19. Bonding

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"I'm sorry for being a burden." Jaehyun apologized, hugging a folded blanket to his chest.

"I told you before, you're really not. You shouldn't be at your house anyways, now that Yves knows your identity." Juyeon said, while filling the guest bedroom of his penthouse with spare supplies that Hyunjae might need. "Plus, I don't even stay here much. It's really not an inconvenience."

"You don't stay at your own house?" Hyunjae questioned.

"It's lonely. A big space all by myself." The younger finished, facing the older.

"Eric doesn't live with you-" 

"Eric still goes to Black Dawn." Juyeon cut off his question.

Black Dawn.. of course.

A private boarding school for young mafia members, in replacement of a normal high school.

All students were forced to use their real names, so that no one would be connected to specific mafias or be targeted.

Hyunjae, didn't mean to be nosy, but he was extremely curious about the topic. "Did you go there too?" 

"Yeah, I did." Juyeon smiled, his original expression fading. "I'm actually going to a reunion with classmates this week... wanna be my plus one?"

The brunette's eyes shined in excitement. "Really? Of course!"

The younger looked slightly shocked by the other's reaction.

"I didn't take you for someone who would be this excited to do something so.. mafia-related."

"I'm full of surprises." Jaehyun joked. "And... I think I need a lot of change in my life."

Juyeon nodded in understanding, before taking his leave. "Then it's a plan." He winked, before going to his own room.


It had been two days since Juyeon gave Hyunjae his house keys, and the older had already found a way to fit into the busy lifestyle. Juyeon would go to the HQ for small missions, and by the time he came back for dinner, there would suddenly be a warm and ready meal to eat, with a slightly awkward Jaehyun accompanying it.

Juyeon always seemed a bit unreadable when he woke up and came back home to a homemade breakfast and dinner. Was it too intrusive of Hyunjae to cook? Maybe the younger liked take-out instead and was feeling pressured by him.

"How were your missions today?" Jaehyun nervously put down the plate of japchae on the table, sitting down and waiting for Juyeon to start eating.

"I was guiding the kids through their missions. They were transporting an important crate to one of the clients today and it was a success." He said as he began to start eating, no sense of excitement in his eyes, even while speaking about a success.

"Ah.. I see. That's good." The older brushed his hair back, slightly intimidated by Juyeon's aura. "Juyeon.."

"Hm?" The navy-haired male lifted his head, waiting for Jaehyun to say something.

"You can tell me if you don't like the food- or if you don't want me to cook for us anymore. You don't have to um.. feel pressured to eat it or something." Hyunjae bit his lip nervously, looking down.

And Juyeon, that bastard, actually had an amused smile grow on his face.

"Wait, hyung- what do you mean?"

"Huh? Well- you always look bothered when you see me... I thought I was intruding on however you...eat?" Jaehyun says, extremely confused, as the younger snorts.

"I'm sorry, Jae- I'm just not really used to having homemade meals or having anyone to come home to. I also have a.. work face? It takes me a while to snap out, but I've heard it makes me look intimidating-"

Juyeon's words are cut off.

"Not intimidating. Terrifying." Hyunjae corrects.

"Fair enough. I really appreciate your cooking though. Everything's really new to me, I guess. I'm used to eating 2-minute ramen actually." He grinned, eating more of the glass noodles.

"I definitely saw way too much of that. This is going to be your healthy era, Juyeon!" The older smiled, finishing his dinner and cleaning up.

"Another reason to eat 2-minute ramen is not having to clean dishes, actually."

Hyunjae turned around at that, rolling his eyes. "You're just lazy, Yeon. It's not that hard." He walked over to the said boy, pulling him by his arm to the sink. "Rinse. Soap. Wash. Dish Washer. That's all you need to do."

"Didn't you have maids to do this for you? Your family's rich, right?"

The sudden question, coming from Juyeon who was leaning on the counter surprised Jaehyun a bit.

"Actually, I lived with my mom for a while. She doesn't like maids and taught me how to do housework myself."

Not dwelling into it, Juyeon just picked up a plate, taking some soap and hesitantly putting it on the plate.

Hyunjae burst out laughing, leaving the younger confused, before he turned on the tap, using his hand to throw water at Juyeon. 

"Think about what you forgot!"

The light bulb finally popped into Juyeon's head, the male rinsing the plate under the tap first, before thinking of his revenge.

The brunette was almost done, finishing up the last of the utensils before Juyeon angled the spoon he was washing under the tap, to have the rushing water spray right onto Hyunjae.

Quickly making a run for it, the younger rushed to the living room, hiding behind the couch, as the older stood at the sink in shock.


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thank you for reading!!

remember to vote and comment <3 i always reply

(im sorry this took so long btw school started and the world is like flipping but yes this book is my life priority so i got you guys)

ALSO, i was watching an episode of color rush two days ago and then youtube autoplayed and i found this literally amazing edit of a bl and ITS SO GOOD THE EDIT MAKES ME WANNA WATCH THE SHOW SO BAD and its enemies to lovers i told my irl best friend about it and sent her the video and now she wants to watch it to so now im gonna bless you guys mwah <3 

i did my research and the show is called "we best love" AND has a sequel im literally so excited to watch it

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