The signs of something new

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It was my first day at work and I was very nervous to meet the head counsel who I was reporting to. I entered the office where two people were working on their laptop, I looked around and said "um.. excuse me, I am Grace the new intern over here." The middle aged women looked up and gave me a warm smile which immediately made me feel better.

She replied "Hi Grace, we've been expecting you, I am Jane the Head counsel at the MTC I'll show you your work area."

I nodded and followed her out to the adjacent room, it looked like a storage room big enough to be converted into a one person office. She waved at the small table and said "I hope you don't mind, we normally have one intern you saw Robert he was sitting in my room, he has been here since the last few weeks and since your decision was so last minute we couldn't put together anything else." I smiled and said "No problem at all, I'm thankful for the experience."

She nodded and said "great make yourself at home, I am going to email you a few contracts to proof read." Just like that she walked out and I was glad to have my own space even if it was just a small room with a tiny window. I set down my things and started working. I had packed lunch so I ate in my office, leaving from time to time only to speak to Robert or Jane to discuss few details or questions.

By 4:00pm I started getting tired so I decided to go to the cafeteria to get coffee. My luck was the worst as soon as I stood in line I realised Lando was standing right in front of me, he hadn't seen me yet so every bone in me asked me to turn around and leave but I was frozen. By the time I decided to leave he turned and our eyes met but he just went back to his phone like he didn't know me. I was so confused but now I couldn't leave. Just then a waiter announced the coffee machine is broken and a huge number of sighs went around the cafeteria. Lando turned to walk back but just as he was crossing me he whispered follow me.

This sent a shiver down me because it could've been my imagination he hadn't even paused a second. I didn't have time to think as I saw him walk away, I blindly followed him. We went through a few corridors. I was at least 5 paces behind him at all times and for the first time I realised how big the entire MTC is. After a two minute walk he entered a room which I followed him into. There was a small snack bar there with a couch and a coffee machine. One end had a window while the other end had a tv. It wasn't very big but it felt like a cozy get away.

I broke the silence and asked "what is this place?" He smiled proudly and said "this is my secret spot I come here when I want to get away from all the business stuff, this used to be mine and Carlos' hangout spot and no one comes here anymore since Carlos left the team." I could see that he missed his mate but he quickly smiled again and said "Coffee?" I nodded.

He gestured to the couch so I sat while he made coffee for the two of us. I wondered if this was a date, a date with LANDO NORRIS. He sat next to me and handed me my coffee. I don't know what came into me but suddenly I decided I had had enough of this awkwardness so I said "hey listen I don't want to be rude but I don't like this awkwardness, I like hanging out with you but I am bad with awkward shy moments."

He looked surprised but just said "I know but I take time to open up, I really like hanging out with you too." That made me smile so I asked "How was your day?"

"The normal meetings and a little work on the simulator nothing special, what about you did you like your first day at the MTC?"

"Yes, Jane is great but just a lot of boring papers, I am actually done with the important work for the day," I answered.

This made him sit up straight and say "I have a 2 hour break before my next meeting do you want to watch a movie till then?"

I hope my face didn't show how excited that made me because there were so many butterflies in my stomach. I tried to keep a straight face and said "Yes of course, as long as it's not horror."

Lando laughed and said "I hate horror too, don't worry." After a little discussion about movies we decided on watching 'The Notebook'. I was surprised he wanted to watch a rom com.

As we watched the movie he put his arm around me. I cuddled into his arms and put my head on his chest as we continued watching the movie. When the scene where Allie and Noah see each other again in their dream house Lando pulled me closer and his arm was holding me firmly around my waist. When she goes to him and they kiss in the rain Lando grabbed my neck and kissed me. I was taken by surprise but it felt so warm. I kissed him slowly but suddenly I felt the intensity increase I was now facing him.

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me really passionately it wasn't like before. The passion between Allie and Noah had some how come to Lando and I. He took off my shirt and kissed my neck it sent a shiver through my body. He started going down on me first kissing my boobs, then my stomach and then even lower. I could feel his farmhands on my bare back finding its way to my bra and unhooking it.

As he went down on me I moaned and grabbed the edge of the coach trying not to make too much noise. I knew we couldn't get caught so I just felt myself breathe heavily and my heart was beating fast. He slowly came up and kissed me again I felt my hands reach to take his shirt off.

I felt his abs, he was fit and there was no doubt about it. He took his pants off and I took off mine. From experience I reached for his wallet and took out the condom while he made sure the door was locked. He came back in a second and the passion was in the air, my heart still beating faster than ever, the movie was a muffled sound in the background now.

He picked me up and put me on the couch, he was on top of me and that's the last thing I remember because of after that it felt like a dream. I don't know how long we were there for but I wished it was forever.

His phone rang and it was his manager Charlotte yelling where are you. He was still breathing heavily so he calmed himself down and said "I'm sorry Il'll be there in a minute." I realised he was late but I didn't want to leave. My cheek lying on his bare chest just felt perfect.

He looked at me smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry, I have to leave, I'll see you soon hopefully."

I grunted and said "But not soon enough."

He laughed put on his clothes and left.

Just like last time I was alone naked lying there but it felt nothing like the last time. It felt so much more real, it felt like it was meant to be and I was happy. I didn't know what this meant for us but I knew I wished to see him again soon. I switched off the movie, put back the coffee mugs and left.

The most eventful first day. 

Never to forever, Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now