chapter 19

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Flora eyes' widen at the news I just told her. "You're leaving, so soon?"

I nod my head. "Yes, I want to be with my mate." I nibble the inside of my cheek. "It hurts not seeing him everyday," I say truthfully. Flora nods her head in understanding.

"I know just what you're talking about." She smiles. "When I first met Clyde, I was only seventeen and my papa was extremely protective of me. After my mama died, he made sure to make everything about me."

"Nice?" What the hell am I supposed to say? 'Oh, that's so cool! My father hated me and would always make that crystal clear!' That's probably one of the hard things about my life, when people tell me things about themselves and I never know what to reply with.

Flora smiles more. "Even though we never really got the chance to properly get to know each other, I just want you to know that you can always come to me for anything." I smile and nod my head.

"Thanks, that means a lot." She pats my leg and stands up. "Well, I better let you pack." She exits the room and I sigh in relief.

My phone dings and I see James' face. What does this asshat want? I answer the phone. "Hmm?"

"I heard my little sister is moving in with the Alpha." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Suck dick, James." I reply and I hear Tundra in the background yell 'yeah! Suck dick!' I chuckle and throw the rest of my very few belongings into the box.


"Sorry, dirt bag. Gotta go," I say when I hear a knock at my door.

"Wai-" Ding. I chuckle once more at what Tundra said before yelling 'its unlocked'.

The door swings open and Diego is leaning on the doorframe with a big smirk on his face. "Who was you calling dirt bag?"

I turn around and grab my backpack, swing it onto my shoulders, then grab my bag. "My idiotic, annoying ass, older brother."

I go to walk past him but he stops me. "Let me take that," He says softly.

I yank my box in the direction. "No," I say stubbornly. Annoyance flashes through his eyes.

"Rose," He says with a dangerous tone. I try not to gulp as I attempt to squize my thighs together discreetly. Diego's eye travel to my thighs and I curse. 

"You can't mask the scent of your lovely arsoul, my love." He takes a step forward and runs his thumb over my lip. "No matter how discrete you try to be."

The sound of approaching footsteps snap me out of my haze and I quickly take a step back.

"Fine, you can take it." I say as I push the box into his hands and quickly exit the room.

I don't see anyone in the hall, weird. Flora runs over to me when I get to the door and hugs me. I tense. "We'll miss you!" She says before letting me go.

I nod my head and smile. "I'll see you guys around." I quickly walk out of the house, trying really hard to skip all the 'goodbye' bullshit, but stop when I see the truck that's in the driveway.

Holy shit balls.

Someone clears their throat and I don't have to turn around to know who it is

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Someone clears their throat and I don't have to turn around to know who it is. "You've got a nice fucking truck." Diego chuckles.

"I know." He walks past me, puts the box then opens the passenger door. "Milady," He says and I roll my eyes, trying super fucking hard to contain my blush. I quickly hop in and stare out the window. 

"Do you live close?" I ask once we get moving down the rode. Diego shrugs. "You'll see," stubborn ass. I'm not sure how much time had passed, but when we eventually come to a stop, I'm already 'passed out'. Diego sighs and he quickly jumps out of the truck and over to my side. 

'Keep pretending,' Lia says and I mentally roll my eyes. Diego wraps his arms around my waist, grabs my backpack, and carries me into his place bridal style. "You can stop pretending now," He whispers in my ear as I feel something soft touch my back. 

I keep my eyes closed. "Not pretending, really sleeping." Diego chuckles and plops himself besides me on, what I believe to be, the couch. I peek open one eye and notice Diego is shirtless. "You're drooling." He says with his eyes closed. I scoff. "Nope, I'm not." 

He opens his eyes and leans forward, all while looking intently at me. "Really?" He asks. "Then what's this?" Diego says as he swipes his finger under my lip, revealing a shiny coat of drool. Ah bloody hell. 

I roll my eyes and quickly stand up but Diego places his arms around my waist and pulls me down. "Where do you think you're going, love?" He growls playfully into my ear. I tense, not because I'm about to have a panic attack, but because my body feels like its warm and tingly EVERYWHERE. 

Diego brings his lips to my neck and begins to gently kiss my neck in the spot that he will eventually mark me to seal our mate bond. A moan escapes my lips and he smirks as he trails his hand up and down my sides. 

I whine when he removes his lips away from my body. "I'm sorry, love. But I don't find the thought of doings things to you while your brother is in the room." I give him a 'what the fuck are you talking about?' look and glance behind him where I see James.

 I quickly get off of Diego and cross my arms over my chest. "What the fuck, James? You're an asshole, you know that right?" James smirks and I want nothing more than to slap him hard against the face. 

"You can come in now, Tundra." He shouts over his shoulder and she comes running inside the house. 

"Rosie!" She yells as she throws herself at me. I'm thrown off balance for a split second but quickly manage to get it back. 

"I need you to babysit." James says as he begins walking towards the door. 

"What? Jam-" He quickly leaves the house, shutting the door behind him and I sigh. 

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