28 | work

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Jungkook's pov:

Today was the day I was finally able to go back to work. I woke up extra early feeling so excited to be doing the thing that I love the most once again.

It's been a couple of days since that fight me and Tae had and we haven't really talked about it since then. I feel bad for lashing out on him like that, maybe I was just caught up in the moment and shouldn't have said some things. In the end it's not like we're together, I can't expect him to act like my boyfriend when he clearly doesn't even return my feelings.

Obviously it hurts, but I can't force someone to just like me back no matter how hard I try, it's all up to them in the end.

And I think I was slowly coming to terms with that. The fight made me realise that it was pointless to keep chasing after something that has no finish line. What's the point of getting stuck into a never ending loop that will only hurt me in the process?

Maybe it was a good thing that we had that small fight, I need to move on and stop being so hopeful that anything will work out from this.

"What time will you be back?" Taehyung asked me after getting dressed for work and making himself some lunch for later.

"I don't know, probably late since I want to stay in longer today to make up for being away for so long. Might practice or work out at the gym too if I have enough time." I shrugged while eating my cereal, still avoiding eye contact with the older. "Why you ask?" I glanced up at him before looking away quickly.

Taehyung shook his head. "Was just wondering." He shoved all his food into a container and then into his bag that he threw over one shoulder. "I hope you have fun at work." He mumbled before grabbing his keys and getting ready to leave.

I swallowed my food and followed him to the living room with my bowl still in my hands, I watched him put on his shoes while biting my lip in thought. "Thanks." I muttered, debating whether I should bring up our fight and apologise or just let it get buried into the deepest, darkest corners of our minds.

"Okay I'm going. Uh.. do you need anything?" Taehyung stopped right before unlocking the door, probably because he saw how I was standing there unsure of what to do or say.

To be honest a part of me was still hoping to get a goodbye kiss from the older like he would usually do it every single morning before leaving for work. I kind of missed that..

I looked at him for a second with my mouth half open, ready to speak my mind. But I decided against it. "Erm actually no. It's fine, just go. We can talk some other time." I scratched the back of my neck feeling a bit stupid.

"You sure? Cause I still got a minute to spare before my bus arrives." Taehyung asked.

I simply shook my head. "Don't worry about it." And with a smile I said goodbye to him.

I'm probably going to regret this..


"Jungkook!! I'm so happy so see you back at work!" Hoseok came over to me with that beaming smile of his immediately after I stepped foot inside the building. "How are you feeling?"

I smiled back and hugged him quickly. "Much better, thanks Hobi. Did I miss anything while I was away?" I asked while we were walking upstairs to the studios.

Hoseok tapped his chin in thought before letting out a small "ah!" and pointing his finger upwards.

"Actually yes, we had to move you to a different studio so I hope that won't be a big problem for you. But don't worry, it's definitely an upgrade since it's one of the newer ones so it will be much bigger and nicer." Once we reached the second floor the older showed me to the studio and he was right, it looked so much more polished and neat.

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