Chapter Nine (Dee)

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Longer chapter :)

Now back at Leanne's house, parked in the driveway; I think about my past. My past would haunt others for life. I've done things that Siah wouldn't be proud of.

 In fact, I know she would probably become scared of me, scared of what I do when I'm here. 

However, I'm always here. Some might wonder how long I've been with Siah. I've been with her since the beginning of her childhood. D.I.D is a mystery.

 Some might believe that I'm not real, however, I'm just as real as any other person.

 I just don't have my own body. Trauma is the main thing that most believe is the result of D.I.D, but speaking as the alter, I'm not a thing that just pops up out of nowhere because of trauma. I've always been there, I was just dormant.

 Just waiting to be woken up or set free from bondage. I never told Siah my secret, and I thought I never would. 

However, life has other plans. I have killed people before, and I can't honestly say I feel any regret. Regretting is for the weak.

 You've done it, you can't change it; so get over it. I don't remember all my victims, but I remember the important ones; like my first.

 Her name was Mia Stone. She was successful, smart, and very outgoing. I remember sitting in Siah's car, eating a bag of chips.

 I looked up in front of me and there was a woman, yelling into her phone. I've thought about hurting people, that's just who I am.

 However, I had never put any action towards it. At least till then.

 Her yelling was bothering me, to say the least. It was late that night, and you could barely see a thing. However, her clothes were bright.

 I had gotten out of the car and walked right in front of her, and said what was on my mind. 

" Ma'am, you are really bothering me. I'm just trying to enjoy a relaxing night and you're yelling like you're crazy! Go somewhere else if you're going to be so loud." I remember saying to her.

 She curled her lips in distaste and put her phone in her pocket before looking at me. 

"Listen, I don't have time for this. What, you think you are better than me or something? Why don't you mind your own business, you piece of-"

 Before she could finish, I grabbed the glove out of my pocket for this very occasion, anger showing through the redness of my face.

 I noticed a car was coming, and a cruel idea came into my head. I put it over her face and after some struggle, she was knocked out, so I got to work. Chloroform was a cruel being.

 I grabbed her arms and pulled her into a bigger area. Once doing so, I grabbed her stuff out of her pocket. She had her phone, wallet, and her keys. 

That was how I learned her name, occupation, etc. I walked back towards the car with her stuff in my hand.

 I got in and for a moment, I thought about what I was going to do. I turned the car on and looked at Mia's body. 

She was still alive, but not for long. I pressed the gas, running over her frame. I felt a hard thump underneath me.

 I put the car in reverse and backed up, feeling the thump once more. She was dead, she had to be. I got out of the car and headed straight towards her body. 

I then grabbed her body, yanking it into the trunk of my car. I had never done that before. Only seeing this in movies.

 Imagine my surprise when I realized that a body is heavier than I had initially thought. I closed the door of the trunk and got back in the car. 

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