The perfect Sunday

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It had only been one night but I was already so tempted to text Lando. It was a Sunday and I had nothing to do all day so I decided what better time to message him than today. I knew he would be relatively free today as well. I quickly typed "hey, guess who," and sent it to the number Lando had given me.

I cooked and ate breakfast but found myself checking my phone every two minutes to see if he replied. Fifteen minutes later my phone buzzed and it was Lando. After that we went back and forth planning our next 'date'.

Lando- "The person who keeps bumping into me by mistake"

Grace- "To be fair, you like bumping into me"

Lando- "Why would anyone like bumping into the world's prettiest person"

Grace- "I don't know if that was a compliment or insult but thanks, now tell me when you're meeting me next or I'll have to make other plans for the day :)"

Lando- "Ouch is that a threat"

Grace- "It might be"

Lando- "Okay in that case I can't loose you, so there's brunch at my house with a few friends do you want to join I have something planned for just the two of us after that in the night?"

I read the message and the thought of spending the whole day with him felt great, but he wanted to introduce me to his friends? Did this mean something, probably not I'm just overthinking this. I quickly replied.

Grace- "Sure, I'll be there if you want but I don't want to intrude on your plans"

Lando- "Don't be silly I'm sure they'll love you plus I always want you to be with me"

I blushed reading the message, I don't think he realised what he just said but in the flow of things he had asked me to stay with him and that meant a lot to me. I realised it had been 5 minutes and I forgot to reply so I responded with "Okay, see you at 12 then." Lando just replied with his location and said can't wait.

It was 10am now so I had two hours to get ready and reach Lando's house. I spent an hour with mom, she asked me about Lando and if I like him. I told her that I do like him but its very new and we're just getting to know each other. My mom told me she liked him and that he seems like a nice guy. This meant a lot to me because my parents acceptance is important for me.

I wore a simple white dress which could double as a day dress as well as a night dress. I left a little late and reached by 12:05pm at Lando's house. For the first time it hit me that I am kind of dating an F1 driver. His driveway had a lot of fancy expensive cars and his house was huge. Huge is an understatement but it was also simple and elegant. I rang the bell and Lando opened the door for me. He was wearing a white shirt and jeans, I couldn't help but think of how good he looked and that we happened to be twinning.

I smiled at him and said "Hi Lando, missed me yet?" He smirked and said "why would I ever miss you." I hit him on his arm playfully and said "ass." He laughed and gestured for me to come in. The house looked even bigger from inside but I saw that it was just the two of us.

"Where are your friends?" I asked surprised.

He smiled and said "They'll be here by 12:30, you just wanted to see me so bad that you self invited yourself at 12 before I told you what time."

I felt a little embarrassed and blushed before saying "you didn't correct me either because you wanted to see me early too."

He smiled and said "you'll never know, but anyway do you want a house tour?"

I nodded so he showed me around he had multiple rooms including his gym room, his simulator and gaming room as well as guest rooms. His best friend Max Fewtrell was staying with him who I saw go into one of the other rooms, he quickly waved at me before disappearing. For some reason I noticed that Lando had a lot of milk in his fridge and not much food. I also realised he hadn't shown me his bedroom but I was too shy to ask.

Just as we came out of the sim room the doorbell rang and his friends started filling in the huge back garden. I recognised some of them but not all. I knew Jon and Charlotte from the MTC and George Russell and Alex Albon who were Lando's fellow F1 drivers. I also recognised the quadrant members Aarav, Ria, Steve and Niran. I was just standing with Jon and Charlotte as they discussed some workplace gossip about two employees who are finally dating.

Suddenly I noticed someone beside me, I looked to my side and it was Carlos the same guy who introduced me to Lando. It then hit me that he was the Ferrari racing driver Carlos Sainz and he was also Lando's best friend.

He greeted Jon and Charlotte and then turned to me "Hi, Grace I think you should thank me because if I hadn't introduced you to Lando you wouldn't be here."

I smiled realising that he was right and said "Thanks Carlos, it's great to see you here but how come you're in London?"

"I was going to Sochi day after so Lando and I decided to travel together." He replied with a smile. I realised Lando was leaving in two days and I hope my disappointment wasn't visible. Before I could respond Lando came over and saved me "Grace, I want you to meet my other friends, you're gonna love them." I smiled at Jon, Charlotte and Carlos then walked away with Lando.

He was holding my hand making it very evident that we weren't just friends, it made me feel safe like he wasn't embarrassed of me. First he introduced me to George, Alex and their girlfriends who were next to them. "Hi guys, this is Grace my um... friend" Lando said blushing a little. George and Alex burst into laughter.

George looked at Alex and said "When was the last time Lando introduced us to a girl." They both burst out laughing again and Lando just rolled his eyes.

George's girlfriend hit George on the shoulder and said "Hi Grace, I'm Carmen please ignore these two they're idiots, it so nice to finally meet the girl Lando has been talking about."

Alex's girlfriend added with a smile "Ya, please don't mind them, I'm Lily by the way."

I laughed and said "Hi, to be honest wouldn't expect anything less from Lando's friends."

Alex replied to that first and said "I like her more than Lando already."

I spent the rest of the afternoon getting to know everyone and found myself spending most of my time with George, Alex, Carlos, Isa, Lily and Carmen. We had champagne, danced a little and had steak for lunch. Lando looked happy here with these people, his guard was down unlike at the MTC. I enjoyed the afternoon but found myself thinking about Lando's surprise for tonight.

After everyone left, Lando looked at me and said "are you ready for the best night of your life."

I nodded. 

Never to forever, Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now