2 | Tepid

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Ranboo lifted his head from the book he had been previously studying. Apparently he had failed to make it the dormitories, and instead passed out at the table by a messily stacked pile of books.

No one else was in the common rooms, leaving ranboo to assume that everyone else had already fallen asleep. He looked back at the grandfather clock stood on against the opposite wall and saw the time.

3:00 am.

A short burst of panic shot through the boy as he remembered his friends hopeful invitation. Tubbo was probably upset he never showed up. Tommy was probably not.

Ranboo slowly rose from the vague comfort of the desk chair and made his way to the much more notable comfort of a silky blue couch sat by the fire.

The young witch practically melted into the cushioned fabric, his green and red eyes gazing lazily at the crackling flame as he slowly drifted back to sleep.



Tubbo bounded off at the sight of his friend.

'Sorry I didn't show up I- I think I fell asleep on my homework...'

Tommy scoffed, muttering something along the lines of 'fuckin' nerd' under his breath.

'Come on, my favourite teacher is waiting for us.' He said sarcastically, 'Wouldn't want to miss out.'

The three young witches continued their way up and down the ever impossible to navigate staircases, until finally arriving at the door to their Defence Against The Dark Arts classroom.

Tubbo and Ranboo followed as Tommy shoved open the wooden door and nonchalantly walked through the class, taking a seat at the back. At the front of the room was a large, intricately carved wooden desk, on it delicate Yew wand and what appeared to be a fluffy white dog.

'-The arrogant bastard's keeping us on the easy shit 'coz he thinks we're weak. I could beat a werewolf easy, I know it. Just give me a real fuckin' threat for once.' The boy complained loudly as he pulled out his book.

Out of nowhere, the tiny dog transformed in front of their eyes to become none other than their professor. He was seated on the table still, his crossed legs hanging over the edge. He swiftly raised his wand from the desk, flicking it towards the back of the room. 

An elegantly decorated closet stood directly behind Tommy's desk suddenly slammed open, releasing a burst of fire. 

Tommy stumbled out of his chair desperately reaching for his wand. The young witch's eyes widened with fear as the flames slowly spread across the room and up the walls, surrounding the entire classroom. Panic started rising in the boy's chest as his teacher did no more than raise his eyebrows.

'I would have thought a Boggart would be easy for you.' The professor stated cynically, 'It is, after all, much less threatening than any werewolf.'

Unfortunately for his future ego, Tommy had completely frozen. The hot flames had began crawling up his cloak, and his shaking hands failed to keep their grasp on his wand.

'RIDDIKKULUS!' He heard his professor yell, producing a blinding light that sucked the flames together into a new form. That being, most literally, a stick, skittering around in front of Tommy's feet.

'The boggart is a non-being that takes the form of its observers greatest fear.' 

The man waved his wand, throwing the boggart back into the closet, the door locking behind it.

'Despite its terrifying nature, the Boggart is easily defeated with the simple spell called 'Riddikkulus'. To cast the spell properly, you must create an image in your head of what you want the boggart to take the form of.'

Finally regaining his wits, Tommy looked around the room to see the rest of the class still seated, perfectly calm beyond the relentless snickering.

'Of course, you would have known all of this if you had arrived to my class on time. Or - at the very least tried to listen.'

Tommy sat in silence for the rest of the class, paying perfect attention until they were dismissed.

'Professor Blade'. His favourite teacher.

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