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Reader's POV

"So where are your parents Akiko?" The question caught her attention, she seemed awfully distracted since I mentioned the Crater. But with Mom's question, Setsuko snapped out of the subconscious thoughts.
"Oh, they are in the afterlife now, probably eating steak or something." She said, rubbing the back of her neck.
"O-Oh I'm so sorry honey I didn't know." My mother started.

"It's a common mistake miss L/n. My father died when I was twelve, and my mother passed last year. I missed them, but death is a journey in of itself, as corny as it sounds." She laughed softly. "But I'm curious about you Y/n." She started with a raised brow. "Me?"

"Yeah, you seem like you don't like Hirosaki. So tell me; what did you leave in Tokyo that makes you feel unhappy being here?" She saw right through me?! Might as well tell her, she'll find out later if not now.

"My childhood friend Suoh Mikoto, we were just peers until after the Kagutsu Incident; we were friends thicker than blood. In highschool we took different paths, I spent time with the same gender. Mikoto met Kusanagi Izumo, but we met every Monday after school." I explained, smiling when the memories of the red head  came flooding in. "I made a solemn promise to see him again."

"School is a waste of time." Suoh sighed, it was the last day before second year. The setting sun beating heat down on us. Earlier that day we spent playing competitive soccer. "True but whining about it won't make it go away." I giggled, looking at him with grin.

Mikoto wiped the sweat off his forehead with the bottom of his shirt. Quickly I looked away so that I wouldn't be distracted by his bare stomach. Even thinking about it made my face get pink. "Haahh... I'm worn out." I felt something heavy at onto my lap, I look down to meet mikoto's golden hues staring right back.

"Sounds like true love to me!" Akiko cooed, breaking my train of thought and causing my cheeks; from one ear to the other to go bright red. "It wasn't like that!" I shouted in protest. "It was and still is, you can't let a boy like that go. If he hasn't realized this yet, he will later." She sighed lightly pinching around her the front of her neck. It must be a weird habit or something, she pinches it like it itches. Shower there's nothing there.

"Anyway, I got work in the morning, thank you for the meal ma'am." She said, standing up and walking over to the sink. "Oh I almost forgot Y/n." She looks over at me with determination. At her words, my eyes must be sparkling so bright with hope. "I could help you return to Tokyo."

The fact that she was so willing to set aside any desire to follow her dreams, to help me see my friends in Tokyo again. I felt tears role down my face. "Why are you crying? did I say something wrong?" She asked nervously. "No it's not that I'm sad Akiko. I'm just overwhelmed with joy." I couldn't stop crying, but I was smiling in too.

"Thank you, I words can't express how happy you've made me."


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