Closet Cases

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7:26 PM, Friday, October 31st, 1952

Murray pushed Kevin off of him, staring wide-eyed at him.

"What the hell?!" he shouted.

Kevin blushed. "You said you liked me."


"Oh God," Kevin groaned into his hands. "I messed up, didn't I?"

The door suddenly opened.

"What are you two doing in here?" asked Fred.

Murray bolted up and pushed past Fred.

"Hey, where are you going?" Fred said.

Murray didn't answer and just kept going.

He went out to the backyard, opening the gate to the path that strung most of the houses in north France together, and turned left to go to his house.

After Murray had been walking for a while, Fred finally caught up to him.

"HEY!" Fred shouted. "What happened?"

Murray stopped and turned to face Fred.

"We were playing 'truth or dare,' and James dared Kevin to get into a closet for five minutes."

Fred gave him a weird look.

"I don't know," Murray continued, "he said 'get in here for five minutes with someone.' We thought he'd pick a girl, so as a joke he pulled me in there and locked us in. Well, after everyone left, it didn't start out too bad, but after a while, we were talking, and out of nowhere..."

Murray seethes.

"Out of nowhere," he continued, "he kissed me!"

Fred could feel his face turning red as well.

How dare he? he thought. How dare Kevin do this to me?!

"Fred, say something," Murray said.

"Kevin?" Fred said. "I don't believe you."

Justin suddenly appeared, having followed them from the party. Kevin followed close behind.

"Guys!" Justin shouted. "Kevin told me what happened!"

"Murray told me what happened," said Fred.

"Well, hear him out."

"Justin," said Murray, "get lost. I don't see how this is your place."

"Shut up, Murray."

Everyone turned, wide-eyed, toward Justin. He was usually pretty nice.

"Kevin?" Justin started.

"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, Murray," said Kevin. "I just... I like you. I think you're cute. And pretty great."

"I don't believe this," snapped Murray. "You're a freaking homo!"

Murray stepped toward Kevin, but Justin blocked him.

"Watch your language, you little punk," Justin warned.

"Oh what, are you one, too?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes, I am. And I think you're out of place. Of course I don't think Kevin should've jumped on you, but you, sir, are overreacting."

"Overreacting? OVERREACTING?!"

Fred suddenly grabbed Murray's face, squeezing his mouth shut.

"Yes, Murray," said Fred. "We'll take care of Kevin later, but right now, why don't you go home?"

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