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omg hi

You guys are literally so nice to me and I haven't really been nice by not updating so here you go!! xx


"Harry Edward!"

Harry hears his husband yell and he quickly composes himself, wondering what he did for Louis to call him with his first and second name. He looks up from his phone with wide eyes.

"Did I do something?" The curly lad nervously asks, staring at Louis who was standing in front of him, a phone in his hand. The feathery haired boy steps closer, he cups his husband's face, leaning down to softly kiss his forehead then lips that Harry instantly melts in.

"No, you did nothing." Louis answers as he pulls away, slowly sitting beside him and Harry's demeanor instantly calms. "I saw your tweet. After all these years, I saw your fucking tweet." The blue eyed lad adds, facing the boy, looking at him with disbelief.

The green eyed lad stares confused, wondering what tweet his husband's talking about; he's got hundreds of tweets for fuck's sake, he has no clue. He stares blankly at a random object, gathering all thoughts in his mind about a tweet. Although he knows that this day is particularly a special one for them, he doesn't remember anything.

"You proposed this day."

Harry smiles instantly, his dimples popping as he recalls the memory.

"I was actually planning on bringing you out for dinner today so we can celebrate our engage-aversary but your mum already invited us for dinner." Harry pouts, gently pulling Louis to his lap, burying his face on his neck as he cuddles him close.

"I don't think engage-aversary exists, love. Plus, it's already our third  'engage-aversary.' " Louis giggles.

"Well, it exists now. What tweet were you talking about?"


Louis holds his phone up to Harry's face, showing the tweet.

HSupdates (retweeted)
Harry tweeted three years ago today!
Harrystyles: It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do, hey baby...I think I wanna marry you.. :D


itscomplicated: ok but who the fuck is the tweet for?

cupcakeharreh: can we all agree that harry has a secret lover?
lovemehs: ^exactly

hotaf: awee cute, I remember this!

edwardwhostyles: to whoever this was for, or if it was even for anyone, I hope they're still together

Harry reads the tweet with wide eyes, a huge grin creeping to his face. "Oh my gosh." He mutters, placing a hand over his mouth.

As stupid as it might be, he doesn't quite remember the things he did before the proposal because he was an extremely nervous 19 year-old boy who was about to ask his bestfriend and boyfriend at that time to marry him. Harry knew that they were fairly young and thinking that Louis will tell him 'no' because of that reason, increased his anxiety. They were young, yes, but the green eyed lad was determined to marry the  blue eyed boy because he worries that he might lose him, especially with the new industry he's in. He knows Louis would stay by his side, heck he was the one who convinced Harry to join x-factor but Harry wanted more, more reassurance. He wanted to tell every person that he passes that yes, the gorgeous, perfect angel is his fiance and soon to be husband.

Even though Louis and Harry tells everything to each other, When Louis leaves his essay opened on his computer, Harry would secretly delete 'Tomlinson' from Louis' written name and replace it to 'Styles', then he'll rapidly delete it when he hears Louis' footsteps coming back.

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