Lucky charm

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I didn't really get much time to spend with Lando on Friday except the little cake cutting ceremony he planned for me with the team. We didn't spend much time on Saturday morning  either because he had practice and briefings while I had legal work. He arranged for a local tour for me to keep me occupied in the evening while he was with Jon training for quali. He offered to go out at night but I told him I was tired because of travelling just so he can get some rest before quali.

Just before quali I messaged him

G- all the best Lando, I'm sure you're going to make me and the team proud.

L- thanks Grace I'll do my best. This quali is for you since it's the first time you'll be here for a race weekend let's hope you're my lucky charm.

I smiled at that because I knew Lando had already left for Quali. I sat in the Mclaren pit box watching the qualification with other members of the team. And then it happened.


It was his first ever time on Pole and maybe he was right I was his good luck charm. This was the best birthday gift ever. I was so happy for Lando, for the team and even for myself. Seeing everyone around me celebrate and be so happy was great. I didn't go out to greet him because I knew I would've hugged him in front of everyone. I almost forgot about the picture of him and Ava. 

An hour after qualifying I heard a knock on my hotel room door. I opened the door and there he was "can I come in?" He asked and I nodded moving away so he can enter.

"Congratulations Lando this is the best birthday gift ever" I said as he sat on the bed and I sat on the chair facing him.

"Thanks Grace, I'm so sorry I haven't spent much time with you especially on your birthday it's all charlotte's fault, you really are my good luck charm but I don't what I'm feeling right now," he answered looking a bit flustered.

"Hey, you know I'm always here for you right and I had the best birthday ever because of you it was perfect, you can rant if you want," I said while holding his hand and looking him in the eye.

He squeezed my hand a little and replied "it's just that everyone is so happy and I am too but I'm also scared for tomorrow. I mean a pole in Sochi isn't as great as other places and I know Carlos and Lewis will be pushing hard. I'm so happy to see the progress and to see that I did a great lap but also points are on Sunday and now there's so many expectations."

He was on the verge of tears I don't know if they were happy or sad but I just got up and hugged him. "I understand it's a tough situation you did great today but forget about pole, just prepare for tomorrow like you would any other race, don't check your social media it'll pressurise you and I'm here all night with you if you need." I said trying to be reassuring.

He smiled and said "thanks Grace, I don't want to go back to my fancy room so you mind if I stay here with you tonight I'll take the couch."

"No way! You need your best night of sleep today I'll sleep on the couch," I protested

"No Grace I can't..." I cut him off and said "fine we're both sleeping on the bed."

"It won't be the first time," he said with a smirk and I was glad he was joking and better.

I blushed a little and then said "so what do you wanna do tonight."

"I have to watch a few previous race starts in Sochi, I wasn't really prepared for pole if you don't mind," he said a bit nervously.

"Of course not," I answered as we both got into bed and I opened my laptop.

We spent the night together going through races and briefly speaking to his strategists. I figured he was stressed enough as is so it wasn't the best time to talk about Ava. He explained a lot about f1 to me while watching and I can proudly say I understood at least 50% of what he said. We slept a little early by 11 so that he would be well rested for the race.

The next morning I got a call from home saying mom is sick again so I informed Lando and he booked me a flight back immediately. My flight was in a few hours so Lando asked if he could take me out for breakfast before I left. At first I was against it because he needed to focus on the race but then he said it would help him reduce stress so I agreed. 

Once we ordered some pancakes I decided to ask him about the girl in the post because I figured it was probably nothing and maybe talking about something outside racing would help divert his mind. 

I casually asked "Lando I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to ask bluntly I messaged you about it on Instagram but I think you don't check your DMs like Whatsapp, there was some girl in some media picture you were hugging on Instagram is she your girlfriend?"

He almost choked on the water he was drinking, he put the glass aside and looked at me seriously "Ok firstly Im sorry I didn't see the message I just avoid Instagram sometimes it gives me anxiety and about Ava I know I should have told you but I promise she's not it's just some publicity stunt that the team is doing, she's a model for nike and they are our sponsors."

Shocked I replied "How are you okay with this though, how am I supposed to compete with a model, I really don't just want to be one of your side chics who you just sleep with for fun."

"Grace, even you know it's more than that and I'm not okay with the whole Ava thing I just don't know how to say it but if its bothering you I promise I'll talk to charlotte about it, you're way more important," he said as he sounded apologetic but I was already so angry. 

My anger got the best of me and I replied "I don't know what to say Lando, I left my sick mom at home, alone and came here for a guy who I barely know who is fake dating a model, I can't believe how I thought this could ever work."

"It can work Grace, I really really like you and this is not how I intended to ask but I really care about you and I want you to be my girlfriend," he said almost begging, I was shocked for a moment but I was so scared I didn't believe him. 

I replied with tears in my eyes "Lando, I can't do this I can't let myself get hurt you are the Lando Norris and I'm just a student, I think you're better off with your model Ava."

With that I stormed off got a cab and left for the airport, once I reached UK I dropped off my letter of resignation at the MTC before heading to the hospital and that was the end of it. 

Never to forever, Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now