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Kusanagi's POV

"She left last night." Mikoto mumbled, watching the ice melt in the empty glass. "You mean Y/n?" It came to a shock to me, I stood behind the unfinished bar cleaning the new shipment of glass. Watching him stare down the melting ice, smoking, and staring at his ring.
"Mhm..." He'd puff and exhale. "Why? You guys never had any problems that I noticed."

"Her mother got a job over in Hirosaki. She never said anything about it, but since the crater her mother had to work double time just to keep the lights on." Mikoto explained, which surprised me, because generally he doesn't talk that much.

"Don't get me wrong, I understand that it was a good opportunity to take. But I feel like if--when she returns, she'll be a snooty rich gal." He mumbled. Flicking the ash into the tray. "You two have been friends for a while I assume?" I asked.

"Yeah... We known each other since we were five."

"Ahh! childhood love! sweeter than any wine." His face reddened and grabbed my nose in his violent death grip.
"It's not like that... She just wasn't like my other friends who admired me, Izumo. She was her own person." Who would've guessed I'd get this reaction? Not me of course.

"Ow ow ow! Okay okay! I'm only teasing I swear!" He force tears from me! the big jerk! And when he let go I put some distance between us.
"How she was able to put up with you is beyond my comprehension!"

"Hm..yeah..Mine too..."

"But since we're on about admirers, that Tatara kid has been asking around highschool about you. He seems pretty determined to be your friend. And you sure need more social connection." I mentioned, only for him to from in that blank face annoyance he usually does.
"Nah, two is the capacity."

"Somewhere deep in that scary additude is a heart of gold, I'm sure of it." He gave me that scary glare, a warning that I heeded to. The only noise were his smoking and my cleaning.


"Izumo Kusanagi here! Huh? What happened?....I see. Where is he now? Alright... Ok I'll let him know, thank you." Boop!

"Speak of the devil and he'll end up in the hospital." I sighed.
"So what happened..?"
"He wanted to impress you, so he went to take on a group of bullies, and they wrecked his shit."
I grabbed my coat, and began to walk out the door, and to my surprise Mikoto had followed me out. Looks like he has a heart after all.

Reader's POV

"We're here Y/n! Good ol' Hirosaki, and look at the Castle! Reminds me of the time your father and I met. He grew up here y'know!"
Mother spoke admiring the sights, it was indeed beautiful, but I feel cramped in despite the larger buildings that were in Tokyo. "Yeah Mom... Do you know which building you'll be working in?" I asked, failing to hide my mood.

"You're still upset? Honey I know they're your friends, but you'll find a lot of good friends here!" She said with that gentle smile of reassurance, when I was younger it would put me at ease. Even when dad passed away, she chose to be strong for me. Even during the crater she managed to reassure me. I want to trust that she's right, but no new friends could convince me they're as great as or greater than Mikoto. Not even Mom could convince me-- Why am I so defensive?
"I promise to see you again!"
Right, my promise ring, I just need to mature mentally and physically, then get enough money to get an apartment back home.

I'll see you again Mikoto Suoh!  Even if we're old people when we see each other again!
Tired, withering, and in pain. "Mikotoo... It's been ages!" Even as a wrinkly old man hunched over because his height, his features are familiar. "Hmm...Yeah, too long Y/n... But your promised has been kept." He raised his hand the rusty green ring snugged on his slender crooked finger.
"You remembered, I almost forgot myself due to my failing memory. But I couldn't forget you."
"Come now Y/n, let us die together and live eternal in spirit form."
"Oh my dear Mikoto..."

Okay maybe not that long.
"We're here!" I get outro look at out new apartment complex. "I'll admit it looks nice."
Okay that was an understatement.

" Okay that was an understatement

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