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One Year Later. 

"I still can't believe it." Chelsy said with a high pitched cackle. Sometimes she's the worst, but I couldn't ask for a better friend. 

"You think that's funny?" Derek said, and his voice held no humour in it. "I think what he did was terrible. You know how much Lauren hates the spotlight." 

I threw my hands in the air and let out a noise that sounded between a squeak and a gargle. Something is wrong with how excited I was over Derek's defense. 

"I know, I literally wanted to kill him after what he did!" I complained and rested my ankles on the table. They hurt more than ever with all the walking i've been doing at the clinic.

"You know you really shouldn't be still working, Laur. You're going to collapse and then Axel is going to go ape shit on your ass." Chelsy said in a nice way.

It's true, but the doctor said as long as I'm not exposed to anything harmful, I should be fine way into the 8th month. The head nurse made sure I was with patients that had just standard precautions, and assigned the other nurses with the contact, droplet, and isolation precautions. 

"Oh Axel is too worried about me anyways. It's not like I don't have other nurses there with me." I waved her off with my hand. "He's not the one on his feet all day. He gets a nice comfy chair in his office." 

"If I were him I wouldn't even let you leave the house now!" Derek said with a laugh. 

I pointed my index finger at him and narrowed my eyes. 

"Well listen here, Mr! You need to realize that i'm not going to sit around the house all day and do nothing. I'm tired of talking to Jet like he'll actually talk back. Especially if Chelsy is at work and Axel is too. I'd be so bored!" I complained. "And right now I really wish I was able to have a glass of wine." I pouted. 

"Here ya go!" Chelsy said in a high voice as she handed me a glass of red liquid. "It's sparkling grape juice. So you won't feel left out." She said as she lifted her glass to clink mine. 

"I hate Axel." I grumbled. 

"So can you go into detail about what happened?" Derek asked as I nodded and took a sip out of the wine glass. 

"I went to visit him at work, and everything was normal until he said he'd walk me down. He usually doesn't do that, so I was a little bit nervous as to why he was doing it today." I said and swished my sparking juice around in my cup. "As we got off the elevator, I noticed how there were a lot of people there. It was never usually like that, and they weren't doing anything." I tilted my head trying to remember. 

"He took my hand and we started going towards the door, and then all of a sudden everyone turned towards us, and I got really awkward." I paused and looked at them. "You know how I hate attention. Anyways, I turn to ask Axel what was going on, when I saw him kneel down in front of me." I paused to collect my thoughts. "It's not like I didn't want to marry him, but he had to have known how much I hated crowds and attention. To propose to me like that was dumb, and I hated him in that moment. Not to mention how Balinda was in on it." 

"She's a down right bitch, I can't believe he'd let her be in on it. She fucking is head over heels!" Chelsy chastised. 

I shrugged my shoulders and drowned my juice. It's all in the past anyways, and everything is perfect now. 

"But the good thing is that everything worked out. You've got a loving husband and-"

"Baby i'm home!" We heard Axel say through the hall. I'd just refilled my glass and sat back. Luckily Jet had heard the door, so he bolted before I leaned back. 

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