed at nighttime. BoJack says they do not want anything from each other, and he tells Sarah Lynn he loves her. She does not respond and he panics, but she comes to and complains about being bored.She turns on the TV and discovers the Oscars are on, much to BoJack's surprise, as he learns just how long they were on the bender. Sarah Lynn wins the Oscar for "Best Original Song," which makes her overjoyed, then regretful as she was not there to receive it. She tells BoJack that "if someone had told [her] as a kid [she'd] win an Oscar, [she] wouldn't have believed it, but now [she] has," and then cuts herself off.Sarah Lynn tells BoJack she does not like anything about herself and that everything about her is fake and "not her." She says even her shirt came from a company that paid her $8,000 to wear it. Despite not needing the money, she wears it because she likes that someone still cared about her enough to want her to wear their shirt. BoJack tries to comfort her, but Sarah Lynn begins to panic and thinks she and everyone else is doomed. BoJack calms her down and finally agrees to take her to the planetarium. Sarah Lynn's final moments in That's Too Much, Man! The two are then seen in the planetarium, as silhouettes, watching a show. Sarah Lynn is impressed by the dome shape of the building, and she rests her head on BoJack's shoulder and says "I wanna be an architect." The narrator says that their lives are but short flashes in a universe that is billions of years old. BoJack tells Sarah Lynn "there's nothing to worry about because it doesn't matter what you did in the past or how you'll be remembered. All that matters is this moment." He asks if she agrees, but she does not respond. He nudges her, saying her name several times, but the screen just fades to black.

In Season 6 during BoJack's interview with Biscuits Braxby in Xerox of a Xerox, it is revealed BoJack, who in a panic wanted to cover his tracks, went out to the parking lot and called Sarah Lynn's phone for two minutes in order to make it look like she called him to come to the planetarium. BoJack then waited seventeen minutes to call 911, while Sarah Lynn, unknown to him, was actually still alive, albeit unconscious.Sarah Lynn was dead by the time she got to the hospital on February 28, 2016, from a heroin overdose at the age of 31.BoJack told her mother Carol and stepfather at the hospital she called him from the planetarium and sounded off, and he found Sarah Lynn passed out and called 911 but it was too late. Her mother was in utter agony and blamed herself, while her stepfather comforted her and told her it was not anyone's fault. BoJack also lied to Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface that he did not know where she got the heroin from.As he leaves the hospital he tells himself he needs to make changes, but after he opens his car door and multiple beer bottles fall out he continues to chug their contents.Sarah Lynn's death haunts BoJack, making him believe he is truly poisonous, which is how he describes himself in the following episode, That Went Well. He attempts to do a Horsin' Around reboot, Ethan Around, with Bradley, but when Chloe, the little girl in the show, tells BoJack her dream is to be like him, he panics, as she reminds him of Sarah Lynn, and flees the building.Sarah Lynn's parents were devastated by her death, although her mother continued to profit off of her by using her image for marketing such as Pepsi and Geico commercials, and for attention and public sympathy.

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