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It was a rainy evening and just like any other rainy day, I came back home to Sabr who was dancing happily with no care in the world. She looked so happy and carefree, you could easily tell from the beautiful smile adorning her cute baby face. Her eyes were closed and hands above the air as she jumped from one place to another. She was so happy, like a child in a candy store and I could bet Ammie was not home or she sneaked because Ammie would never let her play in the rain but then it's Sabr we are talking about and it's her best season, so she would surely look for a way to sneak out of the house and play in the heavy rain.

She was so drenched from head to toe, her scarf was long gone and her beautiful long black her was swaying along with her. Seeing her happy and in her best moods made me so happy, the happy girl I fell in love with even before she knew how to pronounce her own name correctly. I could have left her there seeing how much pleasure she was deriving from playing in the rain but I couldn't knowing how the aftermath of that act will be. She always ends up in the hospital during this season and not to forget Ammie and Maama's endless scolding that never seem to cease but being the stubborn person Sabr was, she ends up doing the same act every rainy day.

Smiling, I moved close to where she was unaware of her environment and tapped her but I regret my action immediately I did that. The moment she turned and realized I was the one she started moving away and screaming leaving me so confused with no idea what to do. It was never like this, the moment she sees me she goes all happy and jumpy asking how my day went and if I bought her favorite chocolates or cake.

I was still in shock when she started running away and screaming for help. Confused, I grabbed her hands and made her look at me thinking it will calm her down but then she started bleeding from her eyes and nose. Having no idea what to do I intended to carry her wet self to my car but immediately I touched her she vanished....

I woke up once again drenched in my own sweats which is now like a regular thing for me anytime I close my eyes to sleep. While one's room is a place to rest and forget their worries, mine is the real definition of my living nightmare. It's  either am taking sleeping pills to help me sleep which is usually just for the mean time for I keep seeing her face in my dreams or rather, nightmares. On days her body doesn't caught off with fire, then she definitely is bleeding unstoppably from various parts and vanishing into the thin air just like today which is so disturbing and terrifying.

The air conditioner was on full blast but it was in no way helping, I was still sweating and my body was so hot and tensed. I know I can't do anything fruitful today and my mood will even become worse if that's possible. I came down from the bed that holds most of my nightmares and bad days-which is close to all my days after the incident for there was never a day I had it genuinely good. I ambulated towards the mini fridge in my room and rummaged the fridge for a bottle of liquor but all I could see was different types of yoghurt, dates, and bottles of water which without a doubt I know is Jawar's handwork. Only Jawar Muhammad Getso has the audacity to come into my room and do whatever he likes.

Remembering the promise I made to my brother, I silently seek forgiveness for trying to find solace in alcohol, something that is even haram(unlawful) instead of doing so from the one who made me and knows my worries even way more than myself.

I took a sip of the cold water I found in the refrigerator to calm my raging heart before making my way to the washroom. After splashing water thrice on my horrible face, I performed ablution and came out to pray to Allah azawajal. It was the middle of the night where most occupants of the earth were resting after a stressed filled day but here I am pouring my heart to my Lord in sujud and crying my eyes out to the one who has the cure to all my problems.

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