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Art by @AiseDotjpg

Tommy ran through the Ravenclaw dorms, Ranboo's transfiguration book held tightly to his chest. He looked back to see his best friend Tubbo just behind him, barely keeping up. A chaotic smile drew across his face as he dashed through the blue and bronze decorated common room before turning off into a small side chamber. 

The room was a tiny supply closet, filled with piles of musky old blankets and some random stacks of books. Realising it was a dead end, Tommy doubled back, pushing past Tubbo with the book held out of his reach.

'Tommy!' Tubbo yelled, trying to hide the laughter in his voice. 'Seriously, put it back!'

Tommy made for the exit of the Ravenclaw common rooms, disregarding Tubbo's objections. He kicked up the blue carpet as he ran across it, causing him to stumble forward.

'Come on man, seriously he-'The door opened abruptly, slamming into Tommy's face. He dropped the book as he stumbled backward, before looking up to face none other than the owner of the book himself.

'Oh! Sorry, Tommy.'

Tubbo burst out laughing, falling to his knees.

Ranboo picked up the book, going to hand it back to Tommy, only to see that it was his own.

'Why did you have my book?' He asked, looking up at the two boys to find them rolling around on the marble tiles - half fighting, half laughing.

'It's not- 'ts not fu-...' Tommy attempted to say through fits of giggles,

'-STOP LAUGHING!' This only made Tubbo laugh harder.

Ranboo stared at them for a moment before continuing into the sunlit common room.

'Hey wait! Where are you going?' Tubbo called out after him.

He turned back, 'I have to finish off some homework from Friday, I can hang out after though.'

Tubbo nodded, looking disappointed. Tommy tried to pretend he felt the same way. 'That's fine. me and Tubbo are going to the Three Broomsticks.'

'Alright. Meet you there?'

'Lets go,' Tommy said, shrugging as he pulled an aggressively nodding Tubbo with him through the door. 'Bye ranboo.'


Inside the Inn was stuffy and warm, the sounds of light chatter echoing slightly. Soft music played in the background of casual conversation, filling the room from cobbled floor to wooden arched ceiling. 

Tommy sat down at one of the smaller tables, carefully placing the bottles of butter beer Tubbo had payed for onto the faded wood table. The peaceful atmosphere evoked a mood rarely ever seen in either boy - calmness. 

After a while, Tubbo took out a notebook and started scribbling notes. Tommy didn't bother to look at what he was writing, he was already far too lost in his own world. He watched the snow fall lightly outside the window, a thousand thoughts swirling around inside his mind.

Eventually, Tubbo broke the silence.

'I can't tell. You're either head empty or very much not so.'

Tommy looked back, his mind buffering as he tried to process the words.

Tubbo fell apart with laughter, waiting for Tommy to catch up.

'OH,' Tommy burst out laughing at the irony.

After they died down a bit, the two slipped into casual conversation, sipping from their drinks as the other said what was on their mind. 

'You know, I've wanted to try Quidditch for a while.'

'Why don't you?' Tommy asked,

Tubbo considered his response. 'I don't know. I guess that's your thing. I don't want to play against you.'

Tommy laughed quietly, 'Its not my thing, I just do it. Besides, a little healthy competition never hurt no one, right?'

Tubbo nodded, his expression far more solemn than Tommy had expected.

'Bludgers are scary though.'

'Yeah... So are Slytherins.'

The snow died down a little as the sun dipped into the horizon, and the two boys finally left the Three Broomsticks. Trudging through the white carpet that had befallen the village of Hogsmeade, the two huddled together, relying on Tommy's oversized jacket to protect them from the harsh wind.

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