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"Rabbi inni lima anzaltu ilaya min khairin fakir" Oh Allah I am in need of any good you send down my way.
A beautiful dua you should hold onto, May Allah Grant us our heart desires Amin.

Eid came and went like it never happened. Growing up, Eid has always been that time of the year I anticipate more than any other. Right from the time the crystal moon of Ramadan is sighted, all I ever do was count down to Eid and think of all the delicacies I will eat on that day, the new cloth I will wear which smells of my father's signature perfume and then to my best part, all the money I will get from my relatives and the new gifts. Eid has always been a happy occasion for me and my entire family.

As a child, a day to Eid was declared no sleeping day for me due to how happy I always am. I stay up all night staring at my new clothes and choosing the one to wear on first day of Eid or help Mama with work on days she sleeps late. I laughed reminiscing how I hug my new shoes to sleep anytime I fall asleep unknowingly, which for years has always been my Eid routine and I have never missed my childhood like I did this Eid, the very first I didn't spend with my little family or visited my favorite aunt, Aunty min min. It really broke my heart but that still didn't stop me from celebrating it the best way I planned.

Ammie understood how I felt and made sure I enjoyed it in everyway possible and I was so greatful for that wallah. On the very first day of Eid, I did nothing other than going for Eid prayers and helping Ammie alongside the maids with cooking and making sure the house was at it's best, then took numerous pictures with Hermano being my photographer which I sent most of them to my girls and posted my best on my social media platforms. Guests from different angles trooped in and out of the Getso household on that day, it was such a lively and happy day for me.

The second day was spent with my girls at the park, Fannah came back a week to Sallah and we sure had a lot of fun. We took a ride on the pirate ship which was really priceless. I screamed my throats out and Ree was so nousea and quite for the rest of the day. The third day was the day we went visiting–yawon sallah as it is normally called in the hausaland with Ammie and her boys, there was no relative house that we didn't visit and by the time we came home everyone was so exhausted that we immediately retired for the night.

Eid really was fun and a memorable occasion that I vowed to cherish for the rest of my life.

The happy times was finally over and it was time I face reality, school calls and here I was doing the last minute packing for my journey which was tomorrow. I couldn't believe I was returning as a final year student I was really happy but at the same time scared of the work that awaits me. It's a year to prove that all my four years wasn't a waste, a year to do more than I have ever done in those three years even though I knew I've been trying so hard the past years but this year I promised to do more, to put my all and In Sha Allah emerge with flying colors.

Sunday came the next day and I set out on my journey to the capital territory alongside Ammie who was going to visit a sister of hers that was ill. I remembered talking to her on the phone twice or thrice in my second year and she was such a nice and amazing woman just like I envisioned Ammie's sister to be but unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to visit her home. I was always occupied that everytime I set to visit something important come up and had to cancel last minute which was always against my wish.

Hermano did the honors of taking us to the terminals at the early hours of the day and a few minutes after seven we hit the road to Abuja.

Ammie and I watched a lecture by Mufti Menk on youtube which was really interesting and educating, I love watching his lectures for he's always talking about the current happenings in one life it's as tho he knows you are falling apart and then boom a tweet, quote or lecture from him. He's really educated and good with what he does.

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