That one night...

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It was just another Sunday evening and I didn't want to think about the next morning's 8am college class. I was in my last year of law school and was already so behind in my readings. Waking up especially for online classes seemed impossible and just as I was thinking about this my best friend Natasha called "Grace!! This is the best race ever McLaren got a 1,2, with Danny winning and Lando coming second."

"Oh! Good for them you really need to stop with the obsession," I replied disinterestedly.

Ignoring my comment she continued "we need to celebrate, I'm picking you up in 15 minutes we are going partying." "But.." I tried stopping her but she had already ended the call and gone to get ready.

I didn't have a choice so I quickly put on a simple black dress and my everyday makeup. Just as I finished putting on my blush pink lipstick I heard a car pull up in the drive way so I quickly took one glance in the mirror, grabbed my heels and ran out. I saw that Natasha had invited two more friends from college Naomi and Claire who were also waiting for me in the car.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry if I look like a mess I had no time," I quickly explained.

"You always look hot Grace stop complaining," Natasha replied while the others just smiled. The rest of the ride we heard Naomi rant about her boyfriend and Claire whine about her uncomfortable shoes and just like that we reached the club which was only three blocks away. I loved all three of them but they loved partying and I liked sitting because I can't dance. Once we were inside the three of them decided to go dance so I just sat by the bar drinking my Mojito.

Just as I was about to order a second round of my drink a Spanish guy sitting next to me offered me a drink. At least I think he was Spanish based on his accent. "Hey, I promise I'm not hitting on you its just you were sitting here bored so I thought I'll make a friend," he explained.

I laughed and replied "it's completely okay, I believe you because I saw you with your girlfriend earlier but I promise I'm not a stalker." That made him smile and looking towards his girlfriend who was dancing he simply said "yes Isa, isn't she beautiful?"

I just nodded just then the bartender interrupted us and asked if I would like to have something else because there were no more mojito's so I just smiled and replied "I'll have a Watermelone Limeaide then." This made the Spanish man burst into laughter.

I gave him a confused look so he asked "Did you just say Watermelone instead of Watermelon," and he continued laughing. I felt embarrassed and just shrugged. He then realised he hadn't introduced himself yet so he said "Hi I'm Carlos by the way and my friend Lando say's Watermelone as well so it just made me laugh"

"Hi, I'm Grace and your friend seems much better than you," I replied smirking.

Just then Carlos' friend walked upto us and said "What is making Carlos laugh so much even after I beat him today?" Carlos rolled his eyes and responded "we were just making fun of you of course."

Lando looked at me confused so Carlos introduced us to each other and then explained what had happened. Lando laughed as well and replied to Carlos saying. "Grace seems like she's much better than you." Just then Isa called out to Carlos and he excused himself.

Lando looked at me little uncomfortably and smiled which made me blush a little. He caught me off guard because I usually steer clear of guys but it was just something about the awkward silence that made me smile.

I tried to break the silence and almost whispered "I said the same thing about you being better than Carlos," I tugged a strand of hair behind my ear and looked down afraid of his reaction but he just smiled and replied "I like you already." That comment made me nervous because I wasn't sure if he meant it because I was making fun of his best friend or because he just liked me. It was weird because I could feel the butterflies caused by his innocent smile and messy hair and I could feel his eyes on me, making his cheeks heat up.

Trying to get rid of the awkwardness I said, "You can go dance with your friends, please don't feel like you need to stay here with me."

He looked me in the eyes with that little sparkle and said "I honestly want to just go out for a walk a get some fresh air do you want to join me?" I could sense that he was scared to ask but to be honest I also wanted some fresh air so I just nodded and we walked outside.

Once we reached the sidewalk we both looked at each other and smiled. We instantly understood that we both just needed a few moments of silence and just someone to walk with so we continued walking in silence for almost three blocks. Sometime during that we ended up holding hands just a light brush of my hand against his and he just held onto it. Honestly, I liked it, it made me feel secure and just then I realised we had reached my front door.

"Hey, this is me." I said looking at my driveway and he nodded. We both just looked at each other wanting to spend more time together.

He walked me to my door and as I opened the door to go in he pulled me back outside, put and arm around my waist and kissed me. First extremely slowly waiting to see my reaction and as I put a hand behind his neck and kissed him back he pulled me in tighter. I hadn't felt these butterflies in a while the heat of his lips against mine made me want to tell him never to stop.

But he did. He looked me in the eyes and then at the door and this unspoken language probably only made sense to us but I nodded and leaned in wanting more. I kissed him, long and hard and he backed me into the door, it hurt my head a little but it was nothing compared to how fast my heart was beating so as the door swung open he picked me. He picked me up and kept kissing me only pulling away to ask which way. I pointed to my room door and he carried me in leaving me on the bed. He locked the room door and just looked at me lying in the bed blushing and just that one look made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

Then he came upto me and slowly kissed me again, making me want more I reach for his shirt and slowly unbuttoned it kissing his chest under each button. He was kissing me on my neck ever so lightly that it made me skip a heart beat. I slowly made my way down to his last button and as I went lower there was no looking back.

He then got up and pulled off my underwear leaving my dress on. He went down on me ever so slowly and the feeling of his tongue sent shivers through my body. I grabbed the pillow really tightly asking him not to stop. He then slowly made his way up taking off my dress and kissing me from my stomach upto my neck. He then reached for his wallet and pulled out a condom and looked at me. I just nodded.

That night felt like forever I don't know how many times but I could feel him all of him and it was a feeling I wanted forever.

I don't know what time I slept and what happened with my friends but when I woke up the next day he was gone. The only thing telling me it wasn't a dream was my naked body under my covers. Just a stranger, just a hookup, yet something felt different. 

Never to forever, Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now