35 | fulfillment

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Taehyung missed the bus..

Since it was already late, it meant that there would be no more buses until the next morning. So, not having any other choice, he walked home. Drunk and shaking every time the wind brushed past him a little harder, he made it back in a little over half an hour.

He was exhausted and it didn't help that all those confused and negative thoughts were wreaking havoc in his head and constantly making him overthink.

The thing is, Taehyung's never actually been in love before, as crazy as that may sound. Yes he dated around a lot and had crushes here and there in his teenage years, but honestly? He never felt like any of them were that one in a million. It all seemed meaningless, like both of them knew it will eventually end because there was never a real connection to begin with.

Jungkook on the other hand? He was the one. He just had to be. No matter how many times Taehyung tried to lie to himself further and try to find a different reason, he always ended up with the same conclusion. He had to fight for him because without him.. he was nothing.

So that's what scared him the most. The connection. Because it was real, and he knew it was real. So there was a lot more to lose.

No matter how many times he tried to suppress that feeling, he just knew there was no going back now after he's admitted it out loud. Every time Jungkook's face appeared in his head, his stomach would burst with butterflies and this warm feeling slowly spread all over his heart. But maybe.. just maybe it was the alcohol, he tried to reassure himself, who knows.

With every step he took closer to the front door, the nervous feeling in his gut sinked lower. Nausea hit over him like a wave and suddenly his hands began to sweat. He couldn't tell if it was from drinking or all the overwhelming feelings in his head at once, but it definitely didn't feel good. Something felt very off and it got worse the moment he opened the door.

Unfamiliar shoes by the door. Unknown coat hanging on the wall. A new scent in the air. Muffled sounds coming from the other room.

Taehyung's head was spinning out of control. In a blink of an eye he was on the bathroom floor, spilling his guts out into the toilet as the noises echoed louder in his ears. That sound soon turned into high pitched ringing that made his head want to explode.

Everything was cloudy and he had no idea what was going on or how much time was passing. His heart stung and eyes glassed over with tears; and after what felt like hours, a shadowy figure approached him and stood tall above his body. His limp, pathetic body whose head was only supported by the toilet bowl.

Later the figure turned into two and now both long and slim bodies stared down at him mockingly. As if judging his pitiful, weak self. Taehyung wanted to reach out, to feel Jungkook, to apologise for everything and finally reveal his true feelings. But he felt so far away.

Before he could make out who the other person was, Taehyung passed out.


"Since when do you smoke?" Jimin came out onto the shared apartment building's garden wrapped up in a blanket. Jungkook was sitting on a bench and looking up at the night sky filled with surprisingly an adequate amount of stars, looking like tiny freckles twinkling on a pretty face.

"Oh.. hey Jimin. I'm surprised you're still up." Jungkook looked over at the poorly lit figure as he plopped down next to him. "I-I don't usually smoke and to be honest I hate the taste of it but.. I don't know. Sometimes I just need a distraction." He spoke softly as he put the cigarette out and blew out the last bits of smoke. A bitter expression on his face as the taste and burning sensation lingered in his throat.

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